The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 797.

Qin Shoudao: "Don't know, first turn around Wan Mountain, if you can't do it, you will go to the Tiantian." Qin Yuan's shauntnight is best at dealing with these things, let her think about the way. It is not good, I don't believe it, I don't believe it. You don't have to see the light, plus the coffin plate, and you can't do a fertilistic gourd! "

Qin Shou said, has already shown that the soil left the bottom. After returning to the ground, Qin Shou began to turn around the Wan Mountain. I caught a few demon to swallow, and after the memory was extracted. Life is finally a probably awareness of the forces of Wan Meshan.

Wan Mountain, known as a million mountain! Million demon king!

However, this millions of demon kings are very large, most of them are still not known as the king, the king of the king is more than 10,000, the queen master is more than a thousand, the emperor master is only five!

Therefore, the Wan Meshan has another day.

One day refers to Tianding, but Tianding did not set up any institution in Wan Demen, only in the middle of the Wanmie Mountain, and the Wan Mi City covers an extremely broad, divided into three layers, located in Wan Mountain, respectively Shanba, mountainside and mountain top.

The bottom city of the Wan Mi City, called the outside city, anyone can go casually, in addition to being protected by heaven, not allowed to kill people in the city, the rest is all inevitable. The city on the mountainside, the king level is not allowed to enter, that is the gathering of the king master, and the land of the transaction. The mountain is inner city, the inner city will only be open to the Wanfei conference, usually sealed.

Wu Emperor, refers to the five emperors master, namely: Huaotian demon king, Wang Moon demon king, white side tiger king, bone ghost king and ghost tree king. Occupied the Huaitian Mountain, Wang Yue Mountain, Tiger, and there were only the main peak in the hill of the main peak.

The rest is the trip, too much, not listed in not one.

Qin Shou put the first goal in the Wanshi City, where there is all the monsters of Wan Meshan, and the largest demon trading market in the Dairy.

One, claims that only you can't think of it, you can't buy it!

Qin Shou is very curious, where there is something to sell.

The city gate of the outside is very large, and there is no guards, only two huge lion statues are in that, a pair of eyes are light, as if living.

In addition to the city gates, the demon wind is burst, the green smoke cloud rolls, and there is a large number of monsters in the city from time to time. However, after these arrogant guys came to the door, they immediately scattered the gods, just like ordinary people, regulatory torque.

Qin Shou knows that this is the lesson of blood, and the rules are set. Although the law is known as the official place, the majesty is still not anyone to challenge! There is no rule that the Tianding said is to use confusion, cultivate strong, not really confusing.

After Qin Shou, it is still a little girl, and the big sleeves are going to the city.

Entered the Wanmi City, I saw the wide road, countless demon people walk back and forth, some of the monsters body is huge, and they don't converge into the body. In this regard, other demon people seem to have been usually used, generally take the initiative to avoid.

In the sky, there is a body for the monsters of the birds, and it seems that no one can manage them.

Qin Shou gradually saw the door. Here is the world of demon people. Here, as long as you change back to the body, the ability to bring the body, free to show. Just can't show you how to deliberately destroy the balance here.

Just then, a big dog bears greeted, stared at Qin Shoudao: "Little ghost, you should still change back to your body. If you are this picture, you will be asked as a witch or a family, although here is The race of the world is open, but it is not friendly to the witch and the people. Especially the family! "

Qin Shou is coming to make a fortune, but it is not coming to the world's monsters, directly become a rabbit, white hair, big ears, red eyes, picking with a carrot, Meng Meng looks at the big dog Xiong Road: "How to ? "

"Rabbit? Hey, this is really a rare thing, I haven't seen the rabbit into a fine. Bunny, there is nothing rules here, help you have fun." After that, the enthusiastic big dog began.

Qin Shou is odd, I didn't expect such good bear in the monster ...

Qin Shou wandered around the street, at this time, Qin Shou saw a snake demon came from opposite, but this snake demon legs will be considered, and the head is on the head.

Look at the hands and body, how to see it is a person!

Qin Shou two eyes, heart: "What monsters are there? This item is topped, can you be a monster?"

The man seems to have noticed Qin Shou, turned it, staring at Qin Shou Road: "Little rabbit, what do you see? Haven't seen the snake?"

