The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the Westward Journey is the Yutong Chapt

Longfang is slightly smashed, obviously he didn't think this rabbit is so simple! But I will come back soon, haha, smile: "Gambling! Of course, there are a few pairs of life in the world? As the pure masters, it is necessary to shoot, which man is not a gambling? Year! Little brother, use the words in our line called the newcomer luck, I am optimistic! "

Qin Shou listened, almost a feet, this dead fat face! This is true that Qin Shou is stupid. This is a righteousness, it is really a rookie, it is really lie to this fat man!

However, Qin Shou can not be a real vegetable bird, the trick, acting, Qin Shou, really don't believe it, he will lose the liar with the Tai second real people, but also lose to this fat liver!

Qin Shou continued to be tender. It seems that the kidneunctine is likely to be insidinal in the case of this fat man. "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

Longfang said happier, a pair of eyes can't see, only two lines left. Back to the direction of Qin Shou, a successful gesture for British tricks.

I nodded in the British trick, I'm going to say: "The rabbit, this is said, I will lose if I lose it!"

Longfang Lord is a foot, a cold, black face, in front of Qin Shou, glory to the English, do you have any words? What is your gambling stone square? What is this gambling? Dare to destroy the rules? Also, this rabbit brother, I am very optimistic, you'd better not bully him, otherwise, hey! "

British strokes quickly made a look: "Longfang master is angry, I just said, after all, this rabbit is a newcomer."

Longfang Lord Yin Shen face: "What happened? This time this time, the Benfang Lord personally gave him a explanation. He should say that you don't worry!"

After that, Longfang is immediately changed, and I laughed, and I was "small brothers, don't be afraid, this English trick is God, but I am not eating.

vegetarian. If he dares to bully you, scare you, force you to lose to him, you tell me! I will help you pack him! This acre three, I said the words still count. "

Qin Shou didn't talk, British recruits have been with a smile: "Longfang Lord, You said, in your site, I dare to bully you."

Longfang is a cold, said: "If you know the phase, good, British recruit your brother, don't blame me for black face with you. You also know that my rule, the rule is the rule, even my friends and family are not bad. The rule. Who is broken my rule, I will rush. "

British smiled: "I will of course understand this, Longfang Lord does not have to say more. Let's know it is not a day two days, who doesn't know that you are selfless."

Dragonfly nodded.

Qin Shou looked at these two bastards singing, and the heart was full of emotions: these two bastards, a black face, a red face, if you encounter the rookie, it is really lied by this dead fat. If you haven't allowed him to rely on the mountain, friends, if you really believe this dead fat, it is estimated that you are not eating the bones! These two grandson, don't know how many people with this set of tricks, how many people have been cheated, this time, hit the rabbit master, the rabbit master let you know what is miserable, what is hard, what is painful!

Qin Shou glanced over his eyes, in the eyes, it's all stars, looked at Longfang Lord, and the worship model of the face: "Long fat uncle, you are too powerful.

! You don't know, the British thief has more disgusting, there are more ferocious, there are many shameless, how many evil! Hey, it's just a bamboo book! In short, under this day, there is no more than him, more garbage! ... Long fat uncle, he whispered me! I don't let me tell the truth, he threatened me, you have to give me a job! "

Qin Shou suddenly came out, Longfang was stupid! I didn't touch the rookie before, but he didn't encounter such a rookie! I didn't react it for a while.

I will see this, hurry up and drink: "Sad bunny, what do you say? When did I scare you?"

Qin Shou immediately called: "Are you so loud? I don't have it! You can also be more fierce? ..

Chapter 132, the English, I have to cry.

British strikes to cry

There is also the door, do you dare to be more fierce? Too scraped, Long fat uncle, you have to give me a job! It's too bullying, so, I will gamble, I will not bet. I listen to people say that the gambling will not start, at any time you can quit ... ... "

At this time, the British tricks and Longfang Lord are all in the same time, and the two people have spent half a day. If this babbit is not betting, then they still play a fart!

Longfang Lord turned, black face, reprimanded: "What do you do? Do you dare to scare this rabbit brother ?! Not apologize!"

