The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the Yutong Chapter 815.

I am embarrassed, the snoring, spurting a blood and falling in the ground, can't stand up for a long time!

The moon king of the distance is even a roar, suddenly slamming, a punch, angry: "Both blame you! All blame! British, your family must not die!"

Wang Yue Demon King's fists have not yet fallen, Longfang Lord has been shot, a wave, rushing to a soil yellow dragon, a slash, will hit the moon king!

Longfang is slowly slowing down, step on a yellow dragon, anger: "Wang Yue Demon king, do you dare to move people in Wanmun City?"

The strength of the monster king is slightly in Longfang, and the Longfang Lord will rely on the power of the big array. Take a look at the buddy tricks in the lie, then look at yourself, sad from your heart, cry. "I am not willing! British people, send me baby, let me secretly help him. Result I am going in myself, I am not willing! "

At this moment, there was a flower in front of me, Qin Shou suddenly appeared in front of the moon king, smiling: "Wang Yue demon king, look up!"

Wang Yue's demon king consciously looked up, and the result is falling, and a sound is falling on his head! Then four aperture fly, buckled his limbs!

Wang Yue Demon King angered: "What is this, what is this?".

Chapter 151 Rabbit Training Moon

Rabbit training month

Qin Shou smiled: "This is something that is opened in Chi Yellowstone! Training ring! Today, you are my mount, you can rely, but you can try! The rabbit will definitely let you want The fairy wants to die! "

"Do you want to manipulate me with this thing? I haven't been avoided to see me!" Wang Yue Demon king roared, behind the back of a round!

Longfang Lord immediately opened the sound to remind Qin Shoudao: "Be careful! This is the monopolity of the moon, Wang Yue! People who are shine by the moon, the law will disappear quickly!"

"Now remind, it is too late! So close, the rabbit, you can die! Let's die together!" Wang Yue's demon king will start, a boxing to Qin Shou! A boxing set appears on the fist, is really his magic weapon, crushed the fist, and claimed to break everything! At the same time, there is a unicorn, break out, go straight to Qin Shou face!

Qin Shou did not smile and smiled: "You are a dead cow, I really don't see the coffin, I want to rebel this time, give me a fixed!"

Qin Shou raised his hand, and Wang Yue Demon king only felt that the limbs were trapped by a giant force, the next moment! I don't think of the four rings that are tied by the four rings, standing in the air, !

At the same time, the magical power in the body is all in a whole, the universities and magic weapons, all of which are eclipsed!

Qin Shouyi handle, all breaks!

Qin Shou raised his hand again, and Wang Yue Demon king screamed, crazy on the ground! The tight end of the head is not listening, and his head is distorted and deformed! Each time it is compressed to his limit, but he doesn't kill him, and he screamed again!

This is still not counted, the tacus on the limbs is narrowed, the bones on the arm are giggling, and all people listening have creepy feelings!

Longfang, this, this is relieved, but he has a jealous of the masters, whispered: "The master may see that these five tightening are?"

Master: "Therefore, the Phoenix is ​​born, the Fenghuang family has a devil, the name is to we! Go to my strength is endless, you can pull the mountain, can take the sun, the city, even if the ancestors are also difficult to suppress one person. So I beg the Zijing Palace, Hong Yulao is handed over to the five golden ring of Zefeng, named the training ring! Also give a monk!

The ancestors are under the lower bounds, and tame them to wear, and they have tamed to the martial arts to make it a guideline of the Phoenix. Later, the dragon and phoenix robbery, until I killed, and the monopoli didn't know what it was. I didn't expect that the Chihuangshi actually hidden in this treasure! If the English trick is persisted, there is less than 20 slaps, the value of the value, this training ring is far more than two magic weapons that the rabbit.

Although the rabbit wins two games, the total value is not as good as the British trick, this time the gamble can be calculated. Unfortunately ... British recruits

After the rabbit was tortured, it has already collapsed. I actively took the initiative to give up the last chance. what a pity…"

Longfang Lord heard, but also shocked.

The British tricks heard in the ground, even if it was shouted, wow, it was a blood spit out, then the eyes were bleak, the hair became white, and then I didn't come up, it was so dead!

"British to die!" Everyone saw this, and someone immediately exclaimed!

Qin Shou wondered, looking back, sure, British recruits have no breath! Qin Shou has some speechless: "If this is the heart and the rabbit, I really don't know, how is your body repairing it ..."

