The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 819.

At the same time, in another gaming square, a woman listened to the report below, and smiled. I stole it. You go, let the people below your eyes, if there is any wind blowing, the first time notifies me! "

"Yes!" Three women slowly retreat.

Sitting in the most playing, clothes, wearing a woman, the head of the treasure, the beautiful flow of the beautiful, slowly getting up, come to the back hall, a picture of the wall: "Master, Wanmi City accident. The Shann 's British recruitment is dead in Wanmi City. The Mountain family is not a day for two days. It is a lack of a suitable opportunity. This opportunity will never let go, please also ask the old man to increase aid Demon City. "

"Win Lin, this matter we have known. Just, the long life of the dragon has been here. The dragon and phoenix family is in the same gas, you and the battle of the dragon temporarily put down. If the Mountain family enters the Wanshi City, Be sure to take them out! Mousse is a hungry, and once these hungry wolves entered the Wanmi City, they will be a big trouble for the Longfeng Group!

Benefits, absolutely can't let Mount Ms! "The woman in the drawing opens.

"Yes! Things comply with the Mission! Master, this thing is because the rabbit is born, and the dragon laughs and the rabbit are very close. Even for the rabbit, indirectly dismissed the English, I Doubt, there is something in the bunny to attract dragon. Even things that have a lot of things for the entire dragon ... and the rabbit has been honored! "Win Lin Dao.

"Long laugh is not good early, the rabbit must have something he looks, but he can't get it again, will take the initiative to take the initiative to close the rabbit. I think, most of them are in the rabbit, I feel the breath, This allowed him to rely on the past. However, the monoclion is the matter of our ancestors, and it is necessary to recover, find time, you go to visit the rabbit. If he takes the initiative to return to the ring, my Phoenix can send him a first Tian Lingbao as Compensation. If it is not returned, the Phoenix family is not so good! "The woman's voice suddenly turned cold.

Win Lin said: "Master, I am afraid that it is a bit difficult. I heard that the masters will treat the rabbit."

"Broken master? Hehe ... The relationship between the masters and our Phoenix is ​​very good, he doesn't have to worry about it, I personally go to the door. Remember that the evil ring must come back! I listen to the leader said, I haven't been there. Death! It seems that it is trapped for somehow. If the Tao training ring, you can find it to we, and even let him control him! If you go out, hey ... Emperor does not dare to compress us! " Woman draws in the drawing.

Listen to the forest, the eyes suddenly snow, hurry to: "Master is assured

I will definitely come back! If the rabbit is not cooperating, kill! "

The woman in the painting: "You look at it, this rabbit is dead. It will be the thoughts and opportunities of the Mountain family. It is just that the dragon is not very good. ... you will be free."

"Yes!" Yin Lin led his life, then got up.


Qin Shou didn't know, because of his things, the dark flow of the entire Wan Mountain will have been brought.

At this moment, Qin Shouzheng directors a group of little demon in the cover! The world's demon king, more like cave relative to the house!

The so-called Dong Tianfu, the cave is usually in the mountains, the mountains are connected to the mountains or the dragon veins, and the mountains are natural gatherings, so in general, the aura in the cave is much more rich.

In addition, after all, it is a monster, and I am used to live in the cave. Dongfeng is no exception, his residence is also a cave, but Qin Shou can't see the cave.

Bloody flavor is exuded outside the cave, and the soil is placed, and I will smell it!

Qin Shou only looked at it, let Dongfeng he rolled in and cleaned the cave.

And Qin Shou himself, let a group of small demon opened the mountain outside, smashing wood, building a palace. Qin Shou can make a house

The child came out, but Qin Shou didn't want!

Out of it, I do it yourself, then what do he want these demon? It is necessary to use power, otherwise it will be invalid. At the same time, this is also as good as it is highlighting him, the demon king is not so good. I want to serve the public, although the strength is the first, but it is also important. Otherwise, who knows who you are?

A group of small demon's hot fire, fortunately, it is a monster, to be crazy, the stone falls, the wooden board is flying, which is better than what the machine.

