The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 810

The Tao still exists. British hoping around, the people surrounded by such expressions. Sometimes, the default in your heart is far more terrible than actual.

Longfang House: "You have lost the first game, this second game is more than?"

British hits the teeth: "ratio!"

Longfang Lord nodded: "Master, please."

The masters took a little bit: "Two choice stone."

British tricks just lost a game, anxious to win, then pick it back, retrieve the face. So immediately, the most expensive in the three stones he chose, and the most likely have a good baby stone Tianjian stone: "Tianjian Stone!"

The masters commented: "This stone has a front sharp sword, as if it can open the earth, it is a very good magic weapon. At the beginning, there are a lot of people who look at this stone, but eventually did not start. Issue, I wish you good luck. "

British Zhizhi's hand: "Labor, master."

The masters nodded and looked to Qin Shoudao: "Rabbit, this time I give you? To tell the truth, whether it is March, or this small material, look, feel the internal mystery, is not as good as this sky sword stone."

Qin Shoudao: "Then, choose this small material, I don't care, I don't lose a game. Anyway, I have a unknown junior, and the British tricks in one of the top ten demon gods will be pumped, although not completely yin.

However, you can also get a blow to bragging. "

At this time, the English trick is like a disgusting, uncomfortable. Indeed, Qin Shou is just a unknown male! And the English trick is a long time, one of the top ten demon gods!

The status of the two can be said to be a day!

The ants took the mouth of the elephant, and it was absolutely able to brag. But the elephant kicks the ant, but there is nothing to boast ...

The same thing, different people do, and the results are different. It can be said that no matter whether the English trick is winning or lost, he is all lost! This big mouth picked by Qinshou is a big mountain, and he can't turn it!

Master: "If you are willing."

After the masters finished, took out five knives again and raised their right hand.

Qin Shou two words do not say, go to sleep!

Everyone saw this, it has been not blamed, and it is too lazy to take care of this dead rabbit, and a god of the god is a stone.

Qin Shou was lying down, listening to a voice in his arms: "Rabbit, I am sleeping. Sleeping, I haven't slept so sleek."

Qin Shou saw, it turned out to woke up.

Qin Shou smiled: "Then continue to sleep, just the rabbit, I have to sleep."

The sun looked up, four times, found all the people, suddenly curious: "Hey? Many people here, rabbits, what are they doing?

? Why are you watching a turtle dancing? However, this turtle moves slowly. "

Qin Shou didn't have a law. The leader of Longfang is a soft, almost sitting on the ground, and quickly hit a hand of Qin Shou: "Rabbit, manage your friends, don't talk. The mascher is in the Wanmi City The status is extremely super, don't say it is me, even if you go to the sky, the demon emperor must be a gift. If you are not happy, the consequences are unimaginable! "

Qin Shou listened, and it was a hop. I knew that the masters came to the mystery, powerful, but never thought that the masters had such a thick background! Qin Shou knows that it can be accommodated by the demon emperor, and there is only emoticon and devil!

Qin Shou searching in memory everyone, I didn't expect one and the masters who can hang it! However, there is a feeling, this shredded master is absolutely not named, and Qin Shou will definitely see this person's rumor! It's just a while I can't think of it!

However, Qin Shou is not a warning of the main warning of the Muranfinder, but smiled: "Long fat uncle, I think you are too careful. Broken Master is the kind of little family, will not have today's achievements. A child The words, the child's righteousness, however, how can the masters can be angry. "

Longfang is a bitter smile: "That is, but careful to drive a million boat. Rabbit, remember, some people can't provoke, because there is no regret in this world. Once it happened, I can't save it."

Qin Shou flat flat mouth is not arguing. Do not regret it? So what is the monthly light treasure box?

Thinking of the moonlight box, Qin Shou began to ponder, find something reason to see the Tongtian's Lord, have to come over the jade! Just get Yu Ji, Qin Shou can reorganize the moonlight box. At that time, it is not the future, it's free to stroll?