The English trick seems to eat a hundred and twenty dead flies. I really have to play, but he all don't have the magic weapon's death rabbit, talk about frightening? When he scared, he won't be ran around.

Thinking of these, the British tricks are uncomfortable. But I think of the magic weapon, and I think I am working hard for a long time, I will be a feet, a bit bite, said: "Sorry ..."

Qin Shou smashed the ear: "Do you say?"

British move is like constipation, full of red. Longfang Lord is also a face of a face ...

Everyone is almost laughing! Although they don't know that Qin Shou is acting in the acting, it is so eating that this usual debut.

It is too dark. I'm laughing and laughing!

I am so cold and glanced at everyone. Everyone immediately smiled.

Just then, a big laughed in the distance, then one person slowly came, all people spread, it was not someone, it is the green hat in Qin Shou Eye Wang Huaimi!

The german king is an emperor master, not afraid of the English. The British tricks will have a heaven, but the super hegemony near the Wanmi City is not a point with Tiandi. At least heaven, the demon king, the British recruits can't stop.

Huaidian Demon King said: "British recruiting brother, you just said, I also listened to it."

The face of the English trick is green, and it is really not afraid of being a big! However, there is no such thing as the opening, Qin Shou booth stall hand: "You see, not my ear has problems, but your voice is too small. If you don't believe, you ask everyone to hear it? It's really no. We don't register and vote. "

"It's enough!" British fire, his own person knows that they are home, if they do not register, it is estimated that all have not heard it.

Qin Shou immediately called: "Long fat uncle, you see! This guy frightened me, scared the baby, forget it, this gambling stone didn't gamble, it's too much. No one gave me the master, not gambling. ,Come back home!"

After that, Qin Shou turned and went.

Longfang is anxious, the British trick is unhappy! If Qin Shou leaves, the British trick wants to grab the magic weapon, it is difficult as it is! He is very clear, his strength is not strong in the top ten demon gods, even vividly have a trend of the bottom. If he does not upgrade the strength, he is afraid to be the next Wany Shemale, there will be someone challenged him. Without the name of the demon, he didn't know how to die!

So I called: "Wait! Rabbit, sorry!"

This scorpion is extremely huge, almost roar, and everyone is shaking.

Qin Shou didn't matter, then looked back, with a very unclear expression: "Long fat uncle, you see him this expression! This door, this anger! This is an apology, it is clear that it is scared me! Forget it, not I am going home. You continue ... "

Britain held Longfang House: "Longfang Lord, you are talking!"

Longfang is crying, he wants to say, but he is a helpless, this is to open this villain, and the ghost knew that this babies will not remember. Although Longfang is not afraid of the English, it is always a bit troublesome. He just wants to sell a face, you don't want to lose money.

Now, this mix account is not worth it, this born rabbit first enlarged.

The English tricks have been opened, and the Longfang Lord has to open, and repel the road.

: "British trick! What do you mean! What is the guests scared me? If you call it, don't blame me!"

After that, the momentum of Longfang is hit! When Qin Shouton, I felt behind a big mountain. He knew that this is the reason why Longfang is protecting him, telling Qin Shou not too much.

However, who Qin Shou is? He is not a rookie!

Qin Shou directly sat on the ground, shouted: "It's too scary, this momentum is too scary, no, scare the baby, hurry home." After that, Qin Shou, I ran it. " .

Longfang Lord and Britain Recruit this, I have to cry on the spot, they think it is, this dead rabbit is not in the oil salt, and it is useless to play any turntable brain. It must be simple and straightforward, he said, is it!

Two people looked at each other, they saw the anger in their eyes! But Qin Shou does not enter the gamble, they are not good to force Qin Shou. Under the helpless, two people sigh at the same time, and the English is closed!


Longfang is directly slap in the past, and the British trick is pulled out!

Then Longfang Lord drinks: "British tricks, this slap is a lesson for you, and then dare to provoke my guests, it is not a slap in the palm!"

British hurts face, the eyes are rare, the face is popular, and he only feels around people, it seems to be told him. If you are shameful, you will count.

Also rushed to the shame, this is simply let him be mad!

People around us, but it is really happy, but everyone is clear, now it is absolutely can't be happy, otherwise it is a situation that is not dead. It's just a happy heart, and you will sell them.

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