The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the Westward Journey is the 804 of Yuren

Xia Guang demon king suddenly said: "Didsery of the rabbit, will you give two people? This is? This rabbit will not be a stupid?"

When the demon king, I scratched my head: "Don't say, there is a possibility. Sure enough, the side bystand is clear, the lady is smart! It is really stupid or stupid, then look at it. He can put it. For a while, can you still install it? "

Xia Guangmon king laughed, leaning against the temple king, not talking. A pair of beautiful fell on Qin Shou's body, then moved down, and finally fell on the lunchers in Qin Shouzhu, and the eyes became an old.

Unfortunately, this scene is not seen, Qin Shou did not see.

British tricks finally brought Qin Shou into the inner courtyard, ready to start gambling, he didn't want to stop in a step, afraid of motion, Qin Shou ran, noisy.

The dragon fat man is also afraid of Qin Shou, immediately said: "Two, since it is here, then this gambling stone begins. Nothing rules, one person chooses three stones, and then more than open, and finally consolidate high. If the value is the same, when the three stone is comparable, have a victory, have any objection? "

Qin Shou immediately joined the claw.

The heart of the dragon fat and the British trick is trembled simultaneously. They have been scared by the hearts of all kinds of emergencies of this dead rabbit. I am afraid that this goods have been made.

Dragon fat piers want to smoke themselves, why do you have any objections? I didn't get it directly? On your mouth: "Bunny, what else do you have?"

Qin Shou asked: "First, have any objection, can you change the rule?"

The dragon fat is immediately shakes his head: "It has always been so than, so the rules can't change."

Qin Shoudao: "Second, gambling is picking up?"

"As long as it is in my gambling stone square, you pick it up!" Long fatigue.

Qin Shoudao: "Then I have no opinion."

"Since the two have no opinions, then I declare that the gambling stone is officially started!" The dragon fat man shouted while staring at Qin Shou, so that this goods came to halfway. In this sentence, he is shortened. Qin Shou has not interrupted again, and the dragon fat is lively tone.

The British trick is the same, with the announcement of the dragon fat, the eyes of the British fascination become fierce! The gambling starts, Qin Shou can't shout again, otherwise it is to challenge the rules. If you don't need to fight your hands, the people who have a law enforcement team can destroy Qin Shou.

Now, the British trick is expected to take it out.

Unfortunately, Qin Shou did not quit the meaning, but hugged the sun, strolling around, a pair of eyes on the west, and I don't know what to watch. But the hipster can see it, this rabbit is definitely a newcomer, nothing to understand! All the actions are showed that this guy is an extraordinary!

Everyone who watched the lively, all shook his head, and thought that this rabbit was derived.

British tricks Haha laughed: "Rabbit, you are derived this time!"

Qin Shou took the eye and looked at the English: "Your face is swollen, don't talk, I can't speak."

British tricks, but like constipation, I don't look at Qin Shou, turn it to another direction.

When I walked, Qin Shou was ran, Longfang was arbitrarily afraid of Qin Shou running, and quickly followed. Results Longfang Lord found that this dead rabbit actually ran in front of the smoke! The higher the stone quality of this gambling stone, the more expensive the same price!

Longfang Lord suddenly has a bad premonition ... British tricks may be miserable!

Of course, Longfang Lord, I don't know, Qin Shou is showing the recognition of the world.

Magong, two eyes look casual, in fact, it has seen the greasy in these stones! Although it is not possible to see the stone, it can analyze the quality of the internal things from the structure of the stone surface texture and the road.

However, Qin Shou first showed that he did not know what he saw, the analysis is not true. But this is not tight, Qin Shou has a good way to win the English!

Qin Shou is rushing in the rush, followed by countless big troops, they are very curious, this rabbit is going to do, all the way, do you want to buy stone king?

Just then, Longfang main opening: "Rabbit, you are best for strength, my stone king can't afford it! Even the secondary stone king, he can only look at it, three Squi Stone King, he must pour a home! "

Qin Shou wondered, smiled and said: "This is so expensive?"

Longfang House: "Requisiting in the rich insurance, the gambling is this! One knife heaven, a knife hell! Once success, things inside will make you rich life! Of course, if you fail, ..."

Now, Qin Shou has entered the game, and Longfang is no longer installed. Look at Qin Shou's eyes, no moderate, only supervisory eyes.

