The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 778.

After we hid a period of time, we found a place where space is relatively weak, so I plan to get through the tunnel and go to other worlds. As a result, I didn't expect that we actually made a passage leading to the grave!

It is the time and space battlefield of the dragon and phoenix! It is also the grave, countless bodies of the dragon and phoenix, have accumulated as mountains, and the corpse is full of wild! This is the best cultivation of us! We can complete the body, all of them, and turn to the corpse after vampire! Become our servant! Think about it, if we have the dragon and phoenix two national army, and you can manipulate Zulong, Zu Feng fight, ask us if we will be afraid of? Even if the Emperor is Taiyi, we are also qualified to talk to him.

This is a crazy thoughts, but we are crazy at the time.

Done. As a result, we only sucked the blood of the poisonous phoenix, they won the soul of the dragon and phoenix! Especially one of the war, it is the residual soul of a ancestor!

The residual soul gave birth from the cemetery of its flesh, only one hit, just put us into serious injuries, the soul almost collapsed, the flesh, tound, completely smashed! We have been desperately escaped back, and they didn't dare to enter the time and space battlefield.

However, we have thought of another way to open a passage every other time, once a certain period of power, and then guided some bodies.

However, I don't know why, the bodies of the dragon and phoenix have never fallen, only some of the attachment races of the dragon and phoenix two are quoted. Even so, most of them are broken bodies, which cannot become corpse.

However, mosquito legs are also fine, we have not given up, prepare for a corpse army, kill back, grab the body of Dragon and Phoenix ... In order to not disclose confidential, we will use "people" to beholded, put everyone The soul made a baptism, and the last soul of them, destroyed, so that the body became a clean, there is no body that has been involved in the past.

These autopsies are all our descendants, and we are absolutely loyal and obedient. We don't worry about their loyalty, so we will send some people, every time I entered a time and space crack, go

Stealing the body.

When our army reached 10,000 people, the will of Zefeng was forcibly coming, and the 10,000 troops immediately smoked! However, it is only one power to fight, and it is not harm to us.

After a long time, there are more times, we found that these corpses have a silk letter of the ancestors! Once more than 10,000 people gather, it will activate the imprint, attracting the attack of Zu Feng! Obviously, Zu Feng is also looking for us in the year, and put down this trap!

Several times, we almost found the ancestors, one hit.

In order not to be discovered by Zu Feng, we have to disperse the hand to multiple areas. The monsters and villages you see are actually only two of the countless areas. In addition, we have found that these guys can interfere with the strength of the ancestors, so we plan a racial war.

Let them continue to accumulate angry, grievances, then die!

In fact, we have succeeded, so many years, the power of Zu Feng has not yet come. However, Zu Feng has not given up, he chooses the only passage of the blocked the world, full moon!

Any human knowledge is taken through the full moon, will be killed by them! No exception!

We have been looking for methods that left here. The minister, find the method of blood sacrifice, using your fresh blood

And the array, let the full moon come in advance, play a time difference!

At the same time, your life is blood, you can cover our dead blood, Zu Feng will only repair the corpse, this time to increase our success rate.

And I chose to stay ... Here I have become a world, a world that belongs to the corpse, we are the ancestors of the corpse, why not stay, do this world?

So I have been secretly destroying the programs of the ministers, including the news that is too old, and constantly hinting you, I don't let you leave the village, and let you have a suspicion to me, so I will leave the village early. .

Chapter 96 Full Moon

Full moon

Unfortunately, everything I do, I know the ministers, and he robbed the control of the body several times, pretending to me, and forced you to the village. Even in order to leave you, you personally hurt the business sheep. "

Qin Shou wedd by: "Listen to you, the doubts in my heart finally declined. But really TM Fei ... Uncle, do you really don't want to leave this world?"

The river looked up at the sky and said: "There is no cage in the sky, not eager for free sky."

Qin Shudao: "Then do you dare to gamble with me? Gamble I can take you out!"

"You are crazy? Zu Feng wants to kill them, if we leave, no prospective Feng Feng will not be difficult for us. If you take them together, I am afraid that the ancestors will be destroyed together!" The merchant called.

Qinyuan also looked at Qinshi Road: "Do you really want to do this?"

