The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 799.

Qin Shou smiled: "Okay, one words are customary! Haha ..."

Two people have passed two sentences, and Xuan Gang demon king hurriedly got a long time. Qin Shou saw the stones of the land, and these guys took a picture. Qin Shou is very curious, and the portrait of the Xuan Gang demon king will make a ghost look.

As a result, Qin Shou found a chance to steal his eyes, the old face was red! Xuan Gang demon king obviously not painted, but people have magical! Directly in a watermark, it is true than what painted! Still 360 degrees of rotation!

"Grandma, the rabbit, I will come to this world for hundreds of years. I will happen to look at this world with the idea of ​​mortal people. It is not enough. It's not good, this error cannot be made, this time is just a picture. If you are in the future, you can also use the mortal vision, it is easy to do. "Qin Shou secretly wakes himself, and there was a snoring in front, causing Qin Shou's attention.

Qin Shou curiously made the past, only listened to someone who was excited, and then a mouse was excited to hold a stone, ecstatic. Qin Shou took a closer look, he suddenly, this turned out to be the legendary gambling stone!

Qin Shou swallowed a lot of false mobs, and there were several critical experts, and it was not so strange to the land fairy. The land fairy industry has indeed gambling

Shi Yi said that only this gambling gambling is not agate jade, but the magic weapon, Tianwei Diwu and other things!

How many years in the land fairy world, I am afraid that only the talents exist when the world will open, although the flood season is already extremely ancient, but the history of the fairy belongs is still young.

Among the history of the middle of this, there is a countless power, these strong people, or because of the historical fault, or because of other reasons are silent, but they refine the magic weapon, created the magic, and practice It is a good thing! There are also some Tianmoubao, because of various reasons, it is sealed by heaven and earth. These Tianwei Bao will have some special ore. These stones have an isolated external rules that can form a time suspension internally. So the thing inside, can be saved permanently without failing.

However, there are not many places where the fairyland can gamble, and the most famous is not week. Not Zhoucheng was built on the mountain, but the Tongtian pillar, not on the occasion of the beginning of the world, the internal stone is most abundant.

Of course, it is not allowed to exploit the mountain itself, and the mining is all other than the mountains who are eating. These mountains are far from the size, near the mountains, and the age is also different, but it is certain that the history is extremely long! The mountain gods of these mountains are also only a few good-time treasures, but they can enjoy a powerful treatment!

It can speak on the sky, because these old antiques are indeed


More terrible, Qin Shou is not clear, these are still the memory of Qin Shou.

At the moment, a book is sealed in the stone in the mouse in the mouse, and it is a paper book. Don't look at other, look to the appearance, Qin Shou also knows that this is the most likely the dragon and phoenix robbery! Only the dragon and phoenix period, there is no jade simple, use special yuan to record. This pair of paper is similar to ordinary paper, but there is a huge thing that can be stored inside.

If jade is referred to as a USB flash drive, then the yuan paper is equivalent to the disc, and the yuan book is equivalent to the optical disc album! The yuan book in the mouse is not complete, and it is estimated that cultivation is can't practice, but some people in research ancient law will still spend a lot of money. This is also a non-small wealth.

I think this, Qin Shou immediately wrapped in the palm of his hand, did not gamble last life, and Qin Shou also wanted to taste this gambling.

Just then, the nine tube smiled: "Boss, you don't hurry, you will see more. Wait for me to know the laws and methods, you will get started! You have heavy and me, what to learn Both are fast. If I can refer to the mystery of it, this gambling, you can't win! "

Qin Shou listened, immediately nodded: "Ok, just do it! Say, the rabbit, I am optimistic."

The nine tube immediately should be said: "You will be relieved!"

Qin Shou didn't worry, he didn't expect to rely on this.

Happily getting rich.

Qin Shou is stringing, suddenly ... he smiled!

"Hey! Congratulations, you got the time and space package! The package is not subject to a hundred years, it is always available at any time, and the chance is worth one thousand!"

