The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the Westward Journey is the Yuxi Chapter

At this time, the British recruits, looking back to the moon demon king arched hand: "Thank you Wang Yue brother." Then the cold and cold glanced.

The face of the demon king became a little ugly, this moon, the monster king, the king of the moon, it is to pull the hearts, and the British recruit as a demon god. After the pass, it is obvious that the benefits of him is obvious.

Today, the five demon kings will only see forces balance. If the English is fascinated, although it is not necessarily breaking the balance, it is also disgusting.

At this moment, the young demon king saw that Qin Shou was turning around, and his eyes were slippery, how to see it is a fun. Asked the next consciousness: "What are you looking for?"

Qin Shou looked up, look at the genital demon king, then look at the big feat of the genital demon king, suddenly laughed: "Do you have an footger?"

When the demon king suddenly stunned, Longfang Lord laughed: "I am the body, where is it?"

Qin Shou faceed down, and he was bitter: "It is a pity."

Hua Tianmon asked a little uncomfortable: "How? This king does not live, are you still disappointed?"

Qin Shou booth stall hand: "It is indeed disappointed, you want, demon god! I use my hand to smoke him more, so I want to find a guy, it is best to have a big shoes with the foot! ..

Chapter 142, British

British recruitment

That place is in touch with you, you can take out the identity of the British trick. It is best to have a little pattern of soles, and the rabbit, I strive to take flowers on his face. "

In this case, the audience was awkward, and then laughed.

The ghost tree and others have laughed ...

On the contrary, the face of the moon king is a little can't hang, and the face of the British disaster is directly black!

Wang Yue Demon King angered: "Rabbit, you can think of it! British trick is a demon, you are so taking him, it is waiting to be a footprint! In the last ten demon gods, you will not see you. ! "

Qin Shou eyebrows pick, look at the moon demon king: "Dead cattle, are you threatening the rabbit master? To tell the truth, I am really not afraid of the rabbit!"

In this way, the audience was shocked, and one after another. Dare to look at the moon king is a dead cattle, I am afraid that the whole Wan Mountain can't find the second! Even if you don't deal with the monster king, you don't dare to call!

When the moon, the eyes of the monster king suddenly became red, a feet, the sky is shaken! Cold and unparalleled: "Rabbit, you are very good! Here is Wan Shi City, I will not shoot you, but you should not leave Wanchao! Otherwise, hey!"

Qin Shou smashed the ear: "Hey? Rhinitis is made to Ä? OK, talk is not full, demon king, go cool,"

"You!" Wang Yue Demon King anger!

Qin Shou refreshing and said: "What are you? You can't talk to vomit, you can't talk, see your virtue, you also say it! The rabbit master said: You die Wang Ba Lazi, stinky cow! I am telling this grandson to gamble, close your fart? What is your dog takes me? Either you want to watch the excitement, either close the anus, stay along! Rabbit, I saw you bother!"

When I was so embarrassed, I was so embarrassed, I turned out to have a hand!

At this moment, the demon king got up, haha ​​laughed: "Wang Yue, this only hasn't seen it, you have learned and a small generation of people? This rabbit took a hundred years, less than a thousand years. Your Grandders are bigger than him, and you will do it? "

Wang Yue Demon king suddenly looked up, staring at Huaimi Deyu: "Today, today's things don't matter, you are best not to manage! This rabbit scorpion, I dare to insult me, I swear, I will never let him live Leave Wan Shi City! If you violate this vow! "

Qin Shou immediately called: "Dead cow, if you can't do it, give me a ride! Rabbit, I still lack a suitable mount, although you are ugly, but first as a sum step."

Wang Yue Demon king stared at Qin Shou, and he also said: "You are dead!"

Qin Shou quickly raised his hand: "Don't call, don't yell, you use it, now you can't do it. I said really, if you can't do it, give me

Mount. You think about it, if you don't say this, that is, what is shouting. That is the crime! If I am lucky, are you not going to die? According to I said, you have a living road. "

"Fart! I killed you a rabbit scorpion, I am killed, I am also a fart! I am killing you, I will fight five thunders!" Wang Yue Demon king called.

