The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 779.

Qin Shou didn't know what he was in, and his life is! The breath is here, but it does not mean that the residual soul of the ancestors is coming, and it is a king!

The rivers behind the rivers are low: "Fast, hurry!"

Qin Shou did not speak, bored out, rush all the way! .

Chapter 97 Zu Feng and Rabbit

Zu Feng and rabbit

At the time, when I was about to enter the moon passage, I suddenly came back to a terrible power, I went straight! Qin Shou didn't look back at all, and the coffin behind him, directly use the eternal Tianshi!

That force suddenly, then shifted to the other side, the ancestors came from the cold voice: "The little thief, you still want to run? Kill you today!"

The river snorted: "It's really a god. Do you want to kill me? Do you have to get? Whatei!"

The river screamed, the sky turned into a gold! Numerous willingness to condense, injecting the river! That is the autopsy of them for so many years, the pilgrimage of the ancestors, the infinite power condensed!

Alloy is willing to hold, the river is full of golden light, this moment, there is no evil atmosphere on him, but it is full of sacred feelings!

Qin Shou didn't look back, but strong perception made him see everything. I can't help but emotion: "People are life, corpse is also a creative, deciding to be good and evil, but inner."

Qinyuan said: "In the face of the world, all things are equal, anyone, anything will be monocked into a fairy, sanctification, no high and low points. Good and evil have never been divided because of the race, good, good, heart Give evil. Where is the absolute ...

Business sheep is cold and cold: "But many people like to use bodily judging.

One person, even a group, the final result, is hard to learn the group of people into the magic, forced to become evil! "

Qin Shou is slightly silent, no one knows that there is a hurdle in Qinshou's heart.

When I first came to qualify the world, Qin Shou believed that there was a system gold finger a good thing. Even, Qin Shou did not take this world as a world, but as a game.

So everything else doesn't matter ... I have to be a demon, break the people's talents, and don't do it. But with the lon more time in this world, Qin Shou is more and more likely to treat this world as a real world, no longer doing the game.

In this way, Qin Shou must face a problem, he is a person, or a demon?

In the hearts of Qin Shou, the answer is certain, no matter how the flesh changes, he is always a person! Since it is a person, then, do he have to stand a demon heaven? It's nothing to do with the demon heaven, how does the ultimate task of this system?

Good, the task of the system is not mandatory to require Qin Shou to be completed, which gives him a lot of space. But Qin Shou is very curious, once he completed this task, what he can get! Can you get a step? Or, reach the location of the saints?


When Qin Shou thought, the river has already played with Zhu Feng.

Since then, use the corpse to repair the will, the river has blocked the ancestors offeng hard.

Jiang, see this, finally smiled easily: "Sure enough, your own strength is not strong, your residual soul is in countless years, there is too much power. If you think, you should Is it a magic weapon? "

"Is it unatthase? If you have a thing, you will try it again!" Zu Feng's voice is somewhat sharp, but indirectly admitted that he hasn't been Jiangli here.

Jiangxi haha ​​big laughed: "The original is indeed our fault, bothering the unope of the ancient battlefield. Since I know is wrong, why don't I make a mistake? I won't go again, let the spirit rest in peace. As for you, if you want to kill me, even though it is. "

Zu Feng slightly sinks: "Your autopsy, than I want to be embarrassing, so many years, I haven't made your heart, but I haven't let your inner skin, fear it ..."

Jiangxi said: "In fact, you have been successful. Unfortunately, I am not a minister. At the same time, it will be deeply hurt from you. But I am not the same, I have this and The world's attitude has always been an attitude. Health, death, I have seen it. So, you will never let me fear you. These years, if not these autopsy grandmaster, I have long Rush up. "

Zu Feng brugged: "Who will say, in fact, you didn't rush it, but I sent some waste. There is not to say so beautiful, you insult the body, it is sin!"

Qin Shou couldn't help, inserted: "Your old fire is really enough! Those bodies are left in the battlefield, rotten, mold is good? Let those who go so far, let the new life come to the world, this is What is wrong? "

At this time, Qinyuan and Shang Sheep were shocked. This guy said, 80% is to anger the residual soul of Zu Feng! If you are playing, they have to suffer!

