The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 789

Everyone did not hesitate, roaring, release all kinds of magics, and kill the four sides to Qinyuan!

Qinyuan saw this, not shocked, will she be afraid of these people? If only her own is here, she is naturally afraid! But here can more than one person! Although Qin Shou can't shoot, but there is something left, but it is not vegetarian!

So Qinyuan decided back, his face was installed anger and weakness: "You fight these bastards today, you will not die in the future!" After that, Qinyuan has rushed to Qin Shou, called Tao: "I will take you!"

"Want to take him? Late!" Suddenly drilled out of the void, a slight identification, two mortar, and add a bit of funny, but that pair is blood red, let people look There is a kind of creepy feeling - a flight of the top ten demon! Like Qinyuan, it is a fertilizer, but this is only a mouse, but this is a mouse.

In the face, it is wretched, how do you see it!

This guy suddenly jumped from halfway, blocking the way to the original, holding a steel fork in his hand, empty, a green poisonous river is generated!

Qinyuan angered: "Amazing, you dare to shoot? You also want to block me this poisonous Great River?"

During the speech, Qinyuan waved the fan, flames, the price of the poison!

However, the purpose of the emblem is reached, blocking Qinyuan!

Behind the book, and a monster king have come over, while shooting, the sky is passing, all kinds of order chains, the avenue print is all appeared, the murder is overflowing, a killing bureau!

Qinyuan saw this, flashing a crazy color, smashing a lot, putting the purple day dragon, the purple Tianlong actually shines in the whole body, the purple light, the powerful explosion is improved! The head is not returned, directly hit the sky!

It's scared that it is shouting.

Qin Yuan smiled: "Can kill you, the congenital spiritual treasure is not gone! I Qin Yuan, still not lacking the magic treasure!" The speech, there are hundreds of magic weapon behind Qinyuan, but they are all congenital Lingbao, From a heavy day to six heavens, these magic treasures have been taken out may kill these demon kings, but at the same time, then the power ...

Everyone is frightening, not dare to go up.

The daily birth is even more tipped with tail and riders!

I am, big, said: "Amazing, you are stupid! She is scaring you! This money is willing to detonate so many magic? Blocking her, don't let her ran!"

But it is still late, Qinyuan really didn't plan to detonate these magic weapons, but rushed over, came to Qin Shou!

The purple day dragon tray is surrounded by Qinyuan and Qin Shou!

However, other magic weapons of Qinyuan have been teamed up by everyone and smashed! Individual magic weapons are also taken away! Subsequently, these people came up again, one fierce shiny, and the face is not good! ..

Chapter 113 of the ghost

It is a lot of people who are giving themselves when they are so many people. This face can be lost, irritating, rushing over, roaring: "Qin Yuan, I want to kill you! Kill you!"

During the speech, the sky has been rushed up, and the half-air is in a huge flying mouse. The big mouth opens, and it is necessary to swallow the Qinyuan and Qin Shou!

In this English, I'm angry: "Your thief mouse actually wants to eat alone?" Interchange, but also a big stick to kill.

Others have shot, afraid that they have grabbed the baby, and they are a white.

For a time, all kinds of Universities fly, the magic treasure blooms all kinds of Guanghua, and the sky is more gorgeous.

Qinyuan saw this, not shocked, caught for such a long fish, the fish finally hooked, she was not cool! As for those magic weapons that have just lost, Qin Yuan does not feel bad, all she can't see their eyes, throwing a pity. The magic weapon in these people is obvious, as long as these people, all this is not her?

Into anger, anxiety and fearful look, the birthday, the British, I am more happy, I know that this time I am afraid that it is poor! Two people have full preparation, once they got the baby, these people can't stay!

In the next moment, Qinyuan has been in countless monk, and the flavor is swallowed!

The birthday is slow, and after Qinyuan is killed, it will reappear.

As a result, the time is stupid!

