The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 792.

Qin Shou calculated, there is still a big radish in his hand to see the light, this guy is the seven days of congenital Lingbao. If it is upgraded for two days, it is the innate spiritual treasure of nine heavens! The power is also keeping up, otherwise it will face the roll that is eliminated. I can't always take him with him.

So Qin Shou followed nodded: "This is a good way, you will see it. Well, five hours, give you a thinking, not waiting!"

After that, Qin Shou has a hand: "One!"

White head carving, gorilla, two pigs look at each other, the last bit bite, rushed together!

White head carving: "Fighting with you!"


A large radish falls, the white-headed is directly captured!

The gorilla just wanted to pick up the fist, Qin Shou fate! Two pigs, fists, Qin Shou appeared behind them, one hand, the head of the head hit together, overset!

After the four people, Qin Shou sighed: "You are four, it seems that you have chosen, since you want to die, then you will die. Niangzi, cartoon, today we eat a big meal! Hey, The queen monster's meat, the taste is absolutely great! "

Qin Yuan smiled: "But I like to eat roast."

Qin Shou smiled: "This is simple! These guys's flesh recovery skills are extremely fast, give you a good knife, you slowly cut, cut a piece of him, so, you are cooking, or roast Eat, you can! "..

Chapter 117 Seven Original God

Seven original god

Qin Yuan took a hand: "This idea is good! Smart!"

"Must!" Qin Shou laughed smiled.

Two people have a pure and innocent look, but they are in the eyes of the four people, but the most horrible devil in the world!

In the end, the gorilla was compromising, called: "I ... I am willing to be refined! But you must guarantee, don't destroy my true spirit, send me the true spirit to go to the back!"

Qin Shou hit a reflection, just saying, Qin Yuan immediately said: "No problem, I swear, if you can help you with our refinery, save you the true spirit back!"

Qin Shou looked at Qinyuan, this girl also grab? I thought about it, I saw the first time, this girl was also swearing. Is this hoe swear addiction?

Gorillas look to Qin Shou Road: "He also swear!"

Qinyuan's pretty face suddenly cooled down: "How? I don't want money in Qinyuan? Save you don't believe it? You know, you are insulting me! You don't trust me, that line, this matter Don't talk! Fire barbecue! "

The gorilla heard the words, scared, hurriedly called: "Don't, I believe, I believe!"

The color of Qinyuan has eased a lot, said: "For you to know!

Qin Shou saw here, squinted, he suddenly found that this thing seems to be embarrassing! I always feel that Qinyuan is going to pit people!

When you think of this, Qin Shou will not go, kneeling at the show.

Qinyuan swear on the spot, the gorilla really believed, no sound.

The other of the other, such as the law, one of them agreed, and Qinyuan has made all the eyes of Qin Shou!

Qin Shou knew that the turn went to himself, one waved, a big furnace appeared in front of the furnace refining. With the ability of Qin Shou, it has changed a real furnace!

Qin Shoudao: "Several one, I said, I also swear, go in!"

Four people looked at the teeth and closed their eyes.

Qin Shou two words, do not say, sit in the void, play several prints, seal the lid of the furnace. Then the two instruments were burned, and the four people were also cooperated. They did not resist, and they were uncomfortable into a university.

Qin Shou quickly threw it in, seeing light and death, knowing that this is the opportunity to advance, and it is very good to Qin Shou. This is to let Qin Shou have a lot of mind. With the printed tips of Qin Shou, the fourth group is beginning to become more and more refined, and it is reversed to death.

At this time, Qin Shou fell to a bomb, and the four groups were essential, and they flew out four points of spiritual light. It is the four demon kings!

The true spirit flew out, it is necessary to hide the void! At this time, the subconscious,

I want to enter the land house and turn the way back.

At this time, I flashed a cold light in Qinyuan, a flame of the flame, and four points were extinguished on the spot!

Qin Shou saw this, the heart trembled, said: "Do you really dare to kill them? Not afraid of the condemnation?"

Qin Yuan Mei turned, laughed: "I dare to do it, I am not afraid of condemning! Striping, these guys are friends, if it is revived, it will be found. At that time, restore the magical power, memory is not Best later. The future is still trouble! Only kill them, you can never have suffering! "

Qin Shou angered: "After the child, I only worry about you!"

During the speech, there have been a piece of dark clouds in the sky, and the Thunder in the clouds, this is the roaring roaring roaring in the world of Qinyuan in the world! Once the Thunder falls, it is the beginning of the trial!

Qinyuan giggled: "Are you concerned about me?"

"You are not nonsense! You are my lady! I don't care, who is your concern? Come, I am!" Qin Shou finished, just gave up the refinery, but got up to Qin Yuan's robbery!

Qinyuan licked his mouth and smiled and said: "Hey, I am very afraid of death, I don't want to die! See what this is!" Qin Yuan took a thing from his arms, which It is a strange statue, big, there are two sides, one side, one shank.

Qin Shugu: "Is this?"

"Fraud Magic, this is the fraud of the fraud of the seven gods, it can be fraudulent, let the vows are invalid. This is my unintentional, since I have it, I don't worry about swearing. What is it, giggle ... "Qinyuan is happy.

Qin Shou wondered, two eyes turned: "The feelings you pull me, is it to want to pit me?"

Qin Yuan said: "There is no, you are still not worth my pit. Otherwise, I don't have to send a fake name, let the vow to be established? Yeah, the penalty should be started, I have to prepare Down. "

After saying, Qinyuan drops a blood, dripping on the fraudulent image, the next moment, the fraud is exudes a layer of gray breath, then draws long, change, the last head is condensed by the gray gas, it is Qinyuan Sign!

Folk quarter flew in the air, then the thunder rolled, and the fake quarter was split into fly ash.

Then the war is over, the clouds are fog ...

Qin Shou saw this, smuggling: "The fraud ability of good burdock, even the sky can be cheated! But the words come back, I only know the seven sin of the gods, what is your seven God?"

Qinyuan Road: "You first refiner, I will talk to you slowly."

Listening, don't say, I can't affected Qin Shou. After all, this refiner Qin Shou is not a hipster. This kind of land is very simple, the success rate is also very

High, the only requirement is the material cooperation.

As long as the material cooperates, everything will naturally complete, Qin Shou only needs to cooperate with the injectment.

Qin Shou did work on this side, and Qinyuan on the side has begun to explain the things of nine criminal gods.

"This seven original gods, called seven sins of the original god, is destroyed and creating the original god, fear and fear of the original god, the disaster is governing the original god, the disease and therapeutic illness, the violent and the calm God, arrogant Humble God, fraud and true God.

Seven major God, representing its power between the heavens and the earth, while their power is two sex. When they are good, they will show the side of justice, when they are God. When they are angry, they are magic! .

Chapter 118 Co-workers in Second

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