The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the Yutong Chapter 807.

On the other side, the masters turned over a feet, only took a breath, raised the blade!

Qin Shou hit himself, this is a lot of spirit. Seeing the knife, Qin Shou estimates the climax to begin, I am afraid to miss it. All others are the same, and one of them has grown up, as if there is a real thing.

This is especially true, breathing has accelerated a lot.

Instead, Longfang is relatively calm.

These people are in one fell swimming, Qin Shou see is really sophisticated, he is very sure, this is really a knife!

However, next moment, Qin Shou is dumbfounded. .

Chapter 139 Old Fox Little Fox

Old fox fox

I saw the crush master, slowly swallowed down the knife, the action was crawling with the snail ... Qin Shou suddenly understood, why the masters of the blade are so frightened! So slow speed, the knife is not covered, it is estimated that the stone is not open ...

The master used three minutes to put the knife on the stone.

Qin Shounie grinned, two eyes turned, took out a big bed, and throw it on the ground. It attracts the attention of countless people, and then widened with the eyes, and it is incredible to see that this blending rabbit actually directly g, covered, sleep!

Longfang is in this, I can't help it, whispered: "Rabbit, you sleep? Don't you have to take it? The chance of broken masters can don't have much, it is good to see it."

Qin Shou waved: "Hey you are nervous, gambling stone, gambling is luck, you really do him carefully. Occasionally play, why don't care. I will sleep first. , Long fat, you call me. "

After that, Qin Shou slammed into the sun and slept, and there was no snoring.

Longfang is in this, bitter laughs, a waving will take the sound of Qin Shou four weeks, lest his snoring to disturb the migrant.

However, no one saw that Qin Shou fell asleep,

I have an eye, Qin Shou, I am very appreciated!

Unfortunately, this is a flash, and then the masters will be relieved with peace of mind, but the movement is slowly calm. The martial martial martial art is not very violent, but the same gentleman is giving a beautiful width, it is very decent, and each action is very particular, and the natural texture of the stone is slowly cut. I actually gave one, this stone should be so open, and so open stone, it seems to have a great illusion to the stone.

At this moment, even the emperor of the demon king received the arrogance, such as the primary school students, in the quiet look, it took back to the back, straight waist.

Qin Shou's thing is really uncomfortable, but Qin Shou has left the heart, he is too lazy to learn, but some people are willing to learn! Qin Shou put it out of Kao's head, and the nine cents looked at this whole process through Qin Shou's knowledge, and every move of the master was recorded, and then quickly split it, and then refer to Stone. The road is analyzed, and a string of useful things have been analyzed, then they are finished by the nine cents, and then wait for Qin Shou to wake up and hand it over to Qin Shou.

Time flies, it has passed in a half-day, and Long to Stone is also cut, and the treasure has begun to penetrate, and everyone is fascinated by the treasure, and it is repeated.

"There is another knife, the baby will appear." Some people have low channels.

"Hey, don't speak out." Immediately stop the opponent's opening.

Not far, I don't know when, I have four gods, this

The strength of the four people is very powerful, to that battle, no one dares to be close in the next four weeks. It's just a far-sighted king, Longfang main point.

The emperor king snorted, but didn't say anything.

These four people are the other four emperors of the famous king! Wang Yue Demon King, White Facial Tiger King, Bone Ghost King and Ghost Tree King!

The four people were also amazed by the movement of this, especially after heard that the masters worked directly to the stone, they ran over.

As the five demon kings arrived, the atmosphere at the scene became an arbitrary, everyone knows that these five demon kings are not open, no one wants to get into the circle of five people. Therefore, it is maintained for a certain distance.

Longfang's main eyes saw that the last knife had to fall. This pushed Qin Shou, whispered: "The rabbit, got up, the dragon stone of the British, immediately opened the baby. You don't look at what baby?" ? "

Qin Shou turned over and scratched his ear: "Don't be noisy, the rabbit is eating big meal, there is beauty ... huh, don't run, take your pants!"

