The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 814.

Think of this, Qin Shou's heart is relaxed, but he dares not to rest assured that the devil enters the sea!

At this moment, the seven-color beads in the sea in the sea suddenly turned, and Qin Shou was shocked, and the heart magic of the madness of the sea outside the sea was screaming, and then turned into a Porny

I have been given by the seven-color beads!

Then, the seven-color bead became more photographed, then, Qin Shou was shocked, and the seven-color beads did dropped the seven-color rain! The rain falls on the soul of Qin Shou, the soul of Qin Shou is actually growing at the speed of the naked eye!

Qin Shou Head, I am happy: "Haha ... It turns out that this seven-color bead actually has such a wonderful, you can absorb your heart, moisturize the soul! Haha ... The rabbit is really developed!"

The soul of the soul, living in the gods, is the soul of Yuan God, is also the soul of people!

The soul is powerful, then the Lingtai is clear, seeing it is true, the provenness is faster! Therefore, the more powerful of the soul, the faster the provenance, the stronger the ability to control the body! When the flesh is powerful, when the gods are weak, the flesh can't give a 100% combat. Only synchronous power can weave up 100%! With the soul of Qin Shou, the speed and accuracy of Qin Shou Feijian also followed the speed!

After this cognition, Qin Shou did not hurry to open the baby, but constantly fell in the snow, as much as possible to enter the sea! Then be absorbed by a seven-color beads and nourish the soul.

Qin Shou arrived behind, the speed of the sword is getting faster and faster, but it is not to cut to the baby!

Now, everyone has seen it, this stone is really baby! Because the stone clothing has been transparently transparent! inside

Sword Pills are clear!

Seeing this, Wang Yue Demon king and English are very desperate! The only thing that supports two people still standing here, is the hope of the silk, I hope that Qin Shou hand shakes, open the sword pill!

However, Qin Shou fell like a flying, but it was strongly powerful. Every time she cut a small stone, she did not touch the sword pill.

The broken masters on the side, the eyes are getting brighter and brighter ...

Just when Qin Shou finally didn't have anything, the stone coat was completely cut, and the sword pill is smashed!

Qin Shou raised his hand and grabbed this sword pill! Subsequently, the power of the powerful soul injected into it!

The sword pill has not been able to resist, it is in an extremely weak state, when the first weather has not come over, it is refined by Qin Shou!

Then, a sharp priest, shot it, shot on the four sides! Qin Shou Dadi drunk, these swords suddenly gathered together and integrated into the sword pill. The sword pill is launched, turns into a sword of Biwa, a lightning flowing in the sword, gently, everyone has a feeling of being cut!

British tricks have now got up, after the stone is over, his seal is also unfolded, shocking: "This ... how is it? Is it almost equal to the waste of the waste, actually opened eight Zhong Tian's congenital spiritual treasure? This is not possible! Affirm Is cheating! "

Wang Yue demon king is also awkward, then roar: "Cheating! Rabbit cheating! This is definitely not true! He a newcomer, how can the first time the stone is so easy? First gambling, why do you in waste? Discover treasures? There is absolutely shady here! "


A powerful breath is over, the British trick is directly hitting! Wang Yue Demon King continues three steps!

The Longfang Lord is ahead, and the eyes are very staring at the two: "You are doubting my fairness? Wang Yue, English, you said that the rabbit cheating, said there is a shady, then you have evidence? I am broken The master also looked at the side. He could cheat, he can cheat? You come to cheating, look at it! Help, bad gambling, your two, do you want to die ?! "

The masters followed: "Get gambling clothes, British tricks, three games, you lose this game, just equal to three full loss. According to your previous gambling, you have to compensate this rabbit 7820 The block is on the stone! At the same time, the rabbit should take your twenty slap in the face!

Wang Yue Demon King! The rabbit successfully trimmed the stone, no mistakes, you also lost. From now on, you are the mount of the rabbit. Can you agree with my judgment? "

In this way, the British trick is sitting on the ground, his face is pale bloodless, and the eyes are somewhat sluggish: "How can this possible, how can he be clearly a newcomer, how can I win me? I am not willing ..."

On the other hand, I am red in the eyes of the moon, and the poor is sprayed in the nose.

Huaidian demon king laughed: "Wang Yue Demon king, it seems that from today, this Wan Mountain will not have you. Have to cultivate, haha ​​..."

