The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 812.

This approach is a single! He doesn't have to lose, then he still has a chance! However, he also loses a chance of being broken by a broken master!

If he agreed, as long as there is something in the stone, this game will lose! The ten-fold loss to Qin Shou is also calculated, but also suffer from forty big mouth, this is not only lost money, but also shameless! The only harvest is that the masters personally point to the chance of the stone.

However, a point of guidance, how much can I get? British distraction knows your own affairs, he is in the quarters on gambling stone, just think of the master pointing once, nor too much gain!

Thinking of this, British tricks a bit: "The gamble is a gamble, or let us come by himself."

The masters nodded, for Qinshi Road: "Rabbit, I don't point you, do you still open it?"

British crowned: "Rabbit, you know, I don't believe it, I don't believe it will not be your shadow in your life! Once you leave a shadow, you will be in this life again! Master is not possible to collect one Waste is apprentice! "

Qin Shou heard, the eyebrows were picking, laughing: "British trick, you have to give up this thing, will give me a shadow? Hey ... Are you a human man? I said how you are so waste, then cultivate it? For many years, it is still such a waste. If I give the rabbit, I will kill you like a murderery, you are generally easy! You have lived on the year,

Is it?

The rabbit, I will give you an example today. I can't open this stone, you see if I have a shadow! Well, yes, I will give you a shadow of your heart today! ... "

Qin Shou came out, the face of the British fascination suddenly changed, an angry and anger: "You will give up? You know, if you can succeed, it is likely to become a disciple of the master! There is no amount of future! You do this, equal to yourself gave up this opportunity! "

Qin Shou haha ​​smiled: "All said that you have no interest, it is a waste, you still don't believe! If the master, if the master, the master, the master, the master, I said right?"

On the face of the mascorole, there was a smile, slightly smile: "Your rabbit is something mean, it's right, if I am a real apprentice, I don't have to do it, I will choose you. Campaign, Everyone has its own standard, as long as it meets my standard, even if the gambling stone, the stone, the stone is not enough to be my disciple. On the contrary, if I don't meet my standard, even if the sky is the same, it is also I don't have my threshold. "

Qin Shou hit a reflection, smiled: "British tricks heard? This is the gap!"

The face is more ugly. I want to convoluting Qin Shou, forcing him to give yourself a chance to give it a chance, this time, I have buryd myself! Not only is it to send a machine in front of the masters

Yes, still sit and wait!

At this moment, Wang Yue Demon King suddenly opened: "Rabbit, if you dare to open, I will dare to gamble with you. Previous gambling, count!"

Wang Yue Demon King really doesn't believe it, a newcomer rabbit, it really has this, the first time the stone can succeed! This is not an ordinary stone, but the power of the heavens and the earth, the order chain is intertwined with time and space! People who haven't passed, never understand the difficulties!

There is a saying that the gambling stone is called: a knife heaven, a knife hell!

And the same sentence is also a word: a knife is god, a knife into the magic!

Timon will be dead!

Qin Shou turned around and stared at the moon, and asked very unhappy: "Dead cow, I have you with you in the past?"

Wang Yue Demon king shook his head: "You I met the first time, of course, didn't have you."

Qin Shou and asked again: "Then I have a crime recently?"

Wang Yue Demon King continued to shook his head.

Qin Shouyi referred to the English: "Is he your son?"

Wang Yue Demon king shook his head.

Qin Shou continued to ask: "Is he grandson?"

Wang Yue Demon King continued to shook his head.

Qin Shou looked around: "I don't complain with you in the past. I have no hatred. But what is the truth? He is not your son, nor your grandson, what do you do everywhere? Cow, yours

This kind of behavior has to make me doubt, you have a dirty ass transaction between you with your own trick! Honestly, who are two people who are attacking, who is it? "

"Hey!" Huaotian Demon King a tea sprayed in the sky, almost did not come up, killing!

The white side tiger king laughed directly: "Haha ... this dead rabbit, this is the case, I like it!"

The ghost tree king, like a rare smile on his face, said: "Interesting."

The bones and ghost Wang Yin test smiled: "This rabbit is dead, he said that he said that the moon king is afraid that it is not able to leave the Wan Shi City.".

Chapter 147 Rabbit

Rabbit picking up

The ghost tree king glanced at the bones and ghosts and laughing: "Not necessarily."

"Then wait to see it, old rhinoceros is not good!" After the bone bone ghost, the king is finished. "

Others are secret, but no one dares to laugh. Wang Moon demon king is the five giants of Wan Mi Mountain, who dares?

Wang Yue Demon King's eyes, staring at Qin Shou Road: "Your bunny's mouth is fierce! However, you said nothing, I will ask you, dare not gamble?"

Longfang Lord low channel: "You have won, no need to bet again."

Qin Shou looked at Longfang House: "Thank you, fat uncle! I decided to let your gambling work, now I have to pack it, you don't stop me!" After that, Qin Shou was in the moon Wang Dao: "Dead cow, do you want to gamble? Give me listening! "

Wang Yue Demon King angered: "Taking my prestige, also swear? Moreover, there are Longfang Lord and broken masters to testify, I will fall?"

Qin Shou refers to the fat belly of the moon demon king: "There is a saying called to eat, fertilizer! You are so fat, I am really hard to believe what you said! You

Still old and true swear! "


Surrounded by people, someone spurted again.

The goddess king, the white side of the tiger king, the bones, the ghost tree, Longfang mainly once showed a smile, they found that this dead rabbit opened, it would make people spoke. It's too irrational to him, it's too irrational! It's better to do it directly ...

Wang Yue Demon King stared at Qinshi Road: "You ... Do you know what you are doing?"

Qin Shou smiled: "Know, walk the dog."

"Hey!" The earth is in an instant, and the moon is murderously staring at Qin Shou!

Qin Shoudao: "Do you want to scare the rabbit? Come, I am standing here, you dare to touch me! Also, are you not gambling? Gambling? Don't bet early, I still Waiting for winning this game, smoking. "

Wang Yue Demon King Road: "Gambling! I swear, if this rabbit yourself, I will be willing to do his mount! If it is lost, or flat this game ... rabbit, I want your chest Bell! "

Qin Shounie grinned, he finally understood why this dead cattle was blended inside! The feelings of this guy have stared on Qin Shou's golden bell!

Qin Shou has to sigh, this dead cow is smarter!

However, Qin Shou is not a fool, shakes his head: "It's flat, it's flat. You have to lose? You love gambling, I didn't ask you! Only lost, flat, it's not worthy. ,how is it?"

At the same time, Qin Shou added a sentence in his heart, lost, the rabbit, I will pay! Anyway, the rabbit, I didn't swear!

I didn't expect Qin Shou to recall the credit, in his eyes, Qin Shou's strength, there is no capital. But Wang Yue Demon is not stupid, immediately shake his head: "The British stone, the things that come out, it is already empty. You will make the magic weapon, it is a flat, or you win, this is also What? Rabbit, this, let's gamble, can you complete this stone! If you are complete, you will win! On the contrary, I won, how? "

Qin Shou hit a response: "This fair, line ... But you have to change back to the rabbit master, the rabbit's mount can not be too frustrated. Don't focus on the beads, the eye is big, does not mean you can qualify I am very picky! "

"Haha ... This rabbit is this mouth, Wang Yue, you change back to him. Haha ..." Hua Tian Demon king laughed, he and Wang Yue Demon king were dead, let the other party uncomfortable, he is a hundred Twenty fun!

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