The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the Yutong Chapter 808.

British Lord: "Okay, I will bet with you! Rabbit, I am going to smash your mouth!"

Qin Shou smiled: "You are afraid that there is no chance, the masters, please also leave the stone."

The mascher nodded, raised his right hand again, Qin Shou fruit was broken to bed, sleep!

Everyone saw this, they shook their heads. The heart of this dead rabbit is really big, so big betting, I can still fall asleep, this is also a thousand people!

Time passed by, when Longfang Lord woke up Qin Shou again, this guy finally saw his own stone was also only a thin layer of stone. Qin Shou immediately sat on the bed, curiously looking at the things in this stone. His current magic can only see something, and cannot be determined to have something in particular.

The British recruit found Qin Shou woke up, and immediately opened the sound: "The rabbit is prepared, is it?"

Qin Shoudao: "Don't worry, the rabbit, I am ready, I am ready to be prepared. I have, the master is stone, do you make up the mouth. Otherwise, the master, the stone is cut, you pay me?"

Qin Shou lifted the master of the master, and the British trick immediately closed.

The masters continued to stone, and the last layer of stone was cut off, everyone widened his eyes, staring at the gap on the stone! Just, the fish is flying from this mouth!

However, Qin Shou's stone is not quite quiet, and there is no thing flying out.

I will see this, haha ​​smiled: "Empty, haha ​​... rabbit,

You are over! It's an empty! "

Qin Shou made a look at the English, despising: "The masters have not opened it yet. Can you shut up and stop? How can you have such a thing as a demon king ... I decided, next time the Wanshi conference Challenge you! "

The heart of the British move is sudden, and Qin Shou's strength is not worried, but he is really afraid of Qin Shou's magic weapon! British recruitment is staring at Qinshi Road: "There is no way, I kill you like killing chicken!"

Qin Shou cut a road: "Use no magic weapon, kill you all like killing chicken! Ok, shut up, look!"

What is going to say, the masters suddenly open: "This rabbit is a little friendly, and I didn't expect to have this kind of thing, it is true."

At this time, the British recruitment shuts down, and it is incredible to watch the masters. Others also watched over, especially the five demon kings, they concluded that Qin Shou's stone was not as good as in advance. If Qin Shou won, do you also play their face?

Masters don't talk, but continue to cut stone, soon, everyone will clear the things in the stone, green leaves, purple flowers, the color of the flowers constantly change, but the treasure is confidential!

"Medicine king! This is a pharmacy! Ziqi charters!" Huaotian demon king Haoran got up, excited!

This moment, Wang Yue Demon King, White Facial Tiger King, Bone Ghost King, Ghost Tree

Wang, and even the Lord of Longfang took a step forward, and the eyes were dead and stared at the purple flowers!

The face of the British recruit, the moment is like a dead gray, and it is very miserable!

Qin Shou smiled: "British tricks, it seems that I won this game. Demon king, the grade can be more than your chicken ribs."

British blossoms, iron, but it is not sent.

Master: "Ziqi Dynasty flower is a medicine king, life and death, human bones, there is this flower, equivalent to a life. Emerald tour fish, congenital two heavy Tian Lingbao, protective francee, the value of the two , The purple gains to win. "

British tricks heard, a butt is sitting on the ground, not sound, before the expression of Yaowu Yangwei.

Qin Shou, Huamei, went to the English, smiled: "British, the rabbit, I am a good person, now give you a choice opportunity?".

Chapter 141 Wang Moon Demon King

Looking at the moon

British tricks heard, when the eyes suddenly lit up, stared at Qin Shou Road: "What opportunities?" British tricks to use Qin Shou to use the opportunity to take his slap in exchange for other things. British tricks have lost too much, he doesn't want to be shameful, can use money to solve problems, he is absolutely not like shame!

Qin Shou grin said: "You look, ten slaps, you said that I am smashing your left face or the right face?"

The light color of the British blossoms is turned into death, angered: "Rabbit, you don't deceive too much!"

Qin Shou has blows a whistle: "I hope to gamble, this is what you said. How come, you lose, I will smash you too much? Long fat uncle, you said this? Let me smoke! "

Longfang Lord's step forward, cold is very popular: "You don't dare to hide! The rule of the gambling is the demon, he doesn't mind going to the demon. The teacher will tell! "

Listening to the two words of the demon, the British stroke is scared, and the eyes are incredible: "Longfang Lord, you ..."

Longfang Lord waved: "British tricks, you have to understand, the private exchange between you and I have passed private, but the rule is the rules, no one can damage the rules! Otherwise, the Lord is absolutely paralyzed! Rabbit, you will do it! "

Qin Shou listened, immediately got up, and the British hopped!

Qin Shou immediately died: "British stroke! You dare to hide? Do you want bad rules?"

The action of the English trick suddenly stigrated in the same place, and there was no flower in front of him.

Qin Shou Ren has rounded his arm, just a slap! This slap is not quite loud, and it is even more than even the horrible, and the deafening loud noise!

Look at the whole person, the whole person is not helping out, flying directly, even the trend of meteor!

Everyone saw this, one by one secret, how much strength is this! This rabbit is really awkward! Then the next consciousness touched his cheeks, there is a hot feeling.

Qin Shou hand took the side shed, looked at the direction of the British recruit, shouted: "British, do you want to run? I don't have to force, what do you fly so? Long fat uncle, English Run! British tricks should be bad! "

This kind of sound shouted, and the boom that was smashed in the half air turned back to God, and quickly returned, and even the pain on his face.

British recruits fell, and the flowers in front of them, the lower face of the next thing was just smoked, and the right face was a big ear scientif! British tricks again into the meteor!

Qin Shou followed: "I don't want you to recruit you. The rabbit is not exhausted, you will fly around, do you have sympathy? Also, I am very pregnant

Suspected that you want to run! "

British recruits have been crying, flying back, big swearing: "Bho rabbit, you are embarrassing!" Shouting, while holding left and right faces while, the two bar picked his tears quickly came out, too painful !

Qin Shouxi wrote his wrist, smiled: "The rabbit is going to be light, but since you all say that I am embarrassing. I am not very sorry, I am coming, the rabbit is this You come to cool! "

After that, Qin Shou began to retreat, and it was more and more far from the English.

Dragonfly asked: "What is the rabbit, what is your back?"

Qin Shudao: "Sorry, I need to run."

I heard it, my face is green, calling: "Rabbit, you ... you can think of it, there are two games, you are so waiting for me, I will win, I am also like you!" You are light, or you don't hit, I will won you a horse once? "

Qin Shou turned a white eye: "British trick, you are still a one! Rabbit, I doubt, there is anything below! What is gambling? Dare to gamble, you have to bear the consequences! Everyone is like you, then Gamble! Gambling is the excitement between this losing to win! I want to lose, your fan is. So ... now, you take the hand, otherwise it is the rule! "

The genius demon king should be able to say and say: "This rabbit said that there is reasonable, English, you are also demon. If you can't do it, you can't do it.

It is too disabled to lose your face. "

British blossom face is gloomy, I am trying to get it.

The moon king of the distance suddenly opened: "Huai Tian Demon King, you said this is not right. Since the British brother is a demon, then his face has a four-dimensional face. So smoking, Be too much. "

Qin Shou listened, the eyebrows were picked up. Originally Qin Shou's moon moon king did not feel, and Wang Yue Demon king came out, Qin Shouton took him to the blacklist.

The genius demon king has not opened up, Qin Shou first opened, applauded: "This uncle's big cow is good, the English is also a demon, if so, if it is not suitable for it."

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