The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 800

At this moment, the system sound suddenly sounded: "Hey! Congratulations to the host, then the package is randomly selected, the gold diamond package is in place, please check!"

Qin Shou has suddenly realized that this random package is actually a random gift! Not a random item! Just is in a random state, so it is hodgepodge. Now, it is directly a gold diamond package.

It is the most luxurious gift package that Qin Shou has seen!

Qin Shouton laughed, make up, look at the right, and it is beautiful. Qin Shou scored his hand, said: "Since the system brother, since it is awesome, then give a power! Let the rabbit master will come to something!"

After finishing, Qin Shou kelked opened the silk on the package, slapted, the gift package opened!

Qin Shou only felt the golden light, there were more three things in the package, and there was a jade simple, a book, and a spirit.

Three things! Qin Shouton feels not fun, according to the experience, less things, the higher the quality.

The more luxurious the package, the better things!

Today, the package is good, but things seem to be a little ...

But open, or have to see.

Qin Shou picked up the jade, and took directly on the brain! Next moment, Qin Shou's two eyes have a rollover point, only the countless information is like a torrent, generally rushing into Qin Shou's memory, almost putting Qin Shou's brain!

Subsequent this information, in the middle of Qin Shou's mind, it is actually a refiner, alchemy, and the three-door master experience and skills!

Qin Shou sat in the void, and it took a long time to absorb these things, but the distance fusion runs well. Fortunately, I have played a role in the crucial moment of Wu Dao's head.

, Quickly made it, so that Qin Shou is relaxed.

Qin Shou smiled: "Everything is a good thing, but it is too TM pit, I will give it to it, I almost kill me!"

With the experience of jade simbs, Qin Shou is a bit breech with the inexue. The things recorded in Yuan Book, more than jade silk, this is a sudden outbreak, Qin Shou estimates to lying a few days to absorb all the things in it.

Qin Shou carefully took over, and suddenly, he was in the original place!

I saw a few big characters on the yuan book cover - "Tianzi License"

"What is this?" Qin Shou squatted two sentences, put this thing, slowly opened, and flew out a piece of text in the book, entered the Qinshou Brand. The speed of this text is not fast, unlike a jade, a bite, the inside. The speed is just enough Qin Shou to look at it ......

Chapter 129, fools

Fool door

"There are thousands of things in the world, everything can be identified, the sky can be distinguished, and it is known for the world!"

Seeing this, Qin Shou suddenly realized that this is actually a discrimination of the world! Qin Shou continued to look down, the content of this book is covered, but in the end, it is integrated, it is to identify the heavens and the earth! In the book, the various illusions in the heavens and the earth have been explained by the entities, clear and clear, and people have a clearer and deeper understanding of the awareness of the heavens and the earth.

Among them, two gods are attached, respectively, and the nature is distinguished, and the recognition!

Sticky: You can identify the true and false world!

Know: You can recognize the source of all things!

After Qin Shouxuo, the first thought is: "This is the gambling stone magical! Learn to have these two gods, isn't it a gamble? Directly see the nature of the stone, the rabbit, I don't want to win money Can't do it! Haha ... The system brother really assessed, what do you need to give! Never take it! "

Qin Shou satisfied laughed, of course, Qin Shou is more clear, this day is absolutely not a simple gambling stone. This thing is like a total of Tiandi Tung Tung Tianda, and you will be a great advantage for the late New Tiandi Avenue. Absolutely a half-skill!

At the same time, there is a sense of life, Qin Shou no longer has to worry about the void

Culture, or by the enemy's obstacle method, the magical power and the like of illusion confused. Those who don't worry, with two gods, you should be able to see it.

Of course, the strength is beyond too much, and it is counted.

Two good things have been continuous, and Qin Shou is also full of expectations for the third. He is very curious, what is this fascinating.

Pick up the spirit, Qin Shou's heart is immediately introduced, then the ecstatic!

Time and Space Cancer: You can cross the time and space, summon and your blood is coming around.

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "System brother, you can really understand me! Do you know what I miss, what do you give me! Good, good, haha ​​..." Qin Shou laughed, and then carefully harvested . It's still not using it, wait for the home, it's not too late!

At the end of this spree, Qin Shou is also a big earning.

Open your eyes, I only feel a little bit sinking in front of and after, and the sun is sleeping on his leg. The pair of hand is under the head, curled with the body, shrink into a group, pink small skirts, small blush, cute.

Qin Shou consciously touched the little face of this little girl with his fingers, without any lascivious, just simple to love.

Qin Shou likes this feeling, very warm, very comfortable.

However, at this time, a voice that makes Qin Shou uncomfortable


"Hey, isn't this a little ghost! How do you be alone? Qin Yuan? Hey ... I have more little girl." When is this, the burly British trick doesn't know when? I came in, and I recognized the changed Qin Shou.

Qin Shou estimated, recognizing that Qin Shou's body is not big, 80% is to see the coffin, after all, this year, the coffin can take it away. Eternal Tianda is also very full, absolutely a one in the world.

Qin Shou's eyebrows were picking up, and after glance, I was smiled: "How much is it, how far is much, you want to die, the rabbit is not mind to send you. Well ... last time you run, you are very fast What kind of posture is going on this time? "

When the face of the British recruit, it will be black, and the cold says: "Kid, you are not mad! Don't think that you can use a good magic weapon to Yaowei, there is always a bitter fruit! Here is the Wan Shi City, I Don't fight with you, since you get to Wanshi, is it to gamble? "

Qin Shoudao: "What is it?"

British tricks Haha smiled: "Do you know the rules of Wanshi? It is gambler! And some people challenge, must also fight, today I will declare war! I will gamble with you! Wanshi's rules, I won, you will pay me in accordance with the treasure of the treasure we have opened! Of course, if you don't have such a dollar, you have to compensate. Do you dare? "

"If if you lose?" Qin Shou asked, this time Qin Shou is the purpose of understanding the English. This guy is still not dead to the magic weapon in Qin Shou's hand. He wants to use Wanshi's rules, and then come to black Qin Shou! It is best to win Qin Shou's magic weapon! Qin Shoudon is happy, although he has not fully absorbed the world of the world, but what is wrong, it is really difficult! Since someone wants to give money, then be faced, Qin Shou is naturally welcome!

British and smiled: "I lost it. How is it, how do you dare?"

Qin Shou hit a response: "The ratio is better, the rabbit is really don't know how to write. British tricks, do you wear underwear today?"

"What is the underwear?" British tricks.

Qin Shou thinks this, this world has no underwear. Qin Shouton laughed happier ... so he said: "I don't know if it is tight, you will know sooner or later, um ... very fast."

Britain looked at the smile of Qin Shou's thief, suddenly a little heart, but turned to think, this little ghost only hundreds of years of practice time, where did the time study gambling? He still didn't believe it, he studied for many years of skills will lose to a little ghost!

I think of the magic weapon in Qin Shou's hand, the eyes of the British move are hotter!

The innate spirit treasure of the nine heavens, is not much good in the crowds and even emperor masters! No ignorance! The most important thing is that Qinyuan is not there, here is a Wanmi City, standing for gambling, even east

Emperor, it is useless!

I think this, the British restroom starting: "Kid, since you are a gamble, you can don't do it, we need some notary. Let's go, here is a broken thing, look at it, look good!"

Qin Shou immediately shook his head: "Look at it, but I have no money, what is this?" After finishing, I looked hard. .

Chapter 130 Rabbit's Doubt

Bunny's doubts

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