Qin Shou immediately applauded, a relaxed and sprouting: "The courage is Jiajia, it is the brain is not very easy to use."

Wang Yue Demon King heard the words, waving sleeves, turned away, he didn't want to see this bunny now!

Wang Yue Demon King left, Longfang Lord smiled: "Rabbit, you still have eight slaps."

Qin Shou immediately turned, and smiled at the joy, and smiled, the British hit, just hurt now! The British is swallowed, and it is difficult to say: "Can the remaining eight can be suspended? We have more than finished, and then

Hua Tian Demon King suddenly opened: "The rabbit, this king is definitely there is no foot, but the pig demon should be okay, he has not taken a shower for 30,000 years. This is given you!"

The gods of the demon kings, a nose, a waving, and a pair of shoes flew over. Qin Shou saw that a pig mum was hiding behind ... Qin Shou two eyes, this dead pig, the dead pig, will be shy!

At the same time, Qin Shou caught two pairs of shoes, the old and far away, the taste, Qin Shou has been frustrated with frustration, and quickly closed breathing.

The face of the English trick is more exciting, and you will look at Qin Shoudao: "Do you see me just proposal?"

Qin Shou fruit shook his head: "I like the rabbit, everything is clear. Targe, I am afraid that I am not clear, come, there is eight, you stand, don't hide! Don't stop! If you Hide, blocked, then it is not enough. "After finishing, Qin Shou looked to Longfang House:" Long fat uncle, I said right? "

Longfang Lord did not look at the eyes of the British recruit, immediately told: "Yes."

Qin Shouton hit a reflection, the champion of the dragon fat, and Qin Shou still did not understand. Although it can also be seen, the dragon fat man will look at the problem with the businessman, and everything is mainly interest. When I would like to lose, he stood in the neutral position.

But after it comes, it has been obvious to help Qin Shou! This makes Qin Shou people can't think of it. The only explanation is in the ! Is this a dead fat and a relationship?

Although there is such a guess, Qin Shou still has not forgotten the experience of being fat pit, so Qin Shou did not change his plan.

British tricks look at Longfang Lord, then look at Qin Shou, and finally, it is not moving.

Qin Shou ran over two pairs of shoes and said: "British tricks."

British open your eyes ...


Two big shoes are pumped on his face, two two are not big, but the British trick has a feeling of shaking. No way, too stinky, then think of this is a shoe that has never beenhed by the pig, and your heart is disgusting!

British strokes closed, closed eyes, no matter what Qin Shou said, it is not blind, and a look like you love.

Everyone saw this, they shake their heads. Embology, they first saw the British recruits so eating, and they were still eating dead! .

Chapter 143 Kwai woke up

Woke up

Everyone looked at Qin Shou's eyes, no longer watching the eyes of lucky and rookie, now as long as it is not a fool, this rabbit is playing pigs! This guy is terrible than the English! Still awkward!

Xia Guang demon king is on the premier of the emperor, whispered: "The king, do you still think about the magic of this rabbit now?"

Hua Tian demon king's waist, smiled: "This depends on the performance behind this rabbit. If there is nothing, only a little smart, the magazine stayed in his hand is just a scourge, it is better Put it in me, help him. On the contrary, if he can show, the magic weapon is unable to move, I will give up. "

"The king, you are so embarrassing ..." Xia Guangmon king flutmed in his arms of the demon king, smiling.

On the other hand, Qin Shou is a big shoe cast, and the British face is like a pig's head. At the same time, the smell of the shoe is also contaminated, and the Lord of Longfang Lord is retreats later.

Qin Shou is more simply, running away, fanning the nose: "My God, this face is stinky than shoes!"

British recruits will turn, the swollen swollen face is eliminated, and even the taste is gone. However, Qin Shou and Longfang Lord left him far away, as if

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