The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 813.

Wang Yue Demon King angelic: "Billing! What do you think I am? Also change back to the body to show you, do you really choose to ride?"

Qin Shou quickly shook his head: "Wrong, I am not choosing, you can't think of the rabbit mount, the rabbit can only consider you. Cultivated land can also try ... In short, your treatment There is a direct relationship with your image. "

"Hey! Love gamble is not bet, don't gamble!" Wang Yue Demon king is also anger, but why can't move in the martial arts, can only endure. Turn and go ...

Qin Shou saw this, hurriedly called: "Stop stop! I really took you, see your temper, demon king, look like a woman, the needle tip is so big. Okay, the rabbit is agreed, just I'm fixed. "

Qin Shou is very clear, he is a stone, although it is more than not broken master, but guarantees a complete thing, it is still no problem! This is a moon, and it is white, it is to give Qin Shou. Don't whit!

Wang Yue Demon king looked back at Qin Shou, a pair of cow eyes flashed, obviously, his behavior of Qin Shou actively promoted the gambling bureau, and his heart began to have a little bit.

Qin Shou saw this, booth his hand: "Hey, don't you dare? That's, the rabbit is to say, don't survive me again."

Wang Yue Demon wrinkled and didn't speak, then bite his dental road: "Gambling!"

Qin Shou hit a reflection, for the main road of Longfang: "Long fat uncle, this gamble you don't have witnesses? Broken master, do you help you do a witness?"

Longfang Lord laughed: "It's already here, you can think of this withered person."

The master is slightly talented: "I am very interested in this gambling, I do this withered. Since the gamble has become, it is not ruined, otherwise ..." The mascher did not speak, but everyone is present. There is a kind of creepy feeling! Even Qin Shou is no exception!

Qin Shou can feel that the masters are serious, no exception! If Qin Shou wants to destroy, it is estimated that it is also crushing this master! Qin Shouton is a bit regretted, pulling the master is to save trouble, after all, the three uncles he recognize, usually tiger the tiger, the big flag, really want to go to the door, the ghost knows what is the situation. This thing is good, it is good to use it on the blade, and use it, it will only consume that there is not much human condition. .

Chapter 148 Rabbit Tree Stone


It's okay now, the human condition is saved, it seems that I will go in. This master, serious, really let Qin Shou headache ... but Qin Shou is not afraid, stone is there!

Master: "Okay, you can start."

When you come out, everyone is in the scene, you can't talk. They understand the masters than Qin Shou, and the masters have been serious, and who is not given. Destroyed his rules, the smile, it will become a moment!

Everyone didn't talk, Qin Shou took a sigh of breath, holding the ganyab in one hand, and one hand took the carrot to see the light.

"Haha ... rabbit, don't tell me, you have to use this carrot stone! Haha ..." Wang Moon demon king is unscrupulous.

The British reminders can't laugh. He insights to see the power of the light and death, and naturally will not make a low-level mistake.

Qin Shou was lazy to take care of the moon monster king, took a bit, bite a piece, moisten the throat, this only a carrot, turned into a sword, then smashed the master's look, slowly lifted.

With Qin Shou to do stone, everyone is conscious. Even the moon king is no exception, the stone is sacred, anyone is not a disturb, this is also a rule! In particular, when crusher's hands on the side, this rule is especially important, otherwise it is to provoke the masters, that consequences can

Not anyone can bear.

Qin Shou took a sigh of relief, and everyone followed the spirit. They believe that Qin Shou should be like a broken master, slowly the stone. After all, a new hand is slow to increase the success rate of the stone!



Everyone has not responded yet, only seeing the sword light in front of him, the small material has been smashed in half!

Everyone collectively ...

Subsequently, the British mad smiled: "Haha ... Your bunny, you will die! It's two halves. Do you think you are a broken master? What is the baby? Haha ... You think that the baby is there So strong? Baby Wan Years Immortal is to pay the price, open the moment of stone clothing, they are fragile like newborn babies, only to return to the first weather, will return to the glory of the past. You are so sword, afraid of what is all No! "

Wang Moon Demon King followed: "A sword two paragraphs, so even two paragraphs, I can only say that the rabbit your sword is good. But this kind of behavior, it looks very refreshing, but it is very stupid. The baby is afraid its already dead."