"Shut up! Write a demon king, believe that I will fight for me," Wang Yueyu is murdered with the monster king.

The heavens demon king have a cold, and the five big demon kings are distinguished, and they are used to the days above. Today, if he is changed, he is in a mount, it is estimated that it will be born! .

Chapter 15

Gathering month

If you fight for a battle, the demon king will not be beneficial, and it may even be died in the moon king! Even if you fight for a half, the other demon kings fall in the stone, he can't escape.

As the saying go, I am afraid of being afraid of being afraid. So the old real shutdown, sitting aside, no sound.

Qin Shou, one shot, buddy: "Dead cattle, what is called? Now you are my mount, come back to the original shape to the rabbit master! If it is not domineering, you will give me a well. ! "

When you come out, I'm going to breathe in the moon demon king, staring at Qin Shouyi.

Qin Shou saw this, some helplessly see the masters: "Master, this dead cow does not obey, do you have a way?"

Master: "As long as he must abide by the agreement. However, if you leave Wan Shi City, I have no way."

Qin Shouton hit it, if there is no means to limit this moon, Qin Shou did not dare to bring him out. Otherwise, this dead cattle will definitely rebel on the spot, the first one and Qin Shou!

Qin Shou suddenly found that this mount, a little hot and chicken ribs! But this is not a problem, Qin Shou has prepared!

Qin Shou's heart is not cool, so I will drop my eyes on the British trick.

British Lord: "You ..."

Qin Shou smiled and went to the way: "British tricks, have you still have a stone, can't open? I think, men's husband, must have end, the last stone is open, let's let the three games end. Well ... These twenty slaps, I will stay, make up to forty ... cough, the one is not allowed to pull back a game, offset it. "

Britain looked at Qin Shou's smile, and then looked at the broken stone with no expression, and then looked at Longfang, the same face expected.

British recruitment is desperate, maybe it is too big, there is too much to lose, and now, everything is lost. At this moment, he didn't fight. The open mouth of the next consciousness: "You want to lie to me ... I don't bet!"

Qin Shou returned to the main road to Longfang: "Long fat uncle, this guy did not gamble, the remaining stone?"

Dragonfly House: "According to the rules, the remaining stone will return all. However, the third bureau is not gambling, so you can only take his twenty slap."

Qin Shoudao: "Can I don't have a stone?

Longfang Lord looked to the British: "British trick, do you agree?"

British trick seems to have a shadow, even busy shaking his head: "Don't! Don't!" Even the most expensive Tianjian stone only opened a sword, he did not hold any hope at the last Chihuang Stone. !

Longfang is helpless: "The rabbit, this is no way. This red yin stone is now, you are now open, still take it back, you have nothing to do?" Longfang Lord at this moment, the tone of Qin Shou Changeable, bring

Some respect. Qin Shou's stone resort has been shocked to Longfang Lord!

The reason why the masters are highly resistant, and they are strength, and they are because of the means of trim! A good stone master is not lower than a gambling master! Because the gambling stone and the stone are actually thinking, the stone is also judged to judge the baby position in the stone. Therefore, any gambling is unwilling to provoke a master of gambling, because these gamblers are angry, you can turn your good stones to come out and take away. At that time, others come here, can't open a good thing, naturally will lose customers, then they will be yellow stalls and spread.

But relative to the Master of Gambling, the Master of the Stone is more terrible!

In the face of the provocation of gambling master, the gambling can also do hand feet on the stone, so that the other party's loss is heavy, have to stop. But this trick is completely useless! People can do their own stone, soar to make no compensation! The benefits can be black off a gambling!

Nowadays, Longfang Lord has finally understood, before Qin Shou said, let him go! This dead rabbit, absolutely from the beginning to the end, play pigs to eat tigers! This guy is likely to be the first gambling stone, it may be a master!

Thinking, Longfang Lord naturally did not dare to sin Qin Shou, but as a guest, the same place treated. Similarly, there is no good face to the English trick!

Qin Shoudao: "If you do it, just have this. British, the rabbit, I opened this stone, and then I will take you."

After that, Qin Shou, I turned to the Red Yellowstone, then fell to the knife, be awkward, and the red yin stone is divided into two. Qin Shou This knife is just one-third, and it is falling. See a yellow light!

Qin Shou grabbed it, just received it, no one saw something inside. But from the breath of the thing, it is definitely the baby of the nine heavens!

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