The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the Yutong Chapter 775.

Show this, disdain, no mouth: "Ignorance, you are in the array, can you hurt me?"


Sure enough, Qin Shou seems to be in front of the minister, but a slap is in the air, and the edge of the minister is wiped.

Qin Shou saw this, and the eyes flashed a disappointment, he naturally understood the theory of two worlds in the array, but he would like to see the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred. The door can't be opened!

The array is blocked the space!

Qin Shouli is on the ground, smiles: "This old guy is really too much, actually calculating such a deep, dripping is not leaking!"

Qinyuan Road: "Indeed, we have been in the nose from the beginning. He used some garbage to delay us, let us think that you can easily break out ... At that time, we will not take the door to escape the door to the space. Then he personally Show, even at the expense of all the hands, it is to delay the time. After moving out your space, it immediately uses the life and death roulette to block the empty ... After the dead wheel is broken, this eight-pole bone array is activated. I really don't know, how many rear hands do he! Because

, Step by step, it is a master of the minister ... The hegemony in the corpse! "

Shangyang said: "Say these are useless, even if he knows that he can block the empty space, we can't use the space of the sky to escape. While no choice, I chose to serve in this village as a sacrifice, obvious, want to leave Here is yourself here, we want to leave, you must stay, play with him, only winners can leave. "

Qin Shou sighs: "It is true, otherwise the rabbit will take you with you. He also calculated this, so you can arrange a variety of backhand."

Qinyuan Road: "I don't know where the river is going, if he is, there should be a little change. Even if it is not a friend, at least, it will not be a friend of the minister."

"Jiangliu?" Shangmei eyes suddenly shine, big shot: "Jiangliu, you come out! I know, you must be nearby!"

Qin Shou smiled and shook his head: "Don't shout, uncle you are looking for, isn't you in front of you? Right, the minister? You are a river, the river is you!"

I heard the minister and gently drums: "The eyes are good, how did you see it?"

Qin Shoudao: "I can see it, much more than you think. You are a river, nor a river, right?"

The face of the minister is slightly solidified, and Qin Shou continues: "One of the souls, you and the river flock to grab a body, if someone helps the river, you

Do you say that you will press you? "

I heard the minister, the pupil was slightly smaller, and then easily laughed: "You are very smart, but smart people will live for a long time. Some people help the river, who can help the river?"

Qin Shou grin said: "Of course it is me!"

"You? Haha ... you are unaware, you said you want to help the river? What can you take?" The minister seems to hear a big joke.

Qin Shou followed, and smiled happier, laughed: "I finally understood that the rivers' uncle let us stay in the village. The backhand of the rivers, I am afraid you still don't know?"

I laughed and said: "Drag! Jiang Dynasty, I will not know? My layout he also knows, but he has not destroyed from his head to the end! Similarly, everything he did, I also know that he did not have any hand!"

Qin Shou, I laughed: "Are you sure?"

"Nature!" The minister started, and it was very confident.

Qin Shoudao: "Then I will let you see the backhand of the rivers' uncle! Qinyuan, business sheep, help me, pass your strength to me!"

I didn't want to think about the jade hand in the back of Qin Shou!

After the merchant sheep, she did it, she was very clear, now the three people are bundled on a rope, which is damaged! So, I can only fight!

The two powers entered the Qin Shou body, Qin Shou directly put into the sky! At the same time, the 10th place in nine days is fully running, the next year, Qin Shou has appeared a hundred space worm holes! Qin Shou actually opened a hundred unconscious, plundering hundreds of unpaged yuan for it!

This is also the result of Qin Shou so many years. For the 10th place of nine days, he found that the world's worm hole can open, there is no upper limit at all! As long as he is enough, the flesh is strong enough, you can open more!

The power of one hundred planes integrate into Qin Shou body, Qin Shou's Tongtian's power has skyrocket!

The minister saw this, the eyes flashed a doubt, he really can't see it, and Qin Shou is doing this! Qin Shou's strength is terrible, but a person and a array of abortion? How to see a very stupid thing!

Unless the strength of this person exceeds ten times the force of the array, it will not play at all!

Qin Shou made a smile in the chance: "Give you the backhand of the rivers, the same person, this IQ is really a big gap!" After the finish, Qin Shou fell to the ground! "

At that moment, I finally understood anything, anger: "Break, assistant!"

However, it has been late!

Qin Shouyi fostered on the ground, the earth was crushed, and a fragment was split.

Open, then slammed, was smashed, and the earth was born with a deep tens of thousands of meters!

Qinyuan saw this, I suddenly thought about what, call: "I understand! Jiang Dynasty said that the earth is not moving, it is dead!"

Business sheep supplement; "There is a horrible existence in the underground, and the river does not dare to move the soil! Last time we have seen that guy, one power is divided, it is very terrible! The guy should be ..."

Qin Yuan smiled: "When you are on the age, I am afraid that I have to get rid of the sky!"

Qin Shou smiled: "How about the minister, what?"

I didn't wait for the minister to answer, the land began to collapse, and a horrible consciousness gradually woke up. Subsequently, the roaring came out: "Hey!"

Of a roar, cover the sky!

The earth is like a sea, and the sky is tumbling! I don't know how many miles of land are rolling! .

Chapter 92 Women's Heart

Woman's heart

At the same time as the minister, the anger, it has been shot, and the eight-pole sealing bone array has eight bones, while assassing Qin Shou, Qinyuan and business sheep!

Business sheep knows that the court will shoot, just did not expect so fast! Eight bones, the sword was chair, and the power of Shang Sheep was in Qin Shouchen, and she is now the most vulnerable! As long as you breathe, she can restore a certain combat force, but now she is unable to dodge!

It is getting closer and closer to the bones of the bone spurs. She doesn't believe that Qin Shou will take care of her at this key point! She doesn't think that she and Qin Shou have come to a near step, let Qin Shou regardless of Qinyuan, come to save her!

So the business sheep chose closed eyes!

At this moment, the business sheep was surprised to find that her heart became quiet, and the past, the past scene, all kinds of things fooled in my mind, and finally, the unbeliest discovery of Shangshi, she There are two shadows in the heart!

Name known as a friend, alone in the world, only my business sheep, my heart has more shadow! One is Qinyuan, this woman who hates her! But she had to admit that the things that year did not blame the original, she found the trouble of Qinyuan so many years, more in this way.

, Shirk responsibility, anesthesia, find a replacement sheep!

And against the original? Although she will homogenize her, even the name of the merchant sheep, I will hit the deception, give her trouble, but when she is in trouble, I didn't help her in the dark?

Especially recently, the business sheep is very clear, she can live, there is a lot of reasons because Qinyuan!

Another figure, the business sheep did not expect that it would be Qin Shou! This makes her hate to shoot, but there is a mixed egg thing with a harmful emotion! Business sheep, from the ancient people, from the family to be cultivated by the family with the absolute elite model, and high-profile value to their own women.

However, the pink of the business sheep was seen by this blended rabbit, but the butt was also touched ... This made the business sheep extremely anger, but at the same time, the family ancient education system, but she had to admit that this is the only touch Her man. Either marry him, or kill him! Her body is absolutely not allowed to be tarnished!

At first, the business sheep also wanted to kill Qin Shou, but now it seems that she wants to kill Qin Shou! Even can't do it!

The most important thing is that this time experience, Qin Shou did all, although it shouted a hundred and twenty unhappiness, but the bones of a man, two women's days !

Especially when the merchant sheep is injured, the most vulnerable when the business sheep life, the most people need people to take care of, and Qin Shou guards her, and

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