The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 805.

This stone is effective!

The leader of Longfang is helpless: "Then this piece ..." Things, Longfang Lord knows that unless the British people break out, discover the treasure in the rotten material. Otherwise this game is derived! Not only lost, lost people, I am afraid afterwards, I am afraid!

At this point, Longfang Lord has not made a thoughtful mind, and the sorry is simply justified.

Just watching Qin Shou's eyes, it also became an old, he is now a bit very clear, although this dead rabbit is a newcomer, it is a newcomer! The appearance of the time is all installed!

Longfang is always shaking his head, and his heart is smirking. He is smart, so that a rabbit in the millennium is not enough, it is very annoyed. But then think of the opening of the English trick, Longfang Lord immediately balanced.

In fact, this matter is not weird, and the British recruit did not put Qin Shou in the right position. Only when Qin Shou is a lucky kid, I thought Qin Shou is also in the mountains. Repair, the nestling bullion.

After all, such a powerful strength, if there is no suffering, even if it is a famous big country, it will not cultivate it. Therefore, the British trick gives Qin Shou definition with routine thinking, first in the case of the main situation, plus Qin Shou's climax, invincible trick, double-tube, and the British convincing.

Then, under the leadership of the British trick, Longfang Lord is also the mainstay. After all, the British recruiting this shocked pit didn't know how much you just came out.

Then Longfang Lord fell into the big pit in Qinshou layout ...

First, two people were played in the pit, and then they were unsucked by Qin Shou for a word, eager to seek, and finally even forgotten the agreed property. I have a play! .

Chapter 136

Hard work

It can be said that all of this, there is a small abacus from the head to the end, but it is really contributed to this matter, but the two old guys are greedy, and smart is smart.

Qin Shou also didn't care what Longfang is thinking, and after challenging two expensive big stones, it began to Shi Ran.

Others can only pick two stones that Qin Shou is picking up, but Qin Shou himself is clear, he is here, others are going to go to the horse, only him clear. In front of Tianzhi, the baby's breath in these stones has been carried out by him, where there is a good thing, how many of him. He is picking, it is definitely a good stone! There is a good thing in it! Just because I haven't used this god, I didn't distinguish these stones, so some didn't have an air.

Just wait for this success, I will know the rules in the future. At that time, he can be a gambling stone.

It's just playing now, the right is gambling. Qin Shou has not believed that there is an god in his hand, plus his luck has always been good, and it will lose if you have your own cheap!

After a while, Qin Shou picked a stone, which only the stone is worth the stone. This price is not expensive. It is reasonable that Qin Shou should compress the spatial space that can spend the . But Qin Shou didn't do this, because he found that this small stone is like

I have a good thing! So he had to give up.

Just then, a roaring in the distance: "You tease me! This can't buy it, then you can't buy it, then what can I buy ?!"

When everyone listened, suddenly laughed, this sound is not someone else, it is a British trick!

After a while, I was angry and angry, I angered: "Longfang Lord, what is going on? My asset should be clear, how do I buy two stones?"

Since Longfang Lord has already hit the thoughts of the British Prix, naturally will not be with the British smile, carrying hands, a fair selfless way: "British brother, you are don't bother. Come, Take the three stone plants selected by the rabbit. "

When there is a bad feeling, he has a feeling. His money bag is awkward. Subsequently, he seems to have forgotten a very important thing, there is no property, light loading !

The face is very ugly, but there is no opening, he is thinking about the countermeasures.

After a while, the gambling workman is carrying three stone, and the British trick looks at the price, suddenly two eyes, almost back!

It seems that the fight against the British trick is not very similar, and the gem of the demon king suddenly asked: "Dragon brothers, how many this rabbit use?"

