The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 773.

After that, I took the court to the village, holding the shirt: "The guy of the river is really annoying ..."

"Is your brain kick? Fighting with me, can't play, you strange the uncle? It's said, you said that you don't fight, the rabbit is not

Very no face? Come to the two, the rabbit will fight with you three hundred rounds! "Qin Shou's eyes looked at such a good spap, there is no way, how can this? You don't shoot, the rabbit, I shot!

Qin Shou two words do not say, rush it up, and take a fist!

When I saw this, I lost a lot of color in my eyes. He is the emperor of the corpse! Ancestor! The majesty is not to invade anyone!

Qin Shou has a strong ants with strong flesh defensive power, but I want to challenge his majesty people. I can't bear it!

The minister is gloomy: "Mingling, looking for death!" After finishing, will shot again, this time, the minister is no longer an ordinary attack, and there is a changing a life and death roulette, and Qin Shou actually has a kind. Fall into the ring of life and death, can't live, death can't die!

Qin Shou's heart shocked, knowing that the minister will be very fierce, but I didn't expect it to be so fierce! I can drag Qin Shou in the scope of Qin Shou without encountering Qin Shou! Let Qin Shou passive, can't pull it out in his trend!

The card is in the raw roulette, can't be reincarnated, can't die, this is the life situation of the corpse, and it is desperate!

When Qin Shou, when he was distinguished, he had a punch in Qin Shou's chest. The moment of power was absorbed by two ancestors, Qin Shou followed a little benefit. However, the body is still hit by the violent power! The bombard, smashing the huge behem of the wall, falling on the ground, plowing a gouny!

Qinyuan saw this, roaring, the featuring color once again, a fan, seven flames intertwined in the air, and finally turned into a group of seven-color bee cracked to the minister!

I saw this, a cold snoring, a sleeve, a miserable dead, the colorful bee hit a dead, the color of the body turned into a gray, then, turned out to change the direction, kill back !

And these white bees seem to be able to infect viruses, attacking one, infecting one, then another re-infecting other bee!

Qinyuan saw this, taking a breath: "How is this possible? Even the death of God can infection?"

The bee army has been conquered by the dead, and the killing is coming back!

The business sheep falls from the sky, the banner is a roll, the bangs, and the mousse of these white is broken!

Show this, slightly smile: "Now I think I am a queen? Legend, really will happen ..."

The voice has not fallen, a large radish falls from the sky, when a knock is on the head of a monster behind the court, the guy does not expect that it is a lot of trouble and will also provoke a disaster!

After Qin Shou, a stick killed the monster, a big mouth, directly swallowed!

The furnace refining is launched, and it will refine it into the original strength, the avenue, and the rules of the heavens have been plundered by Qin Shou! Qin Shou's strength has once again increased!

The minister suddenly turned back, anger: "You are dead!"

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Why don't you know why you don't know why you have to be sleepy in the village, but I will definitely, you need to live! Don't say that the rabbit is not dead, even if the rabbit Cai, you won't kill me, right? "

The secret of the minister: "Do you think I don't dare to kill you?"

Qin Shou cut, despised: "You have to kill! You don't kill me, I have to kill you!"

After that, Qin Shou suddenly accelerated, rushing to the will!

The minister is a cold, and there are more G gun in his hands. Suddenly I noticed, my big drink: "You are avoided!"

However, late!

A portal opened in front of Qin Shou in the sprint, next moment, Qin Shou diamond entered the door, appeared in a monster head in the distance, falling, big radishes directly! Tongtian, full blow! .

Chapter 89 Life and Death

Life and death roulette


The other party was blown on the spot, Qin Sutuan!

I will see this, anger is unstoppable, immediately chase!

However, Qin Shou found a monster to another cock, no matter the minister.

The monster saw this, scared the death, turn around! As a result, there were more doors in front of you, and I clicked in, I came out, just saw a big radish and smashed!


The cock head was pulpted, and the soul of the soul, Qin Shou was swallowed! After all, this monster can do not have the abilities of the virus change, and Qin Shou can not use Tongtu when they start to catch the phoenix! At that time, I still want to hide the strength. I don't want to be so much now!

In addition, Qin Shou is in the swallowing monsters, the strength will follow the improvement, and the two attacks of the best sparring will, Qin Shou's strength is also stronger, the more powerful, killing the harmonious monster leader The more it is easy!

When the cock killed, the minister killed, and a punch was on the back of Qin Shou, Qin Shou borrowed out and opened the door!

When I saw Qin Shou, I opened the door of the void, and the rest of the ghosts were ran!

The result is still chased by Qin Shou one, one by one, killing in half of the air, swallowing an empty!

And the minister is from the head to the end, but it is only to attack Qin Shou more than a few times, but he can't stop the footsteps of Qin Shou murder!

Qin Shou killed the leaders of the monster. He turned back to the splendid. "Take the minister, you are really not enough, the younger brother is too rare, and more come to me?"

Staring at Qinshi Road, the minister is very unparalleled: "Your guy is really a weird, but congratulations, you have anger me!"

After that, he opened six pairs of wings behind the minister, slowly flying into the air, and then there was a huge life and death roulette, and there was a glimpse of the rays and twisted all over the world!

Qin Shou shocked the discovery, his strength is being seal!

Qin Yuan and Shangmei rushed over and said: "Not good, the minister is to make us completely seal. Can't let him continue, otherwise we are dangerous."

"Seal? No ... Time is almost, I am sending you to the road!" He looked up at the sky, the blood cloud in the sky was coming away, Qin Shou even saw a moonlight! Qin Shou knows that it is the only door to go out! Although I don't know what I want to do, it is definitely not a good thing!

Just then, the madness, the life and death roulette on the top of the head suddenly enlarged, then dropped, the whole village, and Qin Shou three,

The part is covered in it!

Subsequently, the minister did a big drink: "Receive!"

The life and death roulette begins to slow down!

Qin Shoudao: "He is going to force us into the village, keep up with me, mix this broken wheel!" Qin Shouyi carrots killed the sword, one hand eternal, choose the north, kill it directly! "

Qinyuan and the merchants followed it, this time, the three finally worked together.

In the sky, I laughed and said: "I live in the roulette, using countless corpse rituals, but in the dragon Fengzu grave, the battlefield absorbs countless soldiers, suffocating, in the extreme yin, there is a pole yang, thus forming Congenital Lingbao! Just want to rush out? "

Qin Shou didn't care about what the minister said, and pulled it out with the radish! At the same time, Tongtian is fully working, the power of two magic treasures is integrated in the air, and the bangs are on the ribs of life and death!

Almost at the same time, Qinyuan's flames, the banner of business sheep and shields are also on the ribs of life and death!

The strength of the three explosions at the same time!

The life and death roulette in the rotating shrink is slightly smashed, and the speed is lowered.

"Is it?" Qin Yuan is bright.

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