The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 794.

Qin Shou looks to Qinyuan Road: "Niangzi, what about you? Where are you going to go?"

After Qinyuan thought, I went to the little mouth: "I have been going out for a long time, I have to go back to the sky. Otherwise, I will have lost too long, I will not be seen by people. I am sorry ... I can't accompany you ..."

Qin Shou has a little sigh: "It seems that the rabbit will have to find a home, what is the recommended?"

Qinyuan said: "This depends on what kind of home you want. If it is a hole in Tianfu, it can only play the big idea of ​​the demon group. However, the big, all the background, you will be very troublesome If you are not picky, just choose a hill. Taking your magic, it is not difficult to make a hole. "

Qin Shou listened, immediately hit a response: "This is some meaning. How is the Wan Meshan?"

Qin Yuan smiled: "There is the most chaotic thing around Wan Meshan," there is no rule in the fairy world, there is everything, the strength is everything. In addition to the main peak of the Wan Mountain, the rest will grab it. But there The weakest are the hills of the crime masters, and there is also an emperor. It is high, it should be no, after all, the best location near Wan Meshan is just a big name. "

Qin Shou played a response: "Then there is no mistake, choose here!"

"This is given to you, it is estimated to use it. I will go back and see, if it is fine, I will come to you. When we arrive, we have a sword, let's take a picture of Jiangshan, haha ​​..." Qin Yuan proud Laughing, as if it has already opened up. At the same time, the statue of fraudulent demon god is plugs to Qin Shou.

Qin Shou also does not resignation, this is indeed the best of the Yin people, holding


After two people talked to a meeting, Qinyuan left.

Qin Shou also followed the road, and went straight to Wan Mountain.

Wan Meshan is in the east side of the mainland, and the Kunlun Mountain is a star, claiming to the Holy Land of the demon, and is also a free land.

Qin Shou from the road of Beiyuan Wang back, far away from the sky, the horror arrow is shot directly into the starry sky! Then, a scream came, a huge incomparable, like a monster, rushing in the air, wolf fled! The result is not flying long, and a feather arrow is shot, and the skull is wearing his head! Daxie suddenly fell, falling down.

Qin Shou met the same thing as this, that is a hook snake! Real adult hook snake!

And that feathers, Qin Shou is also familiar, it is the back of the arrow!

I saw it again, Qin Shou immediately ran over. Qin Shou has been very curious, and after this big witch, how is it.

Business sheep, Qinyuan these demon gods, in fact, the existence of the Queen Nine Heavens. The last time, the business sheep was very tricky, and it was obviously a stronger. But as Qin Shou's hand improved, he became more and more, and then became a famous big witch, is it just a quite? This is not too much to say it?

When Qin Shou came over, just saw the bodies of the hook snake, decompose their bodies, and incorporated in the capsule. See Qin Shoucheng,

Laughed: "Qin Xiao Brothers, where did you come?"

Qin Shoudao: "From the north, the big brother, you didn't go to the North Order?"

After the head: "The ancestral witch went to Beiyuan, what do I still do? What's more, I will come here, it is to eliminate this hook snake. This guy killed my many people, if not It will be very troublesome. You went to the North City, you can see the ancestral witch? "

Qin Shou looked: "I saw it."

"You can see them to see your body situation?" Asked if he cares about.

Qin Shou's heart smiles, he is thinking, but it is not dare! There is still half of the water fire lotus in his body! There is also the blood that works and the spirits, this is to be found, how do he explain? Do you want to tell them that he comes from the future? Is the water fire lotus? .

Chapter 120 Wan Mountain

Wan Meshan Pixia Mountain

However, Qin Shou did not dare to say it later, only to smile: "No way, people are busy, I am not too familiar, I am not good, I'm still troublesome."

After this, there is no doubt that after the strength reaches a certain level, look at the weakness, like the antite. The ancestors, but also the existence of the top of the pyramid. The average person wants to find a ancestral helper, and there is no dream.

After the end: "I have a chance, I will help you ask for love. Yes, are you going?"

Qin Shou scratched his head: "This is not home, I heard that the Wan Meshan is very chaotic, see which place can be able to fall, and grab a site."

After that, this found that Qin Shou's strength actually increased! Surprisingly: "It seems that the Northland is not harvested. Go to Wan Meshan is also good, there are many people, many monsters, the witch is also a lot, the man is in the world, fight the world. Go Let's take me, you can come to me if you need me. "

Qin Shou is busy thank you. He is not familiar with him, and even the human feelings. The post-embarrassment, but also let Qin Shou likes, after talking again, then the road; "Recently the fierce beast is rampant, killing people around, I have to deal with the wind, I don't have to be old here. If you have a chance, you will talk again. "

After finishing, I left.

