The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 791.

A spaghetti, the earthquake!

Six people who have come to rushing at the same time, only feeling that the soul is shocked!

I will see this, there is a bad feeling in my heart! Actually, I took out a mission to throw it under the feet, running directly!

Others see this, immediately learn the same, I want to run!

One cake saw this, suddenly lived, roar: "Run your grandfather! Run, what do I get? Give me!"


It's a loud noise, and the void is solidified! The remaining five demon kings want to die open the void running road, the result is the discovery of the discovery, the void is not open!

Subsequently, a large bit of a big bell, a bang, and all the five demon kings in it!

"Kill it! Otherwise, we are dangerous!" White Head carved.

Then the five people have released the magic weapon, attacking the golden bell!

Just then, the gods of the golden bell were falling, and the five sounds came! Five demon kings wow wow, vomiting!

Looking up, their mission magic will be smashed by a beam! Then it is absorbed by the golden bell!

Five people saw this, the eyes flashed a fear, the magic weapon didn't, and their combat power minus half! How does this fight?

At this time, the golden light in the golden bell flashed, and Qin Shou came in.

"The magic weapon is this little ghost, killing this little ghost, the magic weapon is naturally useless! Kill!" Gorilla screamed, killing Qin Shou!

After Qin Shoucou, he said: "The rabbit is dare to come in, and he is not afraid that you will grandson! Without the magic weapon, you can't use the magic, you are a group of earth chicken towers!"

The gorilla is trembled, feels your strength, really, the mana is blocked!

Several other people saw this, and they showed the gods. Sure enough, they can't be used!

White head carved, frightened: "How is it? When did you seal our mana?"

A cake smiled: "The hour is my world, here I said

Calculate, seal your mana or light! Waiting for me to enter the ranks of Xuanhuang to treasure, can play you! "

"What? You are not Xuan Huang to treasure? How is this possible?" The whitehead is incredible.

The gorilla also said: "This is impossible! My magic is the first day of the eight-day congenital spiritual treasure, the power is endless! The most important thing is strong! Even if the innate spirit of the nine heavens can't damage him ..."

One cookie disdain: "Hey! Both the big days of the shit, I even smash the treasure to the treasure, let's eat, what are you?"

Qin Shou waved: "There is not much to say nonsense, before you bully my woman, my rabbit, I am very unhappy! So ..."

After Qin Shou, after the arm, he said: "The rabbit is very angry, and the consequences are very serious!"

After that, Qin Shou suddenly became bigger, and the road was in the whole body, the intensity of the body, and jointly opened his eyes! Qin Shou's flesh was generally ! A boxing, the avenue runs through the void! .

Chapter 116 Refractive Materials

Refiner material

The first big gorilla is the gorilla!

The gorilla saw this, the frightened said: "You can't do this! You have magical, we don't have an unhappy, you win the martial arts!"


The gorilla was hit by Qin Shouyi in his head. He was on the ground, and then stepped into the earth in the land! Qin Shou grin said: "What did you just say? I didn't listen to the rabbit master!"

The gorilla is tough: "You bully people ... winning people ..."

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Your death monkey also knows the winning of the victory? You have a group of royal dishes to bully me a king level. , The rabbit, I like to win, I like bully! You are sad, I am happy! "

After that, Qin Shou's bead suddenly became very strong, angered: "Dead, want to run?"

During the speech, I have already reached out, and I grasp the six eyes that hide far away, I caught it, and I am bombing on the ground! Directly into a humanoid pit!

Qin Shou again looked at the white head carving. The other person was scared to be smashed. "" The one I come here ... "

After that, this goods hit the ground mountain, and I didn't move it.

Qin Shou again looked at the last two demon kings. This is two twin pigs. Two guys looked at it. He loudly, put your head on the ground, not moving.

Qin Shou saw this, some helplessly see Qinyuan: "Now the demon, is there no bone?"

Qinyuan slammed: "What is the use of qi, what is the use? Now everyone believes, there is everything, it is nothing to die. It is better to live, not to use the head. The ground, you are doing yourself. However, don't think that they are obedient, it is afraid. They are waiting for opportunities, as long as they leave, if they have achievements, they will definitely revenge. So, in us The demon family, there is another sentence: ! If you can't bear to start, I will help you! "

In this way, six eyes are suddenly lifted, and I am angry: "Qin Yuan, don't deceive too much!"


A large radish falls, the six-eye shadow, the head is smashed, and the Yuan god will run out, they are swallowed by Qin Shou.

As for the six eye beads, Qin Shou took away, throwing it to Qinyuan. Qin Yuan huh, smiled and received it.

As for the six-eyed, Qin Shou is too lazy. This stuff is too disgusting, , how do you don't think about it. Directly kick it and handed it to a cake.

One cake can not picky food, directly absorb one of the remaining flesh and blood in the six eyes, six eyes and shadow, the flesh of the six eyes is dust ...

Gorilla, white head carving, two pigs are found, scared, ã, The white head carved quickly: "The rabbit is forgiving! Little real service, small is willing to give you a horse, please let me ..."

The two pigs followed with pleading, gorillas saw this, also called: "There is me, small strength, can help the bunny you have more heavy objects."

Qinyuan Road: "These guys are not small, although they are not a demon, but they are also a hegemon, if you really want to collect them, then you will try their hands, then collect their soul imprint, under the contract curse Even so, it is not necessarily advised. If there is a big energy to help them, they can also get rid of your constraint. "

The whitehead looks at Qin Shou, and then look at Qin Yuan, suddenly realizing that he seems to be a fault! Climb the past, to Qinyuan Road: "Qinyuan adult, please ask us, I swear, I am absolutely loyal, if there is two hearts, Tongli, don't die!"

Qinyuan smiled: "The swear is useful, this world is too much. White head carving, you really want to live, nor do it."

The eyes of the white head shine, I quickly asked: "How to do it, you talk, I must do it!"

Qin Shou is also curious, is there really a full policy? then

Qin Shou asked: "Do you have a way?"

Qinyuan said: "The way is not there, but it is very troublesome. These four demon kings are all royals. If you use their soul, flesh, integrate into the magic weapon, you can complete a qualified, high potential magic weapon, Enhance one or two levels. "

At this time, the whitehead sculpture is called: "No, you can't do this!"

Qinyuan Liu You sweep, cold, said, "I don't discuss with you! As a prisoner, there must be awareness of prisoners! If you are with a refiner, I will guarantee that you can go back to the round! If you don't cooperate Sorry, I can only send you on the road. The dead will always be reliable than living! "

The face of the white head carvor, gorilla, two pigs are very ugly.

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