Qin Shou smiled and looked at the river: "Why don't you do this? Uncle, the river is also awkward, you will not think it is. You have no meaning with us, full moon will appear. I There is an eternal tale in his hand, don't say that there is a river uncle help, even if there is no river uncle help ... will be the minister, not my little you, if you really have the ability to force me into the dead bureau, the last dead must be you! "

Half of the minister, staring at Qinshi Road: "Are you scared?"

Qin Shou proudly: "You can try! The rabbit, I really got to lie to you. I went to kill too many self-righteous bastards. You want to die, or want to be sleepy here, I can Full you! "

The minister is silent, and the eternal talent in Qin Shou's hand is so surprised. How much can he feel. But really let him worry, or a river! If the river is insisted on the legs, he is not possible to leave here! If you choose to cooperate, everyone will work together, and also have a hope.

Qin Shou didn't care how to think about the minister, he was too old: "Too old brother, do you want to go out?"

As a result, the meat ball was rolled, directly drilling into the earth, the original exploded land instantly flat, restored.

Qinyuan said: "He can't go out with you. For him, there is no place to be more suitable for him more than here. It is too old, only in the war, it will be born under all kinds of opportunities. Then rely on absorption of chaos The war, murderous, and all kinds of breath is a living. When you are too old, there is no complete adulthood. If you can become an adult, it is possible to become a human shape. At that time, there is no flaw in the age, and the strength will reach the peak state. At that time I am afraid that it will not be able to smoke. He is very safe, go out, it is hard to say, planning his flesh, the people of the beads, but there are many people. "

Shangyang said: "Yes, in this case, change it is you, you will

Do you go out? "

Qin Shou dumbang said: "I will definitely not go out ..."

Jiangxi Road: "The minister, isn't you really afraid? Who is not afraid of it. Even when you are chasing it by heaven, talk to laugh, when you are so awkward? Although Zu Feng is strong, I don't believe him. A glimpse of the soul can also kill us! I still remember how we hurt? Zu Feng absolutely uses a powerful magic weapon of the Phoenix family to hurt us. And for so many years, his strength has been weak. I didn't show that terrible power. So, I concluded that he could no longer play so powerful power. We are right and not to die. "

The minister snorted: "I hate this feeling that this is not to master! But now, I seem to have no choice. River, this game you won ... I didn't expect to fight for so many years, and finally Still me lost. "

After that, the semi-face of the minister disappeared, and the gentle river once again appeared in front of Qin Shou, Qinyuan, Shangmei.

Qin Shouyi is sitting in front of the river: "Uncle, Jiangli, telling the truth, I know that I should not believe you. However, I am sure, this time you helped me, I will help you. Of course, if you want to black, I promise that you are absolutely unhappy. "

Time is too urgent, Qin Shou has time to pull out, open the way to see the mountain.

The river easily smiled: "Some words, I said that you may not be new, do you have to believe. Since this, you still ask me what?" Yuan Yue is coming out, ready to go. "

Qin Shou nod, no longer talk.

Qinyuan and Shang Sheep also came to Qin Shou, four people looked up at the sky, and the blood cloud slowed down, and the next round of huge moon appeared!

The river is buddy: "Walk! Qin Ge, no matter what you see, don't look back, just rush forward!"

Qin Shou did not say that pushing Qin Yuan and Shang Sheep, this is the only factor that may let him go back, solve this, Qin Shou has not returned the reason!

Shangyang and Qinyuan saw this, the heart heated, did not say anything, but two people pulled a hand of Qin Shou.

Qin Shouli, Qin Yuanli His hand, he also understood that a few meanings?

The merchant sheep snorted: "Pull you, lest you sell me halfway!"

Qin Shou didn't laugh two times: "This is seen from you, smart women are really hurt."


There is a black spot in the huge full moon, and the power of time and space is delivered. Qin Shou two words do not say, pushing two women to rush to the air!

The river is followed!

Just then, a crack appeared on the side of the full moon, as if it was a space scarred by the knife, and the lack of horror is coming out of the crack!

Qin Shou finally felt the breath of the ancestors, and the reason why this is the breath of Zu Feng, that is because Qin Shou is at the beginning of the Wutong Tree. I feel very familiar now, I am somewhat familiar!

"?" A doubt of puzzle from the crack.

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