The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Jade Rabbit 790.

Qin Shou stretched out a finger to the poisonous teeth hook his finger: "Come, the rabbit does not need to be a vine and small flowers, let the rabbit do to see how you kill me!"

"This is what you said!" The poisonous teeth finished, suddenly disappeared, the next moment appeared in Qin Shou, the empty change, turned into a huge poisonous snake, the big mouth opened a bit bite to Qin Shou!

Qin Shou saw this scream: "The same is the strength of the king, you are in front of me, count a fart!"

The white head is smiled: "The king level is also divided into three or six nine, the poisonous teeth is already the king of the king, you are not in the three days of the king, and I want to be with poisonous tooth. It is a ridiculous!"

However, the white head carved has not laughed, and his face is white!

I saw that Qin Shou suddenly became bigger, reached out a big hand, a punch! At that moment, everyone seems to have seen the sky, a punch! I don't know how many avenues, the power of the heavens! A punch contains the most horrible way to force!

The way is a very ordinary way, whether it is the avenue or the heaven, is not the particularly advanced existence. Many people have realized that no one thinks how far can they go, so they just enlighten it, don't go deep.

But Qin Shou's body, they finally felt the terrible of the way!

The lack of power is only a change, and the means is single. But the destructive power is definitely weak, and the heavens!

Qin Shou also enlightens the head, and it is clearer! He has long had his own enlightenment system, and the way is the way of the key to the great level!

Qin Shou this punch is it! Just this time, he integrates its own strength and the power of the goldens!

When the tooth discovery is not right, it is late, the frightening is called: "Save me!"


Everyone only saw a big snake in the hill, flying in the half air, the broken meat flew around, and then turned into virtual!

"The Toy-Level Nine Heaven's Tooth ..." The white head car was shocked, muttered.

Qin Yuan's mouth is also shocking, and there are six small grades. A boxing will kill flying gray, this is coming, she has never seen it!

The unbelievable of the British recruits seems to look at Qin Shou in the monster. Subsequently, the British concerted a shot of a mad color, shouted: "Good magic! Good magic weapon! Haha ..., this little ghost is just the king-level three days, but can kill the toxic teeth, but I think the truth is not I said more? It is definitely the Xuan Huang to treasure! We have six emperors here.

Level master, small realm is different from big realm, we can kill him! Kill him, the magic weapon is us, we can also hide people with grade! "

I am in the English, others are exhausted, and the long-lasting moisturizing in the land fairy is the most important! No strength, the grandson is not! Because no one can guarantee, will it be unclear to kill?

Qin Shou surrounded, five demon kings slowly came out, the five people's full body breath, like a huge waves, press Qin Shou!

Qin Shou is a face, but smiled and said to Qinyuan: "Niangzi, it seems that today I want to rob it. How is it? How, afraid not afraid?"

Qin Yuan said with a smile: "I have experienced so much, I summed up a truth."

"What is the reason?" Qin Shou asked.

Qinyuan Road: "Anyone who is drying with you, it will not be too good. These guys, the sale is good, but I am not optimistic."

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "It is my lady, saying is good! You are a few stupid, you are committing suicide, or let the rabbit will live you, stew!"

"Little ghost, do you think you are a ancestral, or a demon? With a magic weapon, do you think you are invincible?" Talking is a big fat man with six eyes, the fat man is holding a very pleasant Whip,

How to see is like a tongue she.

Qin Shou opened the heavy look, and he suddenly had fun: "What is it is something, it turned out to be a scorpion! You are old, how is it, live not impatient?"

"Hey ... Qin Ge, this is not a scorpion, this is a six-eyed sham! This is the innate heterogeneous, six eyes can shoot six lights, the killing is not good. But he is the bead, if it is excavated to refine The refiner is also an excellent material. But I prefer, put them, make a bead, very beautiful. "Qin Yuan said very officially, six eyes and shadow are very cool! But behind, the six eyes are green, and I'm angry: "Qin Yuan, you are dead!"

Qinyuan haha ​​laughed: "You are a big squat, no small mouth! Walk, come, , how is your grandmother makes you a hand?"