I saw the bottom of Qinyuan, the inconspicuous little yellow flowers in Qin Shou, suddenly rotated in the direction, fell from the middle, the next engraving is a big mouth, the big mouth opens the sky, the spell is all lost to control I hit the past! The little yellow flower seems to be super huge beasts, and these magical spells are all swallowed! The more you swallow, the bigger the small yellow flower!

And the magic weapon just close to Qinyuan, four vines around him suddenly came over, like four octopus shot, pulled a welcome, four sides! Just listen to ... a series of sings came, then the scene was launched, and those who came to the fierce magic were turned into the gods! And their owner is traged by the gas, a wow vomiting!

There is a smart direct to cut the contact with the magic weapon. Some stubborn deaths refuse to break, the result is getting more and more serious, and some people have been trailed by the strange gas, there is more harm, and they live on the spot!

Others see this, which dares to continue to fight, all take the initiative to give up the magic weapon, which is from the suffering and death of the skin.

Then the four vines are like sweeping garbage, slap, will

All magic weapons have swept before Qinyuan!

Qinyuan saw this, giggling: "Haha ... Thank you for your predecessors!"

Qin Yuan has worshiped the yellow flowers, and the vines worship, and all the magic weapons are all! The owner of these magic weapons, one by one, such as dead gray, the expression is like a ton of stool, is generally ugly ... What is claimed to compete? It's now now!

And the sky, I have long been scared to brake, turned to death, and I ran away! In front of the scene, and Qinyuan shouted the name of the temple, scared his tail clip in the buttock, almost seduce Hua, running, the hate is short, hate is slow ...

British move is also scared, this batch of people are late. First, they were bullied by Qin Shou and Qinyuan. These later, where know Qin Shou and Qinyuan and the three big BOSS relationships, if you know, lending them 10,000 counsels and dare not dare to take hands.

But the British trick is still unwilling, pointing at Qinyuan angered: "Qin Yuan, do you have a witch? You are waiting, I will go back to the day!"

"Who do you want to say?" At this time, Qin Shou woke up! Just outside the situation he saw clearly, absorbing the Xuanhuang Fantasy Qingshi didn't have to help at all, he was very idle. He also saw it by a woman who was siege.

If you don't think that Qin Yuan is rich, he has already went out the dry stand!

Now, most people are made into dogs, that is dead mouse

Running fast, Qin Shou has not been able to react. But this English trick dares to put it, this is simply looking for death!

Qin Shou got up, put away the golden clock, came out from the four vines! And the four vines, there are also small yellow flowers, narrow, and the five seeds fall, Qin Shou quickly closed. From the combat power of these guys, the fool knows is a good thing.

The British tricks have disappeared a vine and small yellow flowers, and the fear is less. It's just a very trick of Qin Shou's hands, and vigilant is staring at Qinshi Road: "Kid, what do you want?"

Qin Shou shakes his head: "The rabbit, I don't want to see how you put it in your hand in your hands in your hands hua. How, on-site performance?" Said this, Qin Shoubei suddenly turned sharply, roaring: "Who dares to go, the rabbit, I will send you to the road now!"

During the speech, Qin Shou opened a door in front of Qin Shou, stepped in, the next moment, the next moment, and the door was opened in the air. !

Underk armor, crush, blood spray!

When the people have not reacted, Qin Shou has already smashed the head of the demon king, swallowing the god! I am dead on the spot!

Qin Shou looked at the light dead name carrot, carrying the dark coffin, sweeping everyone, and smiling: "Who dares to run?"

The rest of the people, all of them were shocked, no one dared to run again.

I am afraid that everyone is pressed by Qin Shou, hurry to say: "Everyone is afraid of what he did? The four vines and small flowers have become a seed, his strength is just a king! Which strength we are in the same strength Not in him? Everyone shot together, killing him, with the following trouble! "

Qin Shou hugged his shirtless four weeks: "Hey, so many people, the rabbit, I am so afraid."

"Little ghost, you are too mad, do you think you can block all of us?" Finally someone stood up, it was a white head carving. .

Chapter 114 of the rabbit's strong [on]

The strong rabbit [on]

The poisonous teeth also goes to the front: "If it is not the few vines, kill you like a chicken!"

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