Qin Shou two eyes: "What are you talking about two old babies? Which dog eye saw the baby in the stone? Look carefully, there is a loses, you are not shameful!" "

After saying, Qin Shou took half of the two half of the stone, swayed around for four weeks. Sure enough, the stone is solid, there is no trace of broken baby.

Wang Yue Demon king smiled: "This stone is not laughing in watermelon, you have two paragraphs, no baby appears, this stone is empty. Rabbit, you really think that there are 3 yuan stone. Baby comes? It's an idiotic dream! "

Ying Zhi: "It seems that this bureau is a flat, the rabbit, do you want to cut?"

Qin Shou turned over white: "I said that you are two kings, dare not shut up? Rabbit, my stone! Broken master, this two grandson is so noisy, I am bored!"

The masters make a hand, the British trick and the moon demon king have died, and there is a seal on the mouth! I can't say anything!

Qin Shou saw this, secretly screaming, knowing the masters, but knowing and seeing is completely two yards! I don't say it, the Qoyal master. But Wang Yue Demon King is an emperor expert! In this Valentine's city, it is also a one-class existence, one of the five great power!

It turned out to be a broken mother, and the strength of the mascher?

Qin Shou is really a bit letter, the masters are not allowed to be a master of the elevation! Of course, this is also guessing, and I have never seen the master of the master and the sake of the emperor, and the ancestral witch and so on.

I don't think that the master has that strength. After all, the legendary master can have no more than one person.

No one is buddy, Qin Shou continues to stone, still raising his hand, swing, hey!

The stone once again divided into two, but this time Qin Shou is biased, there is no semi-cut.

Longfang is not seeing, and I wanted to open a reminder several times. I told it back. He didn't want to be broken by the masters, and he was worried about his eyes.

Qin Shou, but did not see the general, raising his hand is a sword, hey, cutting a piece of fragment, at this time, there is a sharp, it has seen something in the stone, it is an angry that is not.

Everyone suddenly stretched the neck and stared at this stone. Why don't they believe that a piece of stone with a stone worth 3 or the stone is really a baby! If this is this, don't this rabbit earn?

On the eyes of the masters, there is a touch of color. With Qin Shoufei flying sword, the different color of the mascher is getting more and more strong ... There are no people who have opened the stone, never know the difficulty of THP!

At this moment, the eyes have so much, and it has been found that the sweat beads began to appear on the brain of Qinshou. Obviously, his stone is not as simple as the surface.

Qin Shou is not comfortable at this time, it is okay, no feeling, but

As the baby is getting closer, Qin Shou fell in the sword, it seems to be in a more strange space, and then a strange energy will rush into the sea of ​​Qin Shou, crazy hit the sea Defense, want to rush!

Qin Shou played in the heart of the heart, and even put it in, the result was that everything in front of Qin Shou's eyes!

Qin Shouli is no longer a stone, but the head of the sun!

Scared that Qin Shou hand shakes, it almost is ignorant!

Qin Shou Xin gods, there was a hit of the power of the water in the body, and the Qin Shou was awakened. This did not blend the , put the baby to batch!

At this point, Qin Shou finally understood the danger of the stone, the stone will attract the heart of the heart, and there is an illusion! .

Chapter 149 Desperate Wang Yue

Desperate expense

Qin Shou only came in a soft force, and he almost let him waste baby. If it is more, Qin Shou will not imagine what will be like.

This is also Qin Shou, strong knowledge, and common work, Zhu Rong two blessed, although the seven-color beads do not know what, the power is equally weak. In addition, Qin Shouzihai evolved out yin and yang, his soul lived in the eggshell, which was protected. Therefore, Qin Shou can quickly break free!

If the average person suffers such an attack, it is afraid that it will fall on the spot, even if it is not crazy, it will leave a shadow in his heart, and even form a hurdle, it is difficult to inch in the future! Qin Shou glanced at the broken stone on the side, smashed the stone, woring his eyes, couldn't see what he was thinking. But Qin Shou understands that the pointer to the broken stone is afraid that it is for the heart.

Qin Shou again glanced at it, Qin Shou's heart was laughing, and the British trick refused to make a broken stone, the heart of the devil, he may be afraid you can't go!

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