Six eyes and shades heard the words, urban willed. Can you enter Tiantian's Qinyuan, is it a demon king that he is a good fortune in a party? The demon god of the sky is not killed in the blood sea of ​​the corpse? Finally, I have to pass the Wan Meshan, and I have a fight with the world's English, in order to be a demon.

Although the six eyes and shadows are at your own risk, they don't dare to pick up the original single.

Six eyes shadow: "Haha ... If I kill you, isn't it true? I can't turn over, you can, such a decision

There is no meaning of the fight. "

Qin Shou heard it: "You are not small, come, I am not a demon, I can't talk about Tianship. I have two orders.

Six eyes and shadows are afraid of Qinyuan, but they are not afraid of Qin Shou. Although the strength of Qin Shou is horrible, but the six eyes are only when Qin Shou is in the spirit of the magic weapon. It is naturally not afraid. When I should go, my English recruit is suddenly opened: "I caught, six eyes, don't go to them. We will join hands, accounting for the advantages, and they are single, isn't it too stupid? ? "

After saying, the British stared at Qin Shou and Qinyuan Road: "You don't have to think about what is going on, don't leave the magic weapon today, don't want to go!" ..

Chapter 115 Rabbit's Strong [Next]

Rabbit's strong [next]

What is Qin Yuan, what is the first after Qinyuan, and the hand wrist, reached a point, one point to six people: "In this case, then you are together! Today, the rabbit Grand teaches you to be a person! "

"A king-level little scorpion, so mad! I am fighting you!" A gorilla was bish, rushed out, buddha red, there is a wolf tooth stick behind, and then told it! "

However, Qin Shou found that although the eyes of this dead orangutan were red, but the eyes were deeply hidden! Obviously, this guy is not a simple surface, at least not a single puff!

However, the squid, Qin Shou, didn't care, the golden clock of the chest: "A cake, the rabbit, I sacrifice so big, you should always give me a look! The queen, it looks very powerful. "

One cake smiled: "The magic and people can not be the same, we upgrade a small level, the level of strength is far from your imagination! But a bit is not interesting, you have to have a hard boss."

Qin Shou helplessly nodded, if the golden bell directly threw, the guy was scared away. Today's a cake is only the congenital spiritual treasure of nine heavens, and the half-plane dragon angle of the temper level and Qinyuan is almost. In the case of growth, a single trip is still no problem, but it is too much.

live. However, a cake is different from that dragon corner, and the qualifications of a cake is higher, although the same level, the strength is far from the dragon angle to match.

However, if a few crime masters want to run, a cake is also a helpless.

The gorilla is suddenly bigger, like a hill, blocking Qin Shou's sight, and the wolf tooth rod is collapsed in the sky, and smashed to Qin Shou!

Qin Shou is not polite, a boxing, Tongtian! This power is bigger!

In the eyes of the gorilla, it flashed a surprised color, then grinned: "You can call us in the king, but in front of the queen, you are not enough!"


Qin Shou This punch and gorilla's wolf hit in the air, and Qin Shou was back. The gorilla is not very good, followed by a step, then a bit bite, support, once again, and rush it up!

Qin Yuan suddenly called: "Be careful! They all have fun!"

But it is late!

After the British recruit has come to Qin Shou's body, the big iron stick is headed down!

The white head is appeared on the left side of Qin Shou. Several other crime masters have also killed from the other direction, and even there is a guy, even from the ground, this is a coffer!

Qin Shou saw this, not shocked, just intentionally showed weak, really effective! These guys are unable to see the rabbits, the gorilla is a stupid thing in a few people! Qin Shou did not guess the wrong words, when they were first hit, they had secretly negotiated, and the gorilla attracted Qin Shou's attention. They attacked them at the same time and killed Qin Shou.

As a result, each other's alone, he was slow and half shot, which caused the wheel war, not the moment of murder!

This can be seen from the anger in the eyes of the gorilla. It is played, no one is unhappy!

Qin Shou smiled: "The big monkey, you don't have to be unhappy, the rabbit master helps you revenge!" Qin Shou pulled down the golden bells, and he died: "A cake, you are here!"

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