The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit. 793

Secondary work

Because the two power is in the body, their character is also evil, and suddenly, it is unpredictable. The earliest record of Qiyuan God is in the Longfeng period, and later I don't know what the seven gods encountered, anyway, it disappeared.

Some people say, because fraud, the original gods fraud, the ancestral and Zu Feng, causing the most siege of the dragon and phoenix, and the seven original gods were falling.

It is also said that it is an anger that has killed the dragon's dragon, causing a war.

Some people say that it is destroying the original God, can't press the power, attempt to destroy the world, the result and several other original gods, disappeared.

Specifically, no one knows, after all, there are some faults in that history.

As for the seven sins you said, I have also heard that the seven devils of the heaven and earth spiritual emotions are condensed, if no one is suppressed, these seven magic gods will be accompanied by the improvement of negative emotions, the strength is improved, power Can be strong to the saints. It can also be weak, can only confuse the ordinary people.

Today, Tianstrooms Day, Witch Talent, the grievances are not so heavy, this seven guys are estimated to be a tail, do not know where to go. As long as the heavens and the earth are unrest, they have no opportunities to do evil.

What's more, they still have the enemy, seven penalty makes it ... these guys are not

Say, it is considered climate, and some people pack them.

Qin Shoudao: "Hey, it seems that it seems to be the most fascinating. Seven sins must rely on angel to eat, the seven original god is directly bug."

Qin Yuan smiled: "These are rumors, the specific person knows. You can't get it, you will work, and I don't know when it came out. I think we can follow it. Look, you can pick it out, you can pick it out. "

"It makes sense, you will wait, so get better." Qin Shou accelerated the speed of refining, and quickly fell into the light death, carrots became more rough! Even the end of the carrot, there are more green radish leaves! How do Qin Shou see how to think this is good!

"Success? How is your expression so weird?" Qin Yuan suddenly asked.

Qin Shouno said: "It is not a blame, I am envious and hate! I am still a small pencil, this guy has the mainstay of Tianzhu."

"What is the meaning?" Qin Yuan did not understand the meaning of Qin Shou.

Qin Shou dry cough two times: "Nothing, let's go, look at it."

If the voice falls, he heard a loud sound, followed by a horrible impact wave below!

Qin Shou saw this, directly put the coffin, hiding the coffin behind the coffin! next moment!

A slam, the coffin is like a heavy hush, and pushing Qin Shouqin in the air! Qin Shou's flesh is strong, knot

If this hits, I'm hit Qin Shou, there is a feeling that is about to scatter, so it can be seen, how horror is there!

Qinyuan is frightened: "It is terrible! What is it?"

Qin Shou shook his head: "Don't know, hide far away, look at it."

The next moment, the sound of the

Qin Shou saw this, sighed: "This TM is similar to 2012, the effect of the rice country has wood? Is it wrong, than the Mi country, it is big! This mountain is really big!"

"What are you talking about? What is the rice?" Qin Yuan asked.

Qin Shoudao: "Not something, a human country, um, the country of the big country. You can pinch the whole country."

Qinyuan turned a white eye: "What is it?"

Qin Shou squats two, just don't talk. These things, only the earth talents understand, and I can't tell Qin Yuan.

On the other hand, the mountain is formed, then it is broken, and the two dragons flies on the air, the blue hair flies, the whole body is pulled, and the hand will catch a black thing in his hand! Audit, knead the black things directly!

Then a big tree out of the ground, instantly growing into the heavens,

Directly into the cloud, the crown, standing one person, is a hunt!

On the edge of the song, he stood in the emperor.

Look at the expressions of the two, it seems very easy.

Emperor smiled: "Cooperate, I didn't expect you to have cheap, stop, this thing is attributed to you." After finishing, the emperor turned on the carriage, and the Qin Shou Dao: "Little guy, Wan Mountain is good." If the fairy world is tired, go to Wan Mountain, when a niche is also good. "

After that, the Emperor Handsome Yang, did not answer the opportunity to answer Qin Shou.

Qin Shou scratched his head, he suddenly didn't know how to answer it! This is the invitation of the Tiantian BOSS, will this stuff will be killed by a slap?

Qinyuan is also a nervousness, pulling Qin Shou's hand: "Be careful."

At this moment, a total of tangle said: "Kid, your body has the blood of my witch, what heaven? Tianstrong dog officials must work, busy every day, but also listen to people to dispatch, No one is free. You still come to my witch, this is really happy! My witch, but there is not so much three or sixty-nine, etc., drink together, have meat together! "

Qin Shou is stupid, another big boss invited, he refused or promised? This question is a bit difficult! Two people always have a unpleasant ...

Qinyuan is also a bitterness, a emperor is enough,

I am coming out of a common work! This work is also, if you are fine, go out to catch the muddy play, you don't deal with the emperor, don't catch the rabbit's tail!

Sewage, huh, huh, smile: "Little guy, don't take them. You only choose, emperor is not afraid you refuse, but don't want to give you pressure, you are promised, it is good, it is fine. As for this guy, you just fart well, he is called with the emperor. Of course, he said no fault, the witch did not rest so much. "

Tonging to listen, the eyes are scared, anger: "Do you, what is this? What is the fart? Do you have me so loud?".

Chapter 119, Hook Snake

Rear hook snake

At this time, Qin Shou directly smiled ... To be honest, he is not too good to work, at least no emperor! Because the performance of the emperor is very gentle, it seems that it is disdainful to play any means.

Currently, there are some small flower intestines, somewhat smart, a bit fine. But now, this guy is still a little in the second. This is to let Qin Shou suddenly feel that it is also very interesting.

Of course, it feels the best or a man, there is no shelf for people, at least for Qin Shou. Moreover, he maintained Qin Shou, which is ah. Qin Shou is a person who knows how to be grateful. Therefore, it is true that Qin Shou is really grateful.

Listening to work, it seems to be said that Qin Shou is relieved. So the co-workers arched: "Uncle is uncle, there is a chance to bother again in the future. You see, I have come out for so many days, but I should go back and see."

"Go back and see? Where are you?" Asked the co-industry consciousness.

Qin Shoudon is speaking, he really doesn't know where you can go. But I thought about it, or said: "I want to go to Wan Si Mountain to see." When I didn't get angry, Qin Shou quickly explained: "I heard that Wan Meshan's Wanfei Conference is the world. The conference, the masters of all nationalities, I want to see these masters, English is all . So sewage to watch the day ... "

I have a little uncomfortable: "Do you make sure you are not going to seek a semi-vocational?"

Qin Shou referred to himself, smirk: "Do you think it is suitable for the official? I still like to be happy, I'm not comfortable."

Tonging to wait: "Okay, where do you love to go. Shot, I've gone, this below solved, but I have escaped a guy. I have to go back."

Term said: "Also ..."

Tonging to finish, get up, instantly disappear.

Terran: "Do you really plan to go to Wan Mountain?"

Qin Shou touched the Babao: "Reading 10,000 books is not as good as the Wanli Road, I really want to see the strength of this world, and then give yourself, see which level of it is."

"Go to see the knowledge, I will take you with you, the key moments can save you a life. In the future, if there is no place to go, go to the south to find me, I don't have anything else, it is very clean. "After that, the meman is also gone.

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