Qin Shou knows that the demon god of this era, most of them are talented, and they can have a lot of achievements. Then there is a famous teacher, and it is immediately flying.

Where is the future monsters, their own qualifications, and no one pointers, and there is no achievement in hard work.

British recruit is mad, Qin Shou is not good again to take his body to be an article, so he will open the moon king of the land on the ground, huh, huh, laugh: "Dead cattle, hurt?"

Wang Yue Demon King is also hard, screaming, : "Sad Rabbit, you want me to worry, dream!"

Qin Shou is also not angry, hitting a response: "It seems still not painful, but if you think this is the ring, if you use this, you will not be too small to see the rabbit, I will give you a light strike. how is it?"

After that, there will be a thunder's power on the five martial arts ring, and it is full of moon! Wang Yue Demon king is shaking, and it does not make a complete movement, and the whole body is braving, and the two eyes are blistered. Unfortunately, it is unfortunately!

Qin Shou is not anxious, just look at the side.

Wang Yue Demon king wanted to swear a few times, but it couldn't spit it, and the soul of the pain was blown!

I have passed the past night. When the sun is rising, the face of the moon demon king has become extremely ugly. The original stubborn look has become a color.

Yuan, Huaitian Demon King, White Facial Tiger King, Bear King, Ghost Tree, I have seen this, I haven't started the happiness and happy, but one is a face. The same is a demon king, the same emperor master, the experience of the moon king, let them have a feeling of fare of the rabbit!

If Qin Shou directly killed the moon moon, they did not feel, but so torture, even to force the moon demon king, turned into a mount, let four demon kings are somewhat dissatisfied!

Emperor, the reason why it is called an emperor, because they have an emperor's heart! The emperor is unyielding, the emperor has its own glory! It is so tortured, the dignity is all, if it is tamed, it is a face sweep!

At that time, their four emperor demon kings, they followed their face!

Finally, the bone ghost king opened; "Rabbit, if you want to kill him, kill him. This tortured him, there is no too much."

Qin Shou looked up and smiled at the bone bone ghost king: "What? I don't think so! This mix will be unfortunately, the rabbit, I don't want to clean up with him. Do others still think that I am a good bully. Today, I am going to tame him! I still don't believe it, this is really a hard as I steel, I can't penetrate! "..

Chapter 152 Rabbit's Hill

Rabbit hill

Qin Shou said, continue to become a martial martial arts ring!

Wang Yuezi king hit, but unfortunately, the whole body is trapped, can't rush, you can't hit the ground, there is nowhere to vent, so that he is more painful, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, the spirit is about to collapse!

Huaidian Demon King said: "Rabbit, everyone is in a righteous man ..."

Qin Shou looked back to the heavenly demon: "If you are me, will you spare him?"

Hua Tian Demon King said: "I will kill him directly! I will never torture him, the emperor demon king, have their own dignity! Rabbit, if you are so, I am afraid that you have to sin! "

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "What is the emperor demon king? I only know, give me a gambling clothes! This is said that the moon demon king said, when you lose, when my mount! Results? Out of Neur, I want to kill me! Behavior, just get up with the emperor dignity? When he is going to Bunder, there is no dignity! In addition, I am not tortured, but save him!

His vow is still, if you don't torture him, let him go, he wants to kill me, isn't it to be swearing to kill on the spot? Such a good cow, it's a pity, but I am just a waste utilization. "

The white side tiger king suddenly opened: "We don't think about him, but the emperor has its own dignity ..."

Qin Shou died in the white side of the tiger king and smiled: "Dignity? Dignity

It is a weak person to listen to the weak! Strong, only the dignity of playing, there is no dignity that is like a dog on the ground! If you lost, there is no dignity! "

The white side of the tiger king angered: "Do you say that the emperor is not as good as you?"

Qin Shou bombarded a step forward, and his eyes were incomparable. I am not used, big white cat, you want to manage, you can! Come, use your dignity, come with me! There are so many stones here, do you dare? "

In the face of Qin Shou's aggressive question, the white side of the Tiger king stared at the eyes, and didn't you dare to pick up, gambling? Jokes, with the buddy and Wang Yue Dynasty, who dares with this rabbit than gambling?

The white side of the tiger king is shameless: "I am not interested in gambling, but killing, but I am very interested!"

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