At the same time, he also gives him a lot of safety guarantees. It is really doing, but you can also go to the future or in the past. Even to reverse the battle ...

Sunflower is wide-eyed: "Rabbit, what are you talking about, is it very powerful?"

PS: Thanks to the brothers, there is also a message support. The stars have seen, but since they are so busy to die, they are here. I have time to reply again ... I am struggling. .

Chapter 144 is also betting?

Still bet?

Qin Shouzhu's head: "That is not a turtle, it is your grandfather, you must respect the old and love the young, don't you know?"

Kwai is like a nodded: "Know, not a turtle, is a grandfather. But what is the grandfather? Why is this slow?"

Qin Shou saw two people talking, a little buddy, and quickly showed a sound insulation ban, let the sound only two can be heard. This way: "Of course, there is a baby, there are babies in the stone, it's fast, in case the baby,?"

Kwai is a mouth: "How many might? There is only a group of swords in the stone, nothing, how to cut things?"

Qin Shouton suddenly, vigilant, glanced for four weeks, so he established a soundproof ban, even if the Longfang Lord did not hear the sunflower. Qin Shou hurriedly asked: "You said, can you see something in the stone?"

Known in the sky: "Can! You see, the big stone is a university. There is a thing in the small stone, which seems to be a sword pill, but this sword pill is sealed."

Qin Shou took a breath, the stone coat of Tianjian stone was too thick, and Qin Shou also couldn't see anything inside. But that small stone can be seen, there is indeed a sword pill! And look at the above seal strength, grade

Not low! It is very likely to be a baby! If you eat for the golden clock, you can definitely push the level of the cake!

Now Qin Shou doesn't have a congenital Lingbao for Jiu Heaven to feed a cake, helping him break through Xuanhuang to Baobao, so now I can only win.

Qin Shoudao: "Kwai, you listen to me, you can watch things about the stone, don't tell others, do you know?"

Kwai suddenly laughed: "Of course, I know that this stone is not worn! I talked out, they will definitely find me trouble. I am smart!"

Qin Shou looked at the full-confident sample of Kwai, and suddenly I felt a little more than a little, although the sun was small, but it was not white. Nor isn't simple white cute, it is a little smart.

Qin Shou satisfied: "Smart! That's it, um, come tell me, what is there in the two stones?"

After watching the sun, he looked at Qin Shou's ear whisper whisper. Qin Shou's expression was very surprised, then hugged his shirt and wondered. Kwai is sitting in Qinshou's arms, and holding the shirt, there is a picture of the same shape.

Two people sitting there, just like Russia Luo Sina, just outside is a big rabbit, it is a cute little loli, the painting is very funny.

Others are only when Qin Shou is in the monster, all of which are all concentrated.

Instead, Xia Guangmon king gave birth to Qin Shou two eyes, especially Qin Shouzhi's little Loli, but only watched a few eyes, nothing to say, continue to see the master of the master.

Although the speed of the mascher is slow, it is very stable. Every knife is very particular, it seems to contain some kind of heaven and earth, people who can understand, will not be caught in it, it is not self-extricted.

In the night, the star is full, the moon is high, the masters finally cut the stone clothes outside the sky, the inside of the sword seems to be broken at any time! The hearts of everyone have given the heart, even if they don't like English, but gambling is a charm, let you fall with this knife, and the mood looks with the volley. Everyone wants to look at it, what will I do in the sword stone!

When the last knife fell, the British refused, glanced at Qin Shou, cold, said: "Rabbit, Tianjian Stone no matter what something, it is far more precious than your small material! This I won the bureau, you dare to use the sole! Wait, I will use my whip, pick it up! Let you know what is hurt! "

Qin Shou opened an eye and glanced at it, then said that said light: "This is good, I will use it with horses!"

"Hard! I believe, this time you can win! If you can win, I am with your surname!" Into anger.

Qin Shou hurriedly shook his head: "Don't, we are not in this kind of thing, you are still old and true to your own name. You want to feel

It's not addictive, let me smoke two times! "

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