Qin Shou listens to me, more happy: "One hundred thousand one, one thousand! Rabbit master, I have been alive, I have been alive for hundreds of years, change into the day, ten thousand days of ten thousand days. I hit it Once this package, it is also a matter of course. Receive, the rabbit master, I have something good! "

Qin Shou did not rush to gamble, I found a no one's corner, there is a little broken stone in front of it. These stones are not awkward, and the pits are very ugly. Others are too lazy to see them, and managers don't seem to be too concerned, they are piled up, and they are broken. On the side, I also stand a stone: "Ten Yuanshi ten."

Yuanshi, full name Tianheyuan stone, Yuanshi also divided into three levels of heaven and earth, there is a middle and lower three products every level, thinking that the exchange price of two products is 10,000! The heaven and earth meter is not naturally produced by the heavens and the earth, but is cast by the Tianstrong Works.

Sealing the heavenly gas in a special stone and can be circulated.

When the heavens and rocks can be put, they can be put it. When you use it, you can buy things, you can also use the inside of the heaven and earth gas to help cultivation, assist the provenance. Because the vitality here is not pure

The vitality, but a mixed force that integrates the power of the road, the power of the stars, and the heavens and the earth! But don't interfere with each other, but complement each other, it is the world, cultivating the necessary materials!

So Yuanshi, is a recognized general currency in the fairy world. .

Chapter 128 and package

Also package

Unfortunately, Qin Shou's hand did not have a stone stone. Who made him killing people, they were swallowed, or they were a punch to become fly ash ... even if some survive retain the whole corpse, he did not collect the consciousness .

Today, he is a poor clinking ...

However, Qin Shou is not in a hurry, he will tell the money? It is not good, the change point method is out, nor does it lack this money.

Qinshou plain legs sit here, when you are preparing to receive the package, a voice came from the distance.

"Rabbit, do you come to gambling?" The sound cute, very soft.

Qin Shou looked back, I saw a probably eight or nine-year-old little girl looked at Qin Shou.

Qin Shouton is stunned, a human little girl! The appearance in the Wanchao City! Still no camouflage! This gimmick has not been eaten! What's happening here?

"Bunny, you are cute, can I hug you?" The little girl smashed his head, and his face looked with Qin Shou.

Qin Shou also looked at this little girl in his head. After half a day, Qin Shou grinned: "Of course, come."

After that, Qin Shou hugged the little girl in his arms, and Qin Shou's body can be very small. He is not in the Wan Shi City. It is not to be used as a pet.

With this rabbit, it is a big rabbit, and it is more than one meter, counting the ear, more than two meters. The limbs are thick and strong, but there is still a cute. [See cover]

Qin Shou hugged the little girl and smiled: "Little girl, how come you?"

Xiaoyou hied: "Going in, many great animals, but they are ugly. Bunny, your fur is long ... Soft, so comfortable." Xiaomou spoke, Just relying on Qin Shou's arms, squinting, a comfortable look, like a kitten, very cute.

Qin Shudao: "Little girl, what is your name? Where is the home?"

"They are all called me, what is the name of the rabbit?" Kwai turned over in Qin Shou's arms, as if a little girl fell in the plush toy stack.

Qin Shoudao: "Qin Ge, you can call me Qin big brother."

"Breakfast!" The sun is happy.

Qin Shou's face is on the black line, a serious way: "It is Qin big brother! Not a big brother!

"Rabbit!" The sun climbed up and looked at Qin Shou's neck and was very happy.

Qin Shou saw this, completely helpless, this gimmick seems to be mirty, but can't change it, he will give up. Qin Shou will small girl

Put it on the edge, laugh: "Kwai, you sit here, I want to point things, play with you will play."

Kwai is sitting on the side of Qin Shou, looking up, Zhang Xiaoxi, happy: "Okay! Kwai is here for rabbit!"

Qin Shou looked at this, I didn't know why, I was always very excited, very happy little girl, and a lot of festive. Just two words of this rabbit, called him uncomfortable ...

Qin Shou hurry to check the package.

There is a lot of big gifts in the sea, this gift is also random, chaos, there is golden side, there is a diamond, but some places are wood, as well as bronze, silver, and paper shells East, the West is getting together, how ugly is more ugly.

"System brother, you don't have to do this? Although it is a random gift package, you are good, it's good to dress, so ugly, seriously fight my confidence!" Qin Shou just complained.

Then, the gift is a golden, and there is a diamond in it, it is quite beautiful!

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