Qin Shou looked at the back of the post, I was sighing in my heart. He thought that the strength of the post is the Quality, or the emperor, after all, a business sheep, there is no shot. But this time I have seen Qin Shou sad reminder, he still can't see it! How much strength is there, I am afraid that he only knows himself.

"Dare to kill the nine sons of the nine sons, it is not simple. No ... After it is also gratitude to me, it is absolutely can't let him die in the emperor hand. Must think about it, save him. "Qin Shou squatted in his heart, but he immediately thought of sad reminders, that is, it is emperor! A strength is Tong Xuan, the saints, almost invincible! Qin Shou wants to save people from him, why?

"Strength, strength ... Your uncle, the rabbit master is lacking! Wan Si Mountain, I hope you don't let me down! Since it is a place with no king, the rabbit will eat more monsters should be no one. ... "Qin Shou said this, has already fly out.

Half a month later, Qin Shou finally arrived at Wan Mountain.

Although there are not many hours, Qin Shou has made great progress because of his skills of Wu Dao, and the strength of the two ancestors in the body did not listen. Qin Shou's strength finally hit it. Wang-level five heavens! It is also a middle-level strength in the king level. As for real strength, it is naturally a top floor.

At the same time, a cake absorbs the magic spirit of the crime masters.

The power has also been improved, only some, you can break through the nine heavens, the first day Lingbao, reach the level of Xuanhuang to Baobao.

So, now Qin Shou is the most urgent to find a congenital spiritual treasure of nine heavens, and then gave him a broken bis! After seeing the nine-day congenital spiritual treasure, it is very curious before and after, if it reaches the level of Xuanhuang to treasure, a cake will become terrible! If it reaches Xuanhuang to Baojiu, can it be higher than the East Cross?

The more you want to be more excited ...

At this moment, suddenly came from a big drink: "The above people, come down!"

Qin Shou bowed his head and saw a demon station in the hill, waving a flag against Qinshou, a face of anger.

Qin Shouton is happy, a little demon is so arrogant? One waved, put the little demon, raised the chick, and smiled: "You this demon, the courage is not small, do you dare to talk to the rabbit?"

The little demon is not afraid, one looks, anger: "Where are you? Do you know the rule! I dare to fly on the top of our king! You know, my king is most hate others. More than him! You now put me now, go to me for sin, I have to have an alive road, if it is late, I am afraid that it is not guaranteed! "

Qin Shouton is happy: "The little life is not guaranteed? If the rabbit, I don't like to listen! You give it to me ... Well, wait a minute, what is your mountain?"

Qin Shou suddenly thought of some problems ...

The little demon didn't know what the abacus was playing in Qin Shou, with a few sarcasmous smiles: "Listen, our mountain is called Xixia Mountain, there is Xixia Cave, the cave in the cave is Xia Guang demon king ! "

Qin Shouxi: "Xixia Mountain? This name is still mixed ..." Qin Shou only wanted to find a place where it was a foot, but even if it is strong, can you just kill someone else's hill? But now it is different, this is actively sent to the door to give Qin Shou's opportunity. Qin Shou naturally can't miss ... Qin Shou only pondered the name of the mountain, so that it is from this hill, he is not here!

Qin Yuan said, here is generally the trip, the emperor master is already the day. Qin Shou can not think that such a small hill, will live with an emperor master. If it is just a crime master, Qin Shou is really uncomfortable!

The little demon saw that Qin Shou only squatted three words, Suddenly did not cool, called: "Our king is like Xia Mei king!"

"Xia Guang is in Xia Guang, a demon king gets such a name, it is estimated that it is not too bad. The demon, I ask you, this mountain is in the Wan Mountain, how to be, the name can be ranked first "Qin Shou asked.

The little demon is heard, a big angry: "Do you dare to insult our kings? You know, though the king of our family is just a royal master, but behind our king, you can stand on an emperor, heavenly demon king! "

The little demon will think that the name of the monster king can scare Qin Shou.

As a result, Qin Shou was just a lot of ears, and did not agree. "I know, Luo Yan said what it is useless. I ask you, what do you answer!"

The little demon: "You are not a person in the Wan Mountain. I didn't know if I didn't know. His name, you don't know?".

Chapter 121 Shameless Rabbit

Shameless rabbit

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