The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the flood is the jade rabbit / the old man of the Westward Journey is the jade rabbit

However, the next moment, the life and death roulette suddenly became black from the white! Black life and death roulette exudes endless dead, the speed of rotation is faster,

The speed of shrinkage is faster!

Qin Shou is the first to rush, and the wheel is hit together, and Qin Shou is shocked. The power of this roulette becomes bigger!

Almost at the same time, Wu Dao's head also wore this nature of this life and death roulette. This is really like a minister, it is the horror magic weapon of the extremely yin and extreme Yang! There are more no souls, countless ice souls, hundreds of millions of corpse bones, which is not a life and death roulette, but a real dead disk! The one of them is angry, and it is more insignificant than the pound of the dead!

Qin Shou saw this, not shocked, laughing: "It turns out that we will attack, it will argance, increase his strength!"

"What? Then we don't have to wait for it? The more attacking, how do you play?" Qin Yuan said weakly.

Qin Shoudao: "That may not necessarily, this is extremely unbalanced, but because the power of the Qiyang is that this is the best thing to be generated, so it is not to be destroyed by the power of the Yin! But Yin power can't be lost, it does not mean that we can't destroy! As long as it is destroyed, it is a little bit of the Qianyang. This roulette has no balance of the Qiyang. It will be broken by the crazy very yin! Shot! "

After that, the strength of Qin Shou body began to compress and turned into pure yang! At the same time, Qin Shou has not used the common work, and the power of Zhu Rong also integrates! Cooperating is a water god, but the water is not all Yin.

, The aqueous water is the yang attribute, and everything in the world can be purified!

The flame of Zhu Rong doesn't have to say it, Yang Zhongyang!

After the two stations were mobilized, Qin Shou's body was burned to a pure yang flame! The fireworks bears, but there is no temperature, but it gives people a very warm feeling! This is the power of Yang!

But this is not enough! Qin Shou Eye is running, actually simulating the avenue in life and death roulette, instantly converting the strength of the body, the power of the pounds also appears, such as the power of pure yang, Qin Shou coenced the pure The power of the yin water, as well as the force of the inclusion of the virurin.

These power is running in Qin Shou's right hand hand, it is not sent!

Old people can't see anything, and you can only see Qin Shou's power! .

Chapter 90 layer calculation

Layer calculation

In the sky, I saw this, and I smiled: "I ignorant! Your strength is good, but I want to block my life and death roulette, I am idiotic dream! Time is coming, there is no time to wait ... Go back to the village!" The blood of life, the blood red full moon is the only key to open the channel! You are my sacrifice! "

At this moment, Qin Shou, Qinyuan, and Shangmei finally understood, why did the ministers let them stay in the village! This guy is to give them a sacrifice!

"The moon is coming out, kills!" The business sheep is half-air, and it is a one-foot bird. The bird is better than the snow, and the eyes are sharp as an eagle, and there is a wind and rain. The business sheep and other birds are different, and her body is extremely elegant, and it seems that it is in the dance, and people are pleasing. But the power of the show is amazing!

A huge water behind the business sheep is condensed, the water drops slowly, as if there is a terrible and incomparable storm to come up!

Qinyuan followed the sky, the colorful feathers change, and the original is more than a seven-color needle!

Qin Shou knows that Qinyuan's body is similar to the bee, this is very likely to be the magic weapon of her life!

Since the two women took out their own skills, Qin Shou nature no longer hidden.

Private, full of running Tongtian, Yin Yang's power tells condensed in Qin Shou body!

After three people converge, kill the life and death roulette again!

The minister shook his head: "Three don't know what to live, if I was injured when I was injured, I killed you like killing ants! Why would you be so hard ... Damn, what is the tomb ..."

The life and death roulette began with the business sheep. The blue water droplets of the business sheep integrated into the banner, and the big flag bombarded a gap with a gap.

Then, Qinyuan's needle, the seven-color light flashes, the life and death roulette seems to have a huge, and the , !

