The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 820.

Qin Shou looked at the four gods and scratched his head: "It should be sleeping, thinking, laughing and going to the toilet?"


, almost plant, a blink of beads, anger: "What do you say? Don't you think that our four brothers are domineering? Also, your rabbit and little girl are Come?

Nothing to run the South Tianmen? Go, here, you are not playing you. "

Although the huge behemoth is in the face, talking is not fierce, which is a surprise of Qin Shou. In Qin Shou's memory, these officials should not be a cattle? It is like the original four kings, and I dare to privacy in the Nanyian.

The huge beast slowly looked up: "What is the rabbit, what is the rabbit, do you hold this little girl?"

Qin Shou smiled: "There is no need to come to find someone."

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking?" The huge behemoth came up and sat up and asked.

Qin Shoudao: "Find my uncle and my lady."

"Your uncle? Your lady? Are you teasing me? It is not allowed to combine with the tiara. There is a few parties, you don't know? Rabbit, tell you, we can see everything about all false things, you Don't try to lie in front of us, you will make a clearance! What is your truth? If there is no suitable reason, you will take it back. "The behemoth.

Qin Shudao: "Hey, you said, it seems that I am lie. My lady is called Qin Yuan, my uncle called the emperor ..."

!, ...

The four loud sound came, and the four giant beasts fell to the ground, then four

A guy laughed, the behemoth old four pointed to Qin Shou and Kai Xiao: "Haha ... big brother, this rabbit actually said that Qin Yuan is his wife, wow haha ​​... Who doesn't know that Qin Yuan did not marry? Haha ... Yes, he actually said that the jungee is his uncle, hey, the emperor is his uncle, I will walk around! "

Then the next moment, I walked out of a boy in Nan Tianmen. I came out, and I said: "Which is Qin Ge?"

Qin Shou hurriedly called: "I am!"

Dao Xiao Tao: "Emperor's big master heard that you are coming, special idea let me pick you up. Little master, please ..."

When you come out, the giant beast of the door is straightforward, the boss, the second, and the old three together look to the old four.

The old four turned, retreating back to his position, then cute himself: "Say it!"


The other three guys hilarious again. .

Chapter 159 Nan Tianmen

Nan Tianmen

Daoxiao does not understand what these four do people are smashing, inexplicably asked: "What are you doing something ghost?"

The old boss laughed: "It's okay, we are not smiling and sending time."

Daoxians don't believe this guy, but there is no time to ask, after all, the emperor is still waiting. The Tao Side invited Qin Shou to enter the South Tianmen and then went straight into it.

Qin Shou went in without a while, a man fell outside the Nantian Gate.

Old four madly, immediately opened: "It turned out to be Kaiyang Star Jun, where is this?"

Kai Yangxing is rough, burly, there is a double wing behind, and there is an air in the foot. Extruded a smile, said: "Just look at the four laughs very happy, this is because what is laughing? Also, I just see that the boy of the emperor will lead a rabbit into the heaven, what is this?"

Listening to it, suddenly suffering, the light did not talk.

Boss: "Nothing, the rabbit said that the emperor is his uncle, Qin Yuan is his lady, we don't believe. If the old four, if it is the uncle of the rabbit, he will walk in the future ... As a result, you also saw it. The rabbit is really a nephew of the emperor! I really see the ghost, how can the emperor have a rabbit? "

In this way, Kaiyang Star's eyes flashed in the eyes, then went to laugh: "It is uncomfortable, yes, I still have something, go."

After that, Kaiyang Xingjun went to the sky, and instantly left the heavens.

After the Yang Xingjun left, it was unreasonable: "Boss, this is a ghost of Yang Xing Jun, obviously for the rabbit. What do you say to him?"

I didn't talk, the old two epilepsy laughed: "The old four losses you can see him a belly, but you can't see the old thoughts. The Kaiyang Star Jun is the essence of the beast, and 80% is a mountain. This guy's old-distance running came to ask such a mouthful to investigate the situation of the rabbit. It is not allowed to deal with the rabbit, the boss said, the Mountain family must be quantified, the nephew of the emperor, they dare to move? Boss? This is to help the rabbit to stop trouble. "

"It turns out, don't talk, I will squat ..."



Kaiyang Xingjun took the Nan Tianmen, straight to the earth, and fell into the clouds. He flew a man wearing a red coat. The man laughed: "Kaiyang Star will not enjoy it in the sky, how to think of returning to the land ? "

"Red Cash, don't block the way, I have to report this thing is not the same, the report is late, the Mountain family is very difficult!" Kaiyang Xingjun angered

The red colluder is not as good as the way: "Take a chicken feather when the arrow, every time there is no you, the mountain family is the same. Hey!"

Kaiyang Xingjun snorted: "The red camel, don't give you a face, now let go, otherwise don't blame me!"

"You are welcome? Haha ... Kai Yangxingjun, wrong, I still call you Chen Wei. Chen Wei, when you use tricks to win, take the seat of Kaiyang Xingjun. Don't really think that you have Strength is not welcome to me? "The red camel started, and it was in front of Kaiyang Star, and his face was angry!

Kaiyang Star Jerne: "Red Cash, you quickly let it open! You know that the family wants to see the Wan Mountain, the excuse is to deal with a rabbit! And the rabbit is ..."

"You tell me what is it? I can't compare you this Kaoyang Jun. There are not so many sources, and I can't say so much. Chen Yu, you go in, wait for the Wan Demon Conference to open, I will challenge you, I hope you will not play a conspiracy next time! "After the finish, the red palace will leave.

Kaiyang Star Jun looked at the back of the red camel, snorted, drove down.

The mountain is not a real mountain, but a big pit! The shape of the big pit is like a mountain, so that you have a famous mountain.

There is a cave house in the land of the mountain.

Kaiyang Xingjun came to the front of the mountain ancestral hole: "Disciple Chen Yan,

Meet the mountain! "

"Come in." A gentle voice came, Chen Yan stepped into the mountain ancestral cave.

The cave is not large, one is a futon, it is very simple. The man wearing a gray coat robe, moving, like a bone. Chen Quan respectd the trip: "Mountain ancestors, disciples learned that the mountain ancestors want to use the meaning of the English trick, enter the wedsy Mountain, can there be this?"

The mountain ancestors touched: "This is a thought, the people know. You ask this, but what is wrong?"

Kaiyang Xing Jun said: "It has a problem. The rabbit of mad is coming. It seems to be a son of the emperor! It is recently, he just went to the Tianda to visit the emperor!"

At this time, the mountain ancestors suddenly opened their eyes, and Kaiyang Xingjun only felt a horrible force shot, and the body was not sitting on the ground, and it could not move.

When the mountain ancestors were opened, it was closed, which was also the fate of Kaiyang Xingjun by this eye. Scared Kaiyang Star Jun did not dare to talk ...

Mountain ancestors: "This matter is indeed, the strength of the emperor is extremely powerful, I have not to grasp him. Moreover, he is very good at the East Emperor, it is really uncomfortable to provoke the waste, death It is dead, we only need an entry into the Wan Si Mountain, as for the rabbit. I will let the people below to provoke, Chen Quan, this time you have a good job, one to enjoy the fines, receive Ling Yun Dan One

As your reward. "

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