However, the two women are stunned, Zu Feng actually didn't be angry, but in a weird tone: "You are a little ghost, talk too much. Do you know what? The flesh is sacred to anyone. !, Ask, if you die, you will allow others to borrow your body, borrow your body or soul? "

Qin Shou two eyes turned around: "I have never thought about it, I don't mind if there is that thing."

Zu Feng cut a way: "Something is so reluctant, still and my theory? Kid, if you don't look at your pure blood descendants, you will be wrapped around me. Resentment of descendants, I will kill you! "

Qin Shou took a coffin and said: "Scarme me? I am really not afraid of the rabbit master. Didn't watch the coffin? The rabbit is really not afraid!"

"Not afraid of death, what do you run so so?" Zu Feng looked at Qin Shou suddenly accelerated in the channel, speechless.

Qin Shou said: "Not afraid of death, do not mean to die! How good is it, this flower is the world, I haven't lived enough! Let's return, your pure blood, or the rabbit, I am excited. Your Phoenix is ​​not good, it is a lot, but the pioneering descendants is my woman. Don't worry, the rabbit, I will not die, she will inherit this pulse. Old turkey, If you are fine, still go back, anyway, you can't kill the uncle of the river, stay here, but also, waste emotion and time. ".

Chapter 98 Head Gangs


Zu Feng coldly said: "You are a little ghost, I really want to kill you! Do you think I really can't kill him? Just at the price, I don't want to do it. You don't force me, forced, Take you in the battlefield, let you go back! "

Qin Shou was grinned, and he did not speak.

Zu Feng saw this, Sunday: "Little ghost, this is afraid?"

Qin Shou nodded: "I am afraid, I am not afraid, I am not afraid of death, but I am really afraid that I will be straightened with an old bachelor." I am afraid that I will be stranded by you. "

Zu Feng naturally didn't know what Qin Shou said, what is the meaning of the bend, but Qin Shou fool can read his meaning from the face of this guy. The ancestors have a low drink, and then the vain of the phoenix is ​​condensed in the air. His body is illusory, but the eyes are very bright. Zu Feng said: "Little ghost, I really want to smoke you now."

"Old turkey, you are busy, I will go first! Uncle Jiang, go!" Qin Shou said, turned into the head in the channel and returned.

The river saw this, for the ancestors, a gift: "The past thing is that we are wrong, here to pay for you."

After the ancestors gave a river, he said: "If you don't look at the rabbit, I will kill you. But, even so, you also give

I remember, it is not allowed to talk to anyone's event! "

The river has not spoken, and the minister turned out and stared at Zefeng. "Why? Are you afraid that after being discovered?"

The ancestors flashed in the eyes, he could feel that the river is really wrong, but this will not change it! Naturally, there is no face to give him, but still replied: "I am not for myself, but for you! You are very lucky, just alarmed me, if it is alarmed the guy ... forget, I will give you advice You can't listen, but the consequences are at your own risk! "

After that, the ancestors disappeared.

The river low channel: "Why do you have to survive him, if he is really angry, you may not be able to go."

I don't talk about the minister, I don't know what he is thinking.

In the battlefield, Zulan stood in the ruins, constantly condensed, and finally turned into a pretty figure, and it was a woman! This woman is unclear, but the eyes are particularly god! Qin Shou is here, maybe some are familiar ...

Zu Feng whispered: "We are experiencing, do you still have to experience it again ... ..."

After that, the ancestral phoenix is ​​going to Changhong, and in half of the air, there is constant soul to inject into the ancestral phoenix.

Qin Shou, Qinyuan, Shangyang and the rivers met in the channel, then rushed out together.

As a result, Qin Shou felt a depressed breath, came far away!

Qin Shou looked up at the sky, just saw a picture of Wang Yang to fly in the air, it was in the sky! Qin Shou almost called birth: the sky "! Women's replenishment?

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