The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the Westward Journey is the Yutong Chapt

I am listening to it, I suddenly laughed: "Haha ... You don't have money? If you don't have money, you still dare to gamble? Do you want to gamble? Haha ... Thanks to you and Qinyuan relations, Qinyuan is famous The rich, you can't afford to gamble, haha ​​... It seems that your relationship is not good! "

The laughter of the British trick is getting bigger and bigger, and the color of the ridicule is getting more and more strong, and it is more and more confident! The rabbit in front of me is so poor, it is definitely no chance to get in touch with gambling! A newcomer, the English trick seems to have seen the congenital spiritual treasure!

Qin Shou stalls stalls: "You are not useful, I have no money, this is gambling?"

The English is in the original place, yeah, Qin Shou has no money, how do you bet?

At this moment, Qin Shou suddenly laughed: "Don't do this, I choose stone, you pay. I won, the part of the money can offset part. I lost, I have the corresponding price of the magic weapon. What is the debt? "

I am talking about the eye, nodded: "This is a good way, line! That's it!"

Qin Shouchi is more happy, the head is so stupid, and the money is still so active! Qin Shou also can't wait, holding a sunflower

Go to the inside.

The four weeks of the sun were arranged by Qin Shou, noisy outside, and noisy, she won't bother to disturb the dream of little girl.

Although this is the foreign city, it is still unable to cover its prosperity, the Wan Mi City gambling stone is very wide, placed in the earth, is equivalent to Beijing. But here, it is not big, after all, in this huge behem, the monsters, the road is much better than Beijing.

The house is naturally following the bigger, higher, in short, this is an incredible monster that is easy to get time and space.

The gambling stone is divided into external squares and internal works. The outer square is a stone that is not in the interior. It is a gathering place for the next equity and medium materials. It is also a place to play, small gambling. The interior is different, the interior is high-grade material and top grade. The stone here is a lot of monsters. Many monsters have hundreds of thousands of years. Dare to come in and gambling, just one is a big demon in one side.

The prestigious name of the British tricks didn't have to say. When I came out, the two years were hanging on the brand of the talents. When I made a good fortune, I did it. Everyone gave a trip, and everyone met.

British tricks are arrogant nods. Qin Shou can be seen, and the British move is not popular. The people here, watching his eyes is just awe, and there is a disgust in the depths of the eyes.

British tricks imitation Buddha is afraid that others don't know that he wants to gamble and Qin Shou gambling.

witness! In the next, this rabbit is more than gambling, everything will be taken according to the rules of the gambling stone side! Interested to come and see, no interest ... ... ... "

These numbers, people who haven't intended to come over.

Qin Shou saw this, secretly shook his head, this British trick has always been a backing day, if it is, if it is, it is estimated that it will die very miserable! The lianship of the heavens can not be unchanged, and the Wanshi Conference is allowed to make the monsters to challenge the demon god. Once success, they will replace the opponent's position.

Of course, more little duty is lifetime, so in the case of a few meat, the annual Wanmili Conference is the bloody sea, the grievances, the whole is very crazy!

With the shouts of the British, more and more people come over.

Everyone secretly talking, looking at Qin Shou, and looked at the English, one by one secret.

Qin Shou's six-language is sensitive, these guys are naturally can't escape his ears.

"Who is this rabbit? Does anyone know?"

"I have never seen it, watching this rabbit is only hundreds of years. This English trick doesn't know how much it is. How can I bullivate a small rabbit?"

"Hey, little sound, listened, your day is not good. British trick is a typical impunity, afraid that this rabbit has something

He was seen by him, this only gambling stone. This thing did not have happened before. "

"I have also heard of this matter, the last time Incentive, the Dragon is a boy, the guy is just out, not understanding. British tricks must accept the gambling ratio, launch challenge to the other side, then win away A magic weapon and two medicinal herbs of that boy. "

"There is indeed this, it is not allowed to use this reason to kid new people. However, what is this rabbit to head, actually want to recruit this means, in order to say, he doesn't prefer the stick is waiting outside. Is it his character? "

"This rabbit is afraid to have ahead, otherwise he will not spend so many hands, watching the fun."

"Well, watch it is fun."

Qin Shou wondered, the heart is soaked, and it is sure, this gaming is nothing to make a gambling ratio, and the rules must be gamble! This stuff is the British recruitment of Hu, bullying Qin Shou first enters the gambling!

However, Qin Shou is also too lazy to pursue the book, to send money to the door, Qin Shou never too much!

"Your uncle's English, today's rabbit does not let the light butt out, with your surname!" Qin Shouxin's hair, watching the eyes of the surrounding eyes become more and more weak, as if anyone who is lost, small love .

The little girl in the arms is still sweet ...

At this moment, someone saw a little girl, followed by talking.

"? That little girl does not seem to be a demon, how can I run a wild city?"

"The rabbit is holding, most of the bunny friends, or children."

"What do she do? Have a monster to be guaranteed, do you want to take a rush?"

"Hey! One mortal, what do I want? I have to eat, I have no strength! I am very good, but it is too short, I accidentally closed it, she will die. Or change. Cheng old, blame people ... "

"It's ..."

Qin Shou wondered, my heart smiled, and sure, in this era, the people did not position at all. However, Qin Shou is very skeptical, can one mortal, can you enter the Wanmi City? When Qin Shu came, but the Qin Chu, the square was tens of millions, no mortal cities in hundreds of millions of kilometers, the village, this is the paradise of the demon! Even the nearest witch, it is also far away! .

Chapter 131, big liar, small liar

Little liar

So, a nun ordinary child, is it possible to come here to come here? Tiger leopard on the road, all kinds of lonely

Can not be vegetarian!

However, Qin Shou is also used to the feeling of some people who can't see, and they are too lazy to continue to ask, everything is followed.

British recruits are too old, very fast, the Wan Mi City gambling stone square square will also hear the news. The Wan Mi City gambling stone square is a big fat man, the whole body is mounting silver, and the landlord of the land is old.

But Qin Shou knows that in this strength, it can be done in this position, it is absolutely not a weak.

When the arrogant British trick saw the other party, he also collected a proud temper and smiled: "Longfang Lord, I haven't seen it for a long time."

The dragon fat haha ​​smiled: "Who is it, it turned out to be a British brother. Brother, you come here to gamble? This time, who gamble?"

Qin Shou listened, two eyes turned, and sure, this guy is not less in this pit, this fat man is not allowed to talk to him with a pants.

British recruiting one shot of Qin Shou's shoulders, laughing: "Just gamble with this rabbit, but this rabbit has no money, so this gambling me first. I have won, he uses the magic weapon to discuss the debt, if it is lost, I give He is ten times gambling. "

When everyone listened, they had, but they really stared at the rabbit.

. At the same time, everyone is also very curious, this rabbit has any good magic weapon, which makes the British tricks so angry, even not to give this rabbit gambling?

Qin Shou scratched his head: "Don't say so atmosphere, it seems that I don't need me."

The smile of the British trick suddenly stopped.

Everyone saw this, and they had a smile, or the first time I saw the British recruits so eaten, one is too dark.

Longfang is always laughing, a pair of things, looking at: "This rabbit brother, you are sure you want to bet with the British brother?"

Qin Shouzheng looked at the dragon square, smiled and asked: "Square is the big person, look at you is a good person. I will come here for the first time, I don't understand, do you say that I should not gamble?"

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