The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 776.

Help her to solve poison. Even for her risk into the ground, rob the poisonous royal blood. All this makes her feel ...

Perhaps, change a time, change a situation, the business sheep will not have any emotional fluctuations. Because of the strong business sheep, there is only yourself in my heart, others will not let her heart rise, because she is strong enough, self-confidence, self-confidence can solve every problem!

But this time is different, the strength is almost all, her life is at the same time, while the strength is fragile, the soul has also had a gap, and this gap is just drilled in Qin Shou. Unconsciously, no matter whether the business sheep admits that she has such a shadow!

If in the past, the business sheep will find a way to erase this shadow, but now, the business sheep knows that he wants to die, but let go of the heart, no longer resist, excluded, but quietly looks at the shadow, In the heart, whispering: "I thought I will finish life, I didn't expect someone to come in. If you don't die, you will be my only man ... Although I won't tell you, I will only silently stand behind you. "

Just when the merchants were cranky, the shoulders were painful, and they opened their eyes. Subsequently, she found that she was not helped by others, forced into the arms! Warm embrace, the taste of the, don't look at her, it is Qin Shou!

On the other hand, Qinyuan's ideas and business sheep are completely different. When the crisis is coming, she is not afraid, she knows, the born rabbit

It is like a general, everything is in the forefront before, everywhere, he is so rest assured!

Qinyuan has even time, and makes a ghost face!

The air of the gas is almost rushed into the big matrix!

Sure enough, the next moment, Qin Shou's big hand has been extended, and I will enter the arms into the arms.

Qin Shou naturally didn't know the volatility of two women, just for the responsibility, the two believed that he passed his strength to him, then he must launch the launch of Li, protect the safety of the two women! What's more, one of them is still his own lady!

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Take the minister, you can't break it, don't go, but do you want to kill me with this? Do you have?"

Qin Shouhua is three-headed and six arms, one hand is in the coffin, and dances with carrots, and the other two hands clenched the fist, Tongtian!

The top of the head is falling, and Qin Shou and two women are in it!


Carrots and bone horses hit together, splashing the sky, the bones, long swords!


The coffin as always, and a coffin shredded with the bones!


Qin Shou's fist is also ferocious, bombards a bone thorn!

Subsequently, Qinshou wishes, and then collapsed three spurs,

The rest of the two bones, the sword thorn on the golden clock, the golden bell is twice, and it is easy to shock the bone spurs!

And the other side, the earth rolls, one big hand reached out, directly shining the nearest Qin Shou!

Qin Shou saw this, haha ​​smiled: "You come to chase me!"

Qin Shou runs, then the big hand immediately followed!

As a result, the big hand was only chased for a while, stopped. Qin Shou's heart is excited, whispered: "I hope this guy's stagger is a force!" ..

Chapter 93 is too old

Too old

"When you have the soil, you will be too old. You are looking for death!" A roar came from underground, and then the earth was blown away from the ground, then a big meat was slowly rising from the crack, more horrible That big meat is turned into a change in distorting, then growing up thousands of eyes, thousands of hands!

Thousands of hands, waving the power of the earth together, sweeping the four parties!

The minister saw this, taking a breath of cold, said: "Too old! It turns out that you are playing too old from the end to the end! The death, too old, you don't mess!"

However, everything is late, too older hand inserted into the void, and the tear of this world is the power of the whole land of this world, the strength is endless, as if the whole land is angry!

The violent power, swept the quarter!

I have to be collapsed in the eyes of the minister, and I have to come out again. I bite my teeth, I'm too old, you dare to be bad, even you kill together! "

After that, the minister will fall, and one of the printers is in the middle of the big array, the flag is rolled, and the big array has a chance to make a lift! Solitaire, actually put the power of too old to the power!

Qin Shou saw this, the heart was shocked, whispered: "The situation is somewhat not, this will be far more than our imagination!"

Qinyuan is turning, whisper: "Don't worry, the minister seems to be hurt, very serious! Otherwise, he uses this power at first, we have died. You look at the minister, already vomiting blood!"

Qin Shou looked at, and it was more difficult, and the face was increasingly ugly. The mouth hanging on the mouth, obviously the outbreak, giving him the same load!

The business sheep suddenly opened: "The minister wants to press it too old, and it is impossible to fight for a half-life. This is a big man, you can manipulate the power of thousands of avenues. It is already too old. Strength. Strength Kuperbi, feng, or even the existence of the emperor! This is too old, has become a climate ... and this is too temper, it is like a blood, not the general so old, yellow SE, obviously, he It is contaminated by the world's suffocation, so too old combat power. If I haven't guess wrong, this is too old like another time and space, but it is growing in this world. "

The voice of Shang Sheep is very low, even a bit gentle, Qin Shou is still thinking, thinking is that Qinyuan is talking. It was found that the business sheep was speaking, and the bottom consciousness Mo business woman's mind is: "There is no fever, no sickness ... how this speech is weak."

The merchant sheep heard the words, and the heart was full of fire! This plan is to treat this rabbit, but this bastard is simply her gratitude, just a word, you can pull her anger, the sound is high, anger: "Roll! This sound is you satisfied?"

Qin Shou is not a fool, and he has more than many women, it is not a love family, although it is uncertain why the business sheep has changed his attitude. But this tone of Shangmei is obviously the little woman feels like!

Although my heart is inexplicable, it is always because of being angry with the merchant sheep, so I laughed: "Although you are very fierce, but still you have a taste. If you come back, you haven't burn it?"

The strength of Shang Yang has not fully recovered, simply biting directly on Qinshou's arm!

Qin Shou immediately called the scream.

Look at the excitement of the excitement, covering a small zui, watching the eyes of business sheep. The merchant sheep feeled that Qinyuan seems to see the eyes of her mind, pretty face is red, angry: "What do you see? Go out, kill you!"

Qinyuan giggled: "Okay, I am waiting."

Qinyuan's little eyes, the business sheep got it, simply twisted, did not see these two bastards.

Qin Shou smiled two, although I didn't like the previous business sheep, but now this truth reveals, and I have a little shy business sheep, it is indeed a very lustrous REN. However, Qin Shou didn't have time to appreciate it, because it was too old!

"Here is my site, the minister, do you dare to do it too old?

you wanna die! "The whole body has become a hot red, and Qin Shou can't help but come:" My day, is this the legendary barbecue? " "

"You a bastard, don't talk, I don't want to be chased by this meat Qiu!" The business sheep quickly slammed the mouth of Qinshou.

Qin Shou took the small hand of the business sheep and smiled: "Women block men's mouth, but not use hands."

"What is it used?" Shangmei is stunned.

Looking at the business woman, Qin Shou almost didn't hold back, kiss. Ok, he also knows, now he is not suitable for talking love, never returning, dry cough two: "Wait until the brother grows, my brother teaches you."

"Hey!" Shangmei said, vaguely guess what, twisted the head and didn't see Qin Shou.

The merchant sheep approved the anger of the Idios, this guy has completely ignored Qin Shou, Qinyuan, and the three small reptiles of Shangshi. All anger is dumped on the body!

Over the age of roar, the power of the earth is more embarrassed, thousands of hands, thousands of eyes simultaneously shoot a yellow SE light column, and the light column is fused into a huge light column in the air, and the blood column can be seen in the light column can see the blood color texture!

This moment is too old, like a super electromagnetic gun, outbreak!

Impact energy, bombing everything, the fog from the array is dissipated on the spot! The minister saw this, the brow is picking up, and hundreds of prints have been picked up, and eight arrays are turned simultaneously. A group of white fog rises, a white giant

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