The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the Westward Journey is the jade rabbit

A true god, the king of destruction, the holy created, and the Hong Hao debiled, and the invincible to the sacred to the sacred sacred in the ancient times is also! "


Qin Shou directly smashed the past, and the two truth was smashed on the spot! Insert JIN Soil, can't come out for a long time.

Qin Shoumaster headed black line, he knew that this goods should be pulled, and it really begins to pull the scale! Qin Shoudao; "Give you a chance, you will pull the scorpion, I will put this into your ass, guarantee that it is half-cut from my mouth!"

Dang! The wolf bods used to scare the second truth again appeared in front of the Thai truth!

Too two truth pulls out his head, looked at Qin Shouyi and helpless: "Hey, you see, I said the truth, there is always no one letter ..., do you have a wolf tooth stick? I warn you Don't come over! "

Too said that Qinshi said, Qin Shou dragged the wolf's teeth, the meteor came over. Qin Shou understood this old guy. You let him pull, he can pull it for a hundred years, from the fairy into the starry sky, then give you back. I want him to talk to her old man, and the bursts of chrysanthemum are the only way out! I have to say that I will do it, let him fear you.

Sure enough, Qin Shou came to the way, and finally scared the Temorant people. Too two real people threatened that there was no effect. After the murder of Qin Shou's eyes, he sat in the ground on the ground and cryed: "Heroes! Rao! I don't have it? "

Dang! The wolf is standing in front of the Tai second, Qin Shou Road: "Remember, only one chance, speak people, say ghosts, don't whisper, don't whisper, I don't politely!"

Too two real people chicken rice nodded: "No problem!"

Qinshi Road: "Let's talk!"

Too two real people pick up the snake's finished cover, set on the head: "Look at you, bring this gall, I can get a bigger.".

Chapter 126 Tianwei Diji

Tianwei Diwu

Qin Shou didn't think too much, nodded, considered it.

Too many two truths: "My title is very simple, people say horses!" Tempo said this, tone slightly.

Qin Shou wondered, Sunday, the title of this guy did not know that it was a fake, but this horse is still TM suitable for this old guy!

Qin Shou is really going to say, I saw that Tao Tong suddenly pulled his throat. "Xuan Gang demon king, here! I am here! This has a rabbit to squat your family, say your wife is taken by the demon After giving birth to a small green hair! You know you can't dare, he said that you are a woman! "

Qin Shou's heart is not good, drink a big drink, a grasp of Taiyuan! As a result, the second truth was twisted: "The little son, I want to fight with this real person? Bye!" Interchange, too long, too much! "

Almost at the same time, behind the roar: "The bare rabbit is fine, you are looking for death!"

In half an air, a huge big iron iron falls from the sky, and the hand is in a huge stone, directly smashed!

Qin Shou saw this, two eyes turned, squat: "You grandson, is the brain is paste? Your arrogance is not me, it is just that mixed!"

"First, you will die!" The big iron is angry, falling down!

Qin Shou helplessly shakes the head; "Are you not stupid? This is a good demon

City, do you dare to use God? "

At this time, the iron in the half air suddenly rolled up, and there was a rolling, and he fell in front of Qin Shou. Obviously, the rules of the Wanmu City are still very useful.

Qin Shou shake his head: "Just your brain, I really don't know how to mix it into the queen."

After that, Qin Shou turned and went out, he believed that too secondary people, and certainly did not come out! With his skills, although it is too embarrassing, his leg is too slow, and it is certainly not far away!

I saw the Temai truth, Qin Shou suddenly found a magazine who deal with the jasper gourd! The old guy did not enter, the water is not invaded, the flesh is not dead, and I will take a gourd directly, and the gourd is hidden. It is estimated that he can't help him. Just ran out the ice palace, just say it. The congenital spiritual treasure of nine heavens, Qin Shou still has the deal with it. It's hard to deal with it!

Of course, if the gourd has the magical power of people's ability to act, the Tai second real people are also awkward, so Qin Shou has to find someone else. Either find two oysters, or find a macker. If these two guys are not in this time, then they can only find other monsters running fast. Of course, Qinyuan is necessary to find, the so-called men and women do not have tired, let alone, the middle can play rogue, decompression!

At this point, Qin Shou is finally a steady plan, but Qinyuan is there, can't run. The wife is good, the two sons are not there.

In both, I still find the old guy in Taoism. In case, the old man is afraid, running far, Qin Shou is hard to find.

After all, this time and space can be different from the past, the land fairy world is larger, the internal master is more, and it is easy to get trouble with a thousand miles.

Qin Shou took two steps, behind the rumbling of a huge footsteps chased it, it is the big iron! The big iron is stopped, staring at Qin Shou Road: "Kid, you dare to insult me, you go out with me, I want to fight with you!"

Qin Shou is carefully gotting this big iron. This guy's body is actually a piece of cold ice!

Seeing this, Qin Shou suddenly understood why the brain is not angry and can become a critical expert! This guy itself is Tianmou!

Tianwei Di Baofeng, far more difficult than other grass is more difficult! Because their number of robbers, the potential is too strong, and the cultivation is extremely difficult. It is often possible to be scratched to make a magic weapon or medicinal medicine.

Qin Shou is still the first time I saw the monster of the Tianwang Dynasty. Suddenly came.

This 10,000-day ice-made iron is a huge multi-angled big iron ball, with two feet below, two extremely thick arms on both sides. There is no head, the eyes and mouth are on the round rolling body.

It's just a bit distorted, how to look like a stupid thing that is lacking.

Qin Shou smiled: "Your guy, the brain is really bad, or

Do you do it? Do you hear you? "

Xuan Gang demon king heard the words, in the original place, some embarrassment: "I haven't heard it."

"This is not enough, you haven't heard, how can I say that I am married, insult you?" Qin Shou asked.

Xuan Gang Demon Road: "Just said that the snake is said!"

Qin Shoudao: "He said that you believe? Do you want me to stand here?

Xuan Gang demon king listened, scared, hurry to hold Qin Shou's mouth: "You don't have a small voice! I haven't said this!"

Qin Shoudao: "I haven't said it! What do you understand now? Yes you just have the snake, you have to find trouble, go to the trouble of that snake! Well, find him ... Your arm is quite Rough, don't be polite, directly insert him butt! Do? "

Xuan Gang demon king listened to the end, heard the back, but also the smile: "I haven't tried it yet!"

Qin Shou hit a response: "So, you can try this! Very fun!"

Xuan Gang demon king grinned said: "This is good, this is good, I sent people to find that dead snake! Thank you!"

"You are welcome ... Oh, yes, if you find him, inform me, then a wonderful play, I don't look at it." Qin Shou smiled, he sent him

Now, he has more and more like this kind of guy who has no brain!

Xuan Gang Demon King haha ​​big smiled: "Reassure, must! Well, what do you live, where?"

Qin Shou wanted to think about it, said, "I live in Beishan!"

"Isn't that the place of the North Valley?" Xuan Gang demon king stunned.

Qin Shou smiled: "It is not very fast."

Xuan Gang Demon King Suspectedly looked at Qin Shou, the last: "Well, I wish you good luck. If you lay down the North Valley Mountain, I will give you a help.".

Chapter 127 Gift Package

Gift package

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