Longfang Lord smiled: "This March mountain stone is huge, heavy

Eight thousand pounds, the price of seven hundred layings, the stone stone, this Roland stone price is on the stone stone, the small material is the cheapest, the value of 3 layings on the stone. A total of seven hundred and eighty pieces of the stone. "

In this case, the British recruits two eyes, and the body is sitting on the ground. I widened the eyes and stared at Qin Shou. He said: "You ... do you spend my money? No wonder I can't buy anything! You cheat! Longfang Lord, what is going on, how can he know me? How much is it, I still bought the base price! "

Qin Shou has not spoken yet, Longfang Lord is not malicious, cold, said: "British trick, what happened, you still don't know? You don't negotiate a good capital allocation, I certainly follow the most original The method is allocated, first purchase first. How do you move, or blame me? "

Britain Looking at Longfang Lord's face, immediately knew that he said his mistake, hurry to change mouth: "Longfang Lord you misunderstood, I mean, this is not fair."

Qin Shou has a mouth: "Is it fair? What is it? What do you mean? Long fat uncle is unfair, or said that the rules of the Wanchao are unfair?"

The face of Longfang is more ugly. He helps the British trick because of the background and financial resources of the English, Qin Shou is just a newcomer, and the two choose one help, and will definitely help English. Now it is good, I'm not expensive, but I still have a complaint.

British tricks and hurry: "Longfang Lord, I don't mean, I said, since I pay it, is it half ..."

"My grandfather! The rabbit, I came, I said. I have no money! It is your strong pull hard, let me gamble you, I still cry and say that you pay! How to pay, you I can't afford it? Or can't afford to lose? Gambling clothes, the sky! You can't do this, you still have to gamble? Sharowing is now! "Qin Shou interrupted the words, ridiculous.

The face of the British recruit is red, and the red change is purple, and I am angry: "I understand, the bunny, you are playing me from the head!"

Qin Shou turned around, twisted the fat ass, and the short tail of the above, a twisted road: "The rabbit is playing you, how can you? How can you? Just your brain, demon God? Ah! Compared with our family, I am, you are a pig! No, pigs are smart than you! Hey, still blink of beads? How to be beaten? The rabbit master is here, you dare to hit me. test!"

Qin Shou is very chest, and the eyes are bigger!

Other people see this, they are straightforward, the rabbit is still a good time, sleep, the sound of the rookie, how can I get a glimpse? This temperament conversion is too fast!

British recruitment: "You play a means, this is not counted!"

Longfang Lord heard, suddenly anger, a slap in the hands of the arms, cold snort: "British, here is my site, the rule is the ancient rules of Wanmi City! You are Destroy our rules? "

I am scare a jump, knowing that I am wrong, Longfang is the reverse

Scales are rules, no one can destroy! Otherwise, six pro does not recognize, this is well known!

I am busy: "Longfang Lord, I said something wrong, please don't want to see it."

Things have developed this step, and the British tricks also know that there is no good to be good, and the fierce glances, the Qin Shou, Qin Shou: "Sad Rabbit, do you think you have won? Just choose such a big stone, I want to win me. Is it an idiotic dream! "..

Chapter 137 Demon King

Demon King

After finishing, the British trick came out of a lotush to throw it to Longfang.

Long Fang was looking at it, and his face suddenly changed, and then smiled: "I didn't expect you to have so much wealth, it seems that I have a low evaluation of you."

Qin Shou listened, immediately referred to a stone king of the lake: "I decided to change it!"

The British trick is a mouthful of old blood spurt, hurry: "This is my follow-up money, according to the rules, it should be handled by my own! This rabbit, no right to dispose!"

Longfang main point: "According to the rules, it is true. Rabbit, you want the stone king, you have to spend money. How, now you still?"

Qin Shou hurriedly shook his head: "If you spend money, you can buy a stone. Don't!"

The face of the English recruit is a young red, according to Qin Shou said, is he not a stupid?

Dragonfly Hold: "British recruitment yourself, you are worth a thousand five hundred layings, you have to choose the stone stone?"

The British reflexive breathed a sigh of breath, glanced at the stone of Qin Shou, a bit bite the Tao: "I want the dragon stone, red yellow stone, and Tianjian stone."

At this time, Longfang Lord also followed by a cold air, followed by

: "British recruitment your brother, you are sure? If these three stones come down, you can don't have much left."

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