Qin Shou's mouth is astonished, "" You are stupid? You bring a head, is the snake? Your snake disease? "

The snake is sperm, scared, blocking Qin Shou's mouth, so

The murderous road: "Sad bunny, don't talk! Let me not believe this snake fine, swallow you! When you come, you will leave a place for you!"

Qin Shou two eyes, said: "You are sure? Ok, the rabbit is standing here, you swallow a try."

The snake stared at Qin Shou. Qin Shou looked back at the snake, and the two guys glared in a small eye. After half a day, the snake was completely willed, and the barters: "Rabbit, how do we make a discussion? You don't discover me, I give you some benefits? See you, the whole Wanmi City is estimated, you will be fine. New! This real person takes you around, give you a free guide ? ".

Chapter 125 Survival

Eggs live

Qin Shou listened, his eyes suddenly lit, not greedy, but this goods found that the sound is no longer intentional, with the voice, Qin Shou suddenly heard this product status - too Two live people!

Qin Shou squinted his eyes stared at Tai Quality: "Robbery?"

When the snake is complete, then pulled Qin Shou to drill in the alley from the distance. After drilling, he opened the snake finish, stared at Qin Shou Road: "Little ghost, are you my belly? You Who is it? I don't remember that I will know a guy like you! "

The head is opened, and there is really a good old face, and the fairy ribs are wretched.

Qin Shou's eyebrows were picking up, he wondered, how long is this too long! In the Westward Journey, Qin Shou thought that this guy is also a guy in the stage. Then I saw this old liar in the battle of the defeat, I thought that it was his end, and the guy appeared in the flood!

The only thing that has not changed is the kind of this guy! And this low poor strength!

Qin Shou smiled and looked at Tao Tuan Dao: "Robbery, you don't know me? When you were born, I have hold you!"

"Fay! Hold me? My aunt didn't hug me. You have hugged me? Little scorpion, you don't know what your family robs the uncle? You want

Lied to me? Your eyes turn, I will know what you are playing! "The Taiqi is confident that it is full of confidence.

Qin Shounhen, heard his wrist, knead, revealing a white teeth, smiled: "What is your idea? So do you think I am trying to play now?"

The face of the Tema True is slightly changed, and it will retreat two steps. As a result, the discovery of sad reminders, the wall is the wall! Too two truth, dry cough, two channels: "Little brother, do you have something to say? You see me so old, I don't rely on Tongtian's strength to bully you, you caught your wrist, very like provocation. A real person is accidentally, I'm shooting you, isn't you a big? Hey ... You really do your hand! "

The scream of the Tai second real person has not ended yet, Qin Shou has jumped up, and the round of the group is a striking!

After hitting this goods, I quickly called a few times, hurry to ask for help: "Stop stop! I surrendened! I enroll! Hey ... Your little ghost, actually bullying the elderly, are you still a personal?"


"Don't hit, I surrendered!" Taiyuan raised his hand to surrender.

Qin Shou was satisfied with it. He knew that the old guy did not use it. This guy didn't come, and the skin knife gun did not enter. Still easy to do!

Qin Shou waved a throne dropped on the ground, a butt sat above, smiled and looked at Tai Si Zhe: "Robbery, you give this name.

You are all white, have you have a title? "

Too two real people immediately: "Yes! Of course!"

"Oh? What is the title?" Qin Shou curiously asked, the title of Taiyuan is still Qin Shou. Qin Shou is very curious, this old guy is the title of the year, the title often represents a person's identity! Qin Shou is really curious about the identity of Tai Quality!

Although the Tai 20th has said that he is a brother of Haotian, but Qin Shou feels unreliable! Although the names of the two people are very similar, Qin Shou has eaten so many people, the strength is strong, the strength is weak, and the absorption is extremely pound, Qin Shou knows very much!

I have passed the memories of those people, and I haven't heard that there is a brother! Therefore, Qin Shou is very doubts the authenticity of this old guy! After all, this old guy didn't reliably!

Too seconds also sat up, in the face of Qinshi Road: "Do you want to listen to true or false?"

Qin Shou turned into a white eye: "You don't say nonsense? Truth!"

Too seconds immediately sat in the same place, and the appearance of the appearance, a look of high-end people. Qin Shou saw this, two eyes turned, this guy did not open Qin Shou, and it has already begun to discuss the words of Taiqi. The school of this guy is clearly preparing to start the rhythm of the deception!

Too second real person coughing two sounds, the word is a circle: "Listen, I am nine days, I have no big, Qiankun first, Hongfeng, only

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