The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 777.

The beast rushed out from the white fog, open his hands, and strive to the light column!


The behemoth and the light column were hit together, the huge behemoth did not shoot the light column, but after the shock of the light column, the two ditch he was plowed on the ground! The behemoth roar, but he can't stop the footsteps!

I saw this, and I flashed a cold light in my eyes. I suddenly opened a mouthful of blood, blood was in the air into a rune, incident into the beast, the hair of the behemoth was bluntantly dyed, roaring in one Hey, stand in the place, then force, step by step! .

Chapter 94, Jiangli, and Shipping

Jiangli and will

Too old, the power of the end of the earth, the force of the earth, is too old, and the body is getting more and more red, it is getting more and more expanded, as if it will explode at any time!

"The meatball is so fast, we can't see the fun! Help! Too down the minister again!" Qin Shou said, and kill the coffin, kill it, half an air, Tongtian, and a boxing, On the brain of the beast!

The behemoth is a moment of being hit, and the power is reduced. After the heavens aged shock again!

Too many years to know that Qin Shou is with him, the power out of the outbreak is in compression, so that the impact power generated by the behemoth will not affect Qin Shou!

Qin Shou hurriedly called a thumbs up to the age: "Brothers, good, rabbits will help you die!"

Shangmei saw this, turned a white eye: "He is too old, the brother, this guy is also enough ... he doesn't know, is it too old to eat brothers?"

Qinyuan said: "How do I feel that this guy is to eat his brother ..."

After the giant beast was taken back by Qin Shou and Tai Si, the minister once again spurted a blood, this time, the body of the behemoth is doubled! Punch

, Directly column directly!

Qin Shouyi radish smashed, the behemoth anti-hands blocked, it is necessary to counterattack! Qin Shou is very unfortunate to face the eternal day.

Put the power of the Eternal Tiandan, which dares to let the beast to attack the coffin, the beast must not have to close the hand, the biggest meteor is too old!

Too many years to see this, the whole body expands again, fell a big mouth on the meat ball, flew out a blood red bead, the bead turned in the air, the sound! Qin Shou didn't even see the situation, I saw a huge beast being hit, almost falling!

Subsequently, the beads were rotated continuously, and a blood-red ray shouted, and the hit beast was full, and the wound took the next!

The minister angered: "Too old, you are very good! Since you are going to die, since you are looking for death, then I will send you to death!"

The minister once again spurted a sip of blood, and suddenly his face is as white, the breath is much smaller, obviously he also desperate!

Qin Shou is awkward: "What is this?"

Qinyuan said: "The old meat is known as a boy, you can get eternal life, and their life is the strength of his strength, once it is swallowed, the other party will perfect his power! He put it out of his life. This is desirable! "

Shangyang said: "If you don't desperate, you will be dead, and you will be too terrible! I heard that there is a nine huge beast to drive, and now I only put it.

It is already so powerful, if it is all out of the nine ... "

Qinyuan said: "It seems that his injury seems very serious, it is unable to drive the nine beasts."

Qin Shoudao: "Nine Head? I am awkward, this guy doesn't have to be so fierce?"

The business sheep explained: "Which is part of the ability, creates the beast, these giant beasts are fake, but there is a horrible force. You also saw it, the huge beast can be too old."

Qin Shoudao: "It is really powerful, and the bunny, my little heart is not jumping."

"Your guy, look at your eyes, you know that you are not afraid. You must have a backhand, don't you have? When you are, you still have a backhand? If you don't shoot, you will have to kill too old, we have to finish it. "Qin Yuan said.

Qin Shouyi grin said: "You don't want this way, you will have a bunny. I still have a big card. How happy is it? Woman, still a little, love you?"

Qinyuan fork and hand: "I am smart? How is it?"

Qin Shouyi refers to Qinyuan: "The beast kills!"

I turned around, my ass, I was taken a slap, Qin Shou laughed, and ran on the legs: "As this IQ, smart? Hey, the rabbit is really smart! This is for you Lessons, ... ... cool! "

Qinyuan is full of red way: "When the bastard is! The full moon is coming out! You still have a lot!"

Qin Shou smiled: "It's right, the rabbit master will wait this time!" After that, Qin Shou suddenly turned, stared at the minister: "Uncle, you don't shoot, this game can't play! I Take this goods into this way, can you still take power? At this time, when is it? "

I heard the minister, I was trembled, anger: "Jiang, you are crazy ?! I escaped, you can escape, do you want to be sleepy?"

However, the next moment, the eyes of the ministers began to become muted, then the left eye became gentle, but the right eye was still violent, hegemony, arrogant!

The voice of the river finally rang: "Why do you have to sacrifice them? Blood sacrifice, just let you go early, take early, take late, he won't let you go."

The minister angered: "What do you know? We can avoid his perception, escape from the day! I have waited for so many years this day, absolutely not allowed to give up! Jiang Flow, if you dare to block me, I will even kill together! "

The river shook his head: "Hey, I know that I can't stop you, but can you stop me? I don't move, how can you?"

The minister angered: "Are you crazy?"

Jiangli: "I am not crazy, just I want to try ..."

"How strong he is, you will be unclear? Do you still try?" The minister angered.

Jiangxi said: "I think that he doesn't want to be as strong as you imagine, he should have to hurt us with some kind of power. If he is really so horrible, we will not escape Come, you can't escape for so many years. Take the minister, you are afraid.

"What afraid? Haha ... river, I just don't want to be a fearless battle, I like 100% grasp! Today, they must die!" In the governor, the battle was crazy!

The river is still calm. This is very strange to half of the face of the two people. Half crazy violent!

On the other hand, the behemoth did not have the manipulation of the minister, and was suppressed again, and the shredded shredded! .

Chapter 95 causal

cause and effect

After getting the hands, thousands of hands were taken, and the rumored, a rock waver swept! The earth is bombard, a piece of blow! Bangfang flags have not supported, and the flakes are bombed into the sky!

Qin Shou quickly rushed out of the village in one hand.

Just then, Jiangli said: "Ready, full moon will appear after a quarter, that is the best time. However, the guy will kill you, the rest, you will rely on yourself."

Qin Shou is a hand: "No matter what you are like, thank you, the river is uncle! Although I have always thought that you are a bad slag! Now, the rabbit, I still guess half, ... ..."

The river shook his head: "Nothing to thank, if you have been in a hundred years, maybe I will teach your hand to suppress you. But now I want to pass ..."

Qinyuan said: "But what happened to you didn't understand, what is the battle of this village and monster?"

Jiangxi Road: "Don't remember how many years ago, you were killed, the soul fled, and most of them were taken by the god tree branches who were robbed by him, integrated together, and turned into a person! That's now this With flesh!

I was born in the branches of the god trees, he was a branches with god trees.

Fusion of knowledge. As the first corpse between the heavens and the earth, we are the only similarity between each other. He is working together with our conception, wants to become more powerful, pursue higher levels, thus getting rid of this bondage of this flesh, one is divided into two. Soon, he found that we can improve its own repair by drawing the blood of other creatures. As a result, we have hunting other creatures at all, causing the creature carbon.

Later, we were killed by Tiabs, and the Emperor of the Emperor and even people carryed the East Cross. We don't dare to fight, can only escape, and finally unconsciously, enter this world. This world is only in the sky, and there is nothing.

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