The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 772.

Other twelve people followed the killing, all kinds of magical, spells while killing!

Qin Shou saw this, laughing: "Even the empress, also want to kill the bungery, I am?" One of Qin Shou Dago, directly swallowed all of these Universities! Subsequently, the wheel squash squash squatted to the front!

The bullish eyes and the dragon tails are killed by the coffin, and I dare to block Qin Shou? I am busy dodging!

However, Qin Shou opened time, I have long seen the trajectory of his dodge, and the coffin suddenly changed the direction, and he smashed on the head blame, and then the bee was strange, and the coffin made a flying gray!

However, this time, Qin Shou is faster, and the soul of the bullhead has not been suiled, and the soul is smashed out, swallowed!

Search memory!

As a result, Qin Shou depressed is that the eternal Tianshi is too overbearing, and even the memory of the cattle strange! The useful information of Qin Shouneng is too small!

However, Qin Shou still got a message, that is, it will have a full moon tonight! And, it will be very dangerous in the village!

Qin Shou wants to rush into the city wall with two women, and the result is just going out!

A white light shining!

At the same time, Qin Shou felt a powerful force, the strength of strength, the power is far from the king! Absolutely the quie, even more powerful!

Qin Shou is angry, and the sky is broke out, a boxing, heaven and earth shake!


Qin Shou only felt a horrible and strong, and he was not refunded after you!

The other party is not well received, Qin Shou's power is uncomfortable, under the break, at least the power of Qin Shou twice!

The other party sullen, fly back, one arm, obviously injured!

Qin Shou turned over and fell on the wall. This only saw the appearance of the people. Handsome faces, with a few points, the face of the blue gluten riped, double eyes blood red, mouth hung hung ... However, the five senses of this person, If you look closely, it is the same as the river!

Qin Shou is some, what is going on? Sku is not to say, is the river are the traitor in them? How can I stop Qin Shou leave the village at this time?

Qin Shou called: "Uncle, you are finally willing, what medicine is you selling in this gourd?"

"Uncle? Haha ... I don't have this nephew, kid, and stay in the village! If you dare to come out, I will put your leg!" Jiangxi haha ​​laughed, his face is mad color!

"He is not a river! The breath is completely different!" Shang Yang on the front.

"See the owner!" The rest of the twelve monsters came over and worship.

"Get up, this damn river is really annoying. If he stops me, the fool will not die." The man shook his head.

"Who are you?" Qinyuan station is on the other side of Qin Shou, staring at the man in front of him.

The man is relaxing, quite elegant: "Self-introduction, under the minister!"

"Shu ..." Qin Shou took a breath, he had a guess before this, but it absolutely did not expect that the minister will be here!

Qin Shou saw the drought, hook, and back, the last three are the ancestors of the zombie, but Qin Shou is very clear, they are all

And there is different! The body of this guy is the strength of God branches and most of the power! If you say the drought, you will hook, and then the three people integrate the power of the , then the minister will blend the seven points! Plus the power of the god branches, his strength, absolutely far more than the drought, hook, and then three people!

Several strength is not a level!

Let Qin Shou unexpectedly, Qinyuan also knows the minister!

Qinyuan Road: "The corpse repair the ancestor minister? Are you not dead?"

"Damn? I am not dead, why talk to death? Just being trapped in this damn place." The minister smiled easily.

Shangyang said: "Take the minister, we have no hatred with you, why do you have to go with us? Your strength you have reached the top of the queen, and our strength is not too weak than you. If you are desperate, you may not Come on! "

The minister seems to hear a big joke, laughing: "How these idiots do you think I am a royal? Haha ..." Laugh, the minister suddenly disappeared!


There is no chance to even react, but it has been shot!

However, it is surprised that the minister and business sheep are more than one person before the merchants, a punch and will be bombarded!

It is Qin Shou!

Qin Shou opened the time from the beginning, and saw the future, it was in the future. He naturally saw the picture of the minister to deal with the business sheep, although Qin Shou did not look at it, but now it is a boat, naturally, it can't make the minister!

Qin Shou's power, under the support of the two magic weapons, after the power of Tong Tian, ​​Qin Shou can span a big level in an instant, reach the queen! But at this moment, the strength is absolutely surpassing the queen, but Qin Shou still blocked! Because Qin Shou passed the time of time, I saw something!

After incubating the power of the minister, after the Qin Shou body, the two ancestors in the sea were bleed, a roaring, actually swallowed this force! .

Chapter 88 Rabbit Fighting

Rabbit fighting

Then the two ancestors increased significantly! And Qin Shou also touched the fish, using the furnace refining, the god of swallowing, from the middle, and the strength of Qin Shou also increased the small increase, from the king-level three heavens to four days!

This is the real reason for Qinshou outlets! Since the two ancestors have such a powerful use, Qin Shou has no reason to not use it! Enhance your strength!

Looking at Qin Shou, I was shocked, followed by a smile: "Your little ghost is nothing to do, the power is not good, but it is very resistant."

Qin Shou followed a laugh: "Is it just anti-? Let me not believe that the rabbit will kill you today?"

"If you rely on you?" The sharp color of the minister, then the fist appeared!

As a result, Qin Shou is a silk, his flesh is like a black hole, and the power of the minister is in the sea, and there is no splash, no splash!

The minister finally became the face, said: "What is your body?"

Qin Shou smiled: "There is nothing in my body, just there is a ancestor! Will not force me to kill you! Rabbit, I am

Kill professional households! "

The minister did not take advantage of: "I am not awkward, I can't control my soul! I am me! You let me be curious ... But now I don't have time to study you. Your flesh is indeed strong, but your two friends are also Can I block my attack? "

Qin Shou face changed slightly, then shook his head: "I am, you can't kill people!"

"You are too ..." When the minister opened, it disappeared. When I was confident, I have already played Qin Yuan!

However, let the minister are depressed, when the fist is about to fall, Qin Shou has appeared again!


Qin Shou and will once again homped a punch. Qin Shou still silky, and will not be injured after adapting to Qin Shou. It is even difficult to even shake.

Two people standing there, face-to-face, four eyes relative.

Some people are somewhat uncomfortable: "Your guy is really hard, I seem to have a close you, but you can't pass me, so you still have to stay here."

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