Some great monsters, directly squatting on the small mountains, running up, three five people with the logs, one hand, it is going to the mountain. This is to put it in the earth, absolutely shocked the eyeball, and the green giant is not so fierce!

Unfortunately, this is in the fairy world. Although these demon races run fast, the power is very powerful, but it is too slow to look at the efficiency of the land!

After all, Qin Shou wants to build the palace is very huge! And this goods are still playing, I have to build a Forbidden City on the top of Wang Yueshan! Another time and space of the Forbidden City, Qin Shou, will not be clear. Confirmed probably!

When a city gate building, Qin Shou gives the construction of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine high! More than the Everest! Qin Shou is not deliberately pursuing this, but likes nine this number! All is nine, Geely!

As a result, Qin Shou played heart, and it was hard to force these demon, one

I have worked hard and strive to place this city within a day, and the difficulty is visible. Ok, Dongfeng has a small shemale, and everyone is generally in a large-scale crane. This siege will become too big. .

Chapter 158 looking for my uncle and lady

Looking for my uncle and lady

Qin Shou sat on the Tai Mascai chair, standing behind two demon women, a fan, a cut fruit, then feed the sunflower sitting in Qinshou Hui.

Kwats rarely talk, most of them, they are looking at a pair of big eyes, seem to be curious about anything, and like everything.

Qin Shou pinched the little face of the knockp, smiled: "Little girl, what?"

Kwai is a head: "I don't know, just think these people are fun. Bunny, I am hungry."

Qin Shou hand turned down, there is a roasting phoenix winglass, plugged into the hands of the sun: "Eat it."

After the sun, the sun was smelled, holding a big wings and taking the merits.

Qin Shou asked: "Sunflower, where is your home?"

"I don't know." The little mouth of the sun is all oil, and the vague repayment.

"What is your loved ones?" Qin Shou continued.

The sun smashed: "No ..."

"Hey, how can you come to Wan Mountain?" Qin Shou asked helplessly.

Kwai Road: "I have been here, what else is this?"

Qin Shouzhen said: "How long have you been in Wan Mountain? How long have you been in Wan Mountain?"

After calculating the finger, the sun is calculated, and the road: "For five years ... I remember it is five years."

Qin Shou Road: "Is there any impression five years ago?"

The sun smashed his head: "Don't remember ..."

Qin Shou helplessly, this gimmick didn't look like lying. If it is true, Qin Shou suddenly found that he seems to have a baby!

Qin Shou's Forbidden City finally established success after a day, but the appearance was almost, but there were fewer craftsmanship of many workers. At this point, these monsters are also not doing, helpless, Qin Shou has only personally take it. Although he will not be wood, but the magical is in the hands, I am in the world, I can change everything, I will be easier.

It took a day, Qin Shou was decorated throughout the Forbidden City, and he stayed in the palace. This intended to arrange the sun in other palaces. As a result, this girl is like a Kelly bear, holding Qin Shou's arm does not speak, how to say it is not going, said that it is tears. The Qin Shouxin, who is watching, is helpless, so I have to hold a sun.

I have a meal together, chat together, let go together, to take a shower together, and the little days will be passionate.

"Rabbit, do you not turn into a human form?" In the large wooden barrel, Qin Shou was sitting there, and a little Loli on the arms

A towel, Meng Meng asked.

Qin Shou sighed: "The change has to wear clothes, too tired."

Kwai: "@ ¥ @ ..."

Kwai swayed from Qin Shou Hui, swim in the water, like a white mermaid. Qin Shou glanced over, the little breasts of the sun were flat ... slightly shook their heads, heart: "The little girl is a little girl, there is nothing to see. Missing our homework. Mountain, Dashan ... "

The next day, Qin Shou climbed up early, let the demon look at the mountain gate, riding Dongfeng straight to Tiantian.

It is still a Nan Tianmen, but the Nan Tianmen at this moment is more magnificent. The door is not the four large slag, but the four huge beasts! The behemoth did not change human form, but like a sculpture, sitting, standing, squatting, as if it was intimidating all invaders.

Qin Shou hugged the sun to Nan Tianmen, and Kwai watched the four gods, Meng Meng asked: "What is the rabbit, what are these four big monsters?"

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