Qin Shou saw this, laughing: "It is best!"

During the speech, Qin Shou suddenly narrowed the body, directly drilling into the mid-term route along the gap! This life and death roulette is between the virtuality, Qin Shou wants to go in, find that pure sun, then destroy it! In this way, this roulette will crash! Will also give the minister to a small gift!

Qin Shou drilled into the raw roulette. I only felt all around the dead, suffocating, changing the average people, afraid that it will be instant to fly ash! However, Qin Shou's flesh is too terrible, and there is a golden bell body, which doesn't care about these things.

However, Qin Shou found that there seems to be something else,

People shaking, swaying around. However, these things seem to be afraid of something, only dare to wind around, do not dare to rely.

Qin Shou is also too lazy to manage them. According to the analysis of the head of the enlightenment, it is very clear in the roulette. The goal of Qin Shou is clear, that is, the spot in his eyes!

That spot seems to feel the crisis, even in the life and death roulette, trying to hide!

Unfortunately, the life and death roulette is full of yin, suffocating, dead, so pure yang is like the light fire in the night, too shine, escape!

Qin Shou quickly chased the spot, the right hand was yang, the endless is in the power of the Yin, that is trembling, surrounded by endless suffocating, dead, the greatness of the Yin, wants Qin The power of life is resolved.

However, Qin Shou has prepared, and the left hand follows out, and the power of endless times! The power of the invasion, such as the flame in the night, the power of the Yin Yin is moth! One by one immediately turned the direction, culling the power of the Qin Shou played out.

After the power of Qin Shou, the power of the Yin Yin was short-lived, immediately broke all the strength, and turned off that pool!

In an instant, Qin Shou felt that the space surrounded by the space became unstable! Originally, the same substantial life and death roulette, immediately become illusively! Qin Shou two words do not say, a big mouth, swallow!

The life and death roulette is white, the combination of the power of the extreme and the power of the Qiyang

Body, once the balance is broken, his magic weapon form will collapse, researchers are the power of the extreme!

This is pure power, Qin Shou has no reason to let go!

Qin Shou is still not enough, incarnation three six arms, crazy swallowing the power of the Yin ...

Outside, I thought that I had already got a big success, I was ready to welcome the full moon, and the other person in the crack was put on the crack, the person lying in the big tomb!

Just then, suddenly flashing an angry color in the eyes, roaring: "Good little bastard, you can't ruin my magic weapon? Looking for it! Give me out!"

During the speech, I will rush down, and the big hand is grabbed, caught in Qin Shou!

Qin Shou also induced the breath of the ministers. I didn't say that I didn't say that the eternal Tianduan had passed, smiled: "Do you want? That will you give you?"

Almost at the same time, the big hand of the minister has appeared, and I caught the eternal talents. Subsequently, the energy of the big hand rose a group of white smoke, smoke rising, big hand crashed!

The opening of the outside shouted: "Damn!" Hurry and retreat!

Qin Shou didn't care about him, and he said: "At this time, when will he come? Leave the village!"

Where will I wait? Early accelerate the goal!

The minister saw this, and the cold snorted: "If you want to go? I will leave me! Live!"

Next, the eight gangliang, eight white bone flags suddenly stand up, yin winds, white fog is filled, and it will block around it in an instant!

Qin Shou surrounded by this eight-faced banner, then Qin Shou only felt that the strength of the surrounding strength was suddenly stronger, the bombarded, the body did not defeat the ground!

The same is true of Qin Yuan and Shang Sheep!

In the air, the minister said: "Run? I let you stay, do you run out? This is the eight pole seal, suffocating, the weight is, the power is bigger! Here, this method can kill Anyone! You ruined my life and death roulette, this is self-found! Nowadays, no one can save you! "..

Chapter 91, the backhand of the river

River's backhand

Qin Shou looked up at the sky, a big drink, do hundreds of thousands of feet size, becoming the leg, jumping on the air, slap the hand!

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