When this is out, Longfang is changing! The eyes flashed a wipe, then smiled and smiled: "The rabbit, don't do a spring dream, the result is coming out."

Qin Shou was pushed by Longfang. This is very unwilling to open his eyes, complaining: "Long fat uncle, you are really, critical moments disturb people's dream, hehe ... Where is this?"

Longfang Hold: "The last knife, the result is immediately revealed. Rabbit, I ask you a question, you have answered me, do you know ?"

Qin Shou is trembled, he is of course known, but he knows the future of the future, not now! Listening to Longfang Lord's meaning, most of him is also known!

Qin Shou can not think that his bottom is revealed, but Qin Shou is very important to think about it. If you don't mention it, it is, this further, he can't wait to see you. Qin Shouxin, I didn't know how much turned. I didn't know how much. "I know, I don't know what I know, and I said to the same ."

Longfang was laughing: "I don't know how to know, but I heard that this time the Wanfei conference, will now come to Wan Mountain."

After that, Longfang Lord opened the topic, a smile on a fat face very quirky. It seems that I know what, just don't say it!

It's uncomfortable, but Qin Shou is very clear. At this time, I must never ask. Otherwise it will reveal! This old guy is trying him!

So Qin Shoudao: "The ancient books and I know didn't matter, I know, although it is beautiful, but I can't get a Wan Mountain ..."

Qin Shou said, obliquely looked at Longfang Lord, but there is no expression on the face of Longfang, but there is no expression. Qin Shou is can't see anything!

Qin Shou Head had a big sentence: "Old fox! I know that the rabbit will continue to be stupid, and you will not let you guard it!"

The heart of Longfang is the same. "This thief rabbit, don't know which sentence is true. , if he knows the gods, the calendar of this guy is not simple. It seems, I have to check the origin of this rabbit ... ".

Chapter 140

First round

Longfang House: "Baby is coming out, look."

Listening to the news, Qin Shou also had a thoughts to see what gambling stone, in Qin Shouxin, this gambling will win. Even if you lose, you don't matter, you will play it! He didn't believe it, and he rely on the mountains, he played, who can let him!

Yes, Qin Shou did not have to have this gambling bureau from the beginning to the end, won the disgusting, losing it, continue disgusting him!

Therefore, Qin Shou did not have a bit of stress.

However, Qin Shou still looked at the masters. The broken knife of the big stone has fallen. After gently cut the last layer of stone, a treasure is rushing, then a fish fly out, go out to the air!

At this time, the master of the original slowly swallowed suddenly raised his hand to catch the air, and the fish of the fish came back and fell in the broken stone. The mascher opened the palm of the palm of the palm.

The masters married: "This is a protective magic weapon, the first day of the day, the Lingbao, is not bad. British tricks, you have at least lost."

British recruits heard, the face is slightly disappointed, but it is better than opening. After all, even if the stone is too empty, it is more confident that he can win this game. Laughing, I looked at Qin Shugu: "The rabbit, this game you are afraid to be derived."

After Qinshi lazy, I laughed and laughed: "You don't learn this child? Just a master of the master, didn't you say, don't worry about the conclusion."

British recruits were reprimanded by Qin Shou, and suddenly anger: "I said you lose, you will be deserved!"

Qin Shou hugged himself: "You are sure? Do you dare to add a little bet?"

British eyebrows challed: "What?"

Qin Shoudao: "Three times, there is three times, every time the gambling winner can fan a loser ten slaps, how? To tell the truth, see Long fat uncle to smash your big ear scientific, I feel good, I also want Try. "

The face of the British recruit is very ugly, he is smoked by Longfang, or in front of many people, voluntarily pumping! This can be said to be the most interesting thing in this life. Now it is raised by Qin Shou. This dead rabbit actually wants to smoke him!

British recruits are furious, and the fierce eyes of the eyes are staring at Qin Shou. Qin Shou is not afraid, but smiles and looks at the English, and it is relaxed.

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