Qin Shou hit a response: "I understand! I will see, I have never seen such a stone, look at the general line?"

"OK!" Longfang main nodded.

In the depths of the interior, here is a relatively empty natural environment

, A lake, a Yanglin, very quiet. Just put a few stone Qin Shou sweeping on the shore, just eight.

At the center of the lake, there is a small island. There are three big stones on the island. Although the three big stones have a thick stone coat, but still exudes a power of , as well as the heavenly agglomerates. After a sweep, it will be a stone, but the feeling of people!

Qin Shou is called Qi Dao: "This stone is fine!"

"Gigle, this stone can not be fine. This stone itself has a large road and the rules of Tiandao. Everything is in rules, and it is a big way, and it is a matter of the sky, breaking the rules. This kind of thing, It is not doing. "Huge is a bright king! .

Chapter 135


Although Xiaguang Demon King is not good, he has a very face here. Therefore, no one dares to look at Xia Guang Deyu.

Qin Shou didn't think this woman will suddenly stand out, twist the head, watching Xia Guang Deyu: "Thank you, the beauty of the friends, this is, since there is no fine, why do you feel so fierce? Said that they are the appearance of Shi Wang to cut me! So indeed, is this not dying? "

Xia Guangmon king listened to Qin Shou to talk, there is a smile: "This is because they have no gods in the interior, even the stone coat can't cover their strength. This is also one of the standards of the choice of stone kings. Rabbit å If you have money, buy this stone king, this gambling will win. "

Hua Tian Deyu said: "Beauty, you can be right. The reason why gambling is called gambling, because it doesn't have to win. These stones can be very disguised, before It's not that no one has cut the stone king, the things inside are just a latter law. Rabbit, if you want to win, it is best to pick it up, it is useless. "

Qin Shou waved his hand: "Thank you for your strength, but I don't understand how this gambling stone is gambling. But it doesn't matter, I will pick a big!"

This time, the words of the demon king face. Pick a big, this is how much extra line, how can you dare to say this? Gambling stone is a week! The more high quality stone, the more expensive!

Qin Shou was awarded the main road of Longfang: "Long fat uncle, if I pick it, choose, the result is the grandson who has no money to pay?"

No waiting for Longfang owner, Xia Guang demon king first answered: "Anyone comes in and chooses the stone, and the gambling will evaluate the assets of this person. So from the fight against the other's gambling, how much is, Longfang is very clear Yes. Longfang Lord, this little brother and British compelling, but I don't know how much money I have, is this itself affects fair? "

There is Xia Mei demon king, and others have immediately responded. No one likes the English, the evil spirits, falling the stone, everyone is very good, and very professional.

Longfang is the intersection, but it is just to see the Tianship behind the British Recruitment. In addition, the people do not be with the official battle. But the bias of the flavor does not meet his interests. Nowadays, Xia Guang demon king is open, and the love of the demon king is not speaking, it is obviously supporting the Light demon, and the indirect supports Qin Shou.

So Longfang is decisively showing neutral attitude: "British excused brother's assets have left and right. Rabbit, you can watch it. Of course, because you have not agreed, whether you didn't agree These Yuanshi, so when you gamble, I can only follow the stone stone of the first-selected person, after deducting the stone stone of the first choice.

Stone used to pay the stone. If the money is not enough, the people who choose stone must change the stone. "

Qin Shou two words did not say a piece of stone like a small mountain: "The price is the price of the stone, I want it!"

"Hey!" Huaotian demon king a mouthful of tea sprayed away, then laughed: "This thief's rabbit, directly spend most of the property, enough!"

Xia Guang demon kings, smiled: "It is indeed smart, so that the funds can be mobilized, it is not necessarily bought. This rabbit bought a large piece of good materials, as long as luck Not too bad, winning a game is no problem. If luck is slightly better, the last total value must exceed the English trick. I don't know if the British trick picks the stone there. If you can't pick it first, you can be miserable. "

Just then, one person ran over: "Square, British people, have not selected stone."

Everyone smiled, one by one secret, they all knew, this is a miserable trick!

Qin Shou listened, hurry back, and pointed to a stone road worth eighty-product product, the second piece is selected!

The face of Longfang is green, immediately looked down in the hand, and immediately asked the staff in the distance, and then said: "Square, British people, still picking ..." The meaning of the words is that there is no choice of stone! " Qin Shouli

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