The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the Yutong Chapter 822.

Qin Shou patted his chest and screaming: "Don't worry, don't you do anything?"

The emperor smiled and said: "It is because he is not worried, he reminds you!" After that, the emperor has more flag! " The flag is a fire, as if there is a ragurous flame in the burning, weird is that this flag gives people a feeling not Huo hot, but it is peaceful, warmth, peace!

Qin Shou saw, suddenly fell in the same place, be careful of the liver! Although he has never seen, he has heard it, this is ...

Emperor Handsome: "This is one of the southern flames, the congenital five square flags, both of us, and an extremely powerful guardian. I will lend it to you, wait for you to drive away the mountains, stand I have a big work, and I will come back. "

Qin Shou listened, hurry to thank you: "Thank you, Uncle, send my flag!"


There are a bag on Qin Shou's head, and the emperor is said: "Not send! It is borrowed! Congenital Five Flags, your uncle, I can't afford it."

Qin Shou smiled and smiled. I didn't expect my little clever, I was broken immediately, but this dress is thick, just when I heard it wrong. Looking at the emperor is somewhat speechless, almost didn't hold back, give him a baboblock.

The emperor will give the top five square flags after Qin Shou, and the face is dignified: "I will lend to you, because you are in the face of the enemy. Mountain, as four One of the ancient people, the inside is not counting. Various magic weapons are also a lot, especially the first mountain ancestors of the Mountain family, this person is not weak, but it is very fraudulent, and the sneak attack is small. I haven't done it in a generation. So ... "

Qin Shou did almost threw it back to the flames, said: "No, the strength is so powerful, but also sneak a small generation?"

Emperor Zhang said: "The mountain ancestors never talks about, but you can pay attention to your movements on your sky. If the mountain ancestors don't want to face, I will pick him up!"

Qin Shoudao; "How do I feel a bit unreliable?"

"I don't care, anyway, you have already received my trip, I promise me. If you dare to pass the child, I will give you and feel the stick first." The emperor is angry.

Qin Shouni's mouth: "Get, I am a little rogue, I can only be replaced."

"Hey!" The emperor had a boobes to come. "" Re-telling, throwing you out! "

Qin Shou vomiting Tou said: "Uncle, there is nothing, I will leave. I found that I seem to be a little loss this time."

For this kind of death rabbit that is cheap, I still sell, the emperor is a bit helpless, smirk, lazy to take care of him.

Qin Shou suddenly thought of one thing, turned back: "Uncle, I got this brand before, you helped me see how this is used?"

After that, Qin Shou took out the brand of the purple palace.

The emperor didn't take a serious event, but after seeing the brand in Qin Shou's hand, I was shocked. I made a sign of the brand in my hand. After looking at it, I also took out a single brand from the pocket.

Emperor sigh: "What is your dog? What is this rabbit? I have got the Ziyong Palace listener? The position is the first row, the first! Hey ... I have repeatedly go to the Ziyong Palace, That position has been empty, I thought that is the biggest seat ...

The emperor is smirking.

Qin Shoudao: "What is the meaning? Is this brand worth it?"

Emperor Handshaw; "Where is the value of money! Zijingong listener is also a seat, a total of 3,650 seats. The more the seats before the exam, the closer to Hong Yuli. When listening to the treasure, harvest More, the more the first seat is said to have the opportunity to touch it directly! Rehabilitation speed is very fast, even if it is a saint, it is also imaginary xian. You are fell, I didn't do anything, I got this seat. , Do you say valuable money? "

Qin Shouway wishes the mouth, my heart is furism, I am called the system, and I asked carefully: "How much does this?"

The emperor was quiet, then shook his head: "Value in the city, I also said it. However, you use this brand, change the holy person to help you take a few more opportunities, still no problem. Why, do you want to change?".

Chapter 162 is expensive or light?

Is it expensive or light?

Qin Shougui is decisive: "Uncle, you also know, I am here, I have a limited chance to comprehend. Do you want to change two brands?"

At this time, the Emperor's handsome body is shocked, that moment, he actually moved! The eyes are shaking, this is the first time that Qin Shou seemed to see calm and emperor! Qin Shou has finally determined the value of this brand ... absolute value, there is no city!

However, Qin Shou surprised is ...

After the emperor is cold for a long time, suddenly the long spit out of a turbidity, and the Qin Shou arch: "Your kindness of this rabbit, my heart is. But since the first child falls in your hands, that is, You have a reason. If it is halfway to me, it is a narrow heart, greeddy, and it will be cheap. I am afraid I will give birth to my heart. This brand I can't have ... "

This round of the round to Qin Shou was surprised. I didn't expect that the mood of the emperor was so powerful! Faced with such lure huo, you can don't move! This road, Qin Shou had to admire. At least Qin Shou himself,

I have been grabbing, don't whit!

After the emperor gave the brand to Qin Shou, the tone again, obviously this brand did not practice a little bit of attraction, and he got out. After the body is relaxed, the spirit of the spirit reaches a peak!

Qin Shou saw this, his heart is screaming, this brand actually leads out the emperor's heart magic! After the emperor passed the heart, the strength followed the first floor! It can be seen that this brand is precious.

Emperor Jun said: "Don't take it again after this brand, unless you have entered the Ziyong Palace listening, sitting in your first position owner's identity. Otherwise, take it out will give you trouble ..."

After Qin Shou passed this time, he also understood the importance of this brand. Be careful to have a good way: "Uncle Dao Jun, can you get into the Zijing Palace?"

Emperor Hands: "It is true that when the next purple Palace starts, I will inform you. You go up with me, huh, huh ... I really want to see, when those who are high than top, found On the first seat, sitting a king-level rabbit, what kind of expression will be. "

Qin Shouni's mouth: "It is estimated that it will prepare the rough rabbit immediately?"

Emperor Haha smiled: "You entered the Ziyan Palace is the listener of Hong Yur's ancestors. If they are dissatisfied, they will not be free to take over you, after all, the old ancestors are equal to half an apprentice, the more relying on The higher the front status. They moved you, that punishment is not a general serious. But ... they can't shoot, their people are not subject to this constraint. Do you understand what I mean? "

Qin Shou did not think about it: "I am not afraid, I am not a big uncle, don't you find a uncle, I don't believe it, I can't pack the grandson."

The emperor smiled: "You are a bunny, how do you want to take you cheap? I tell you that heavenly and the witch fight constantly, even if we have a little in the private, you will not get it. So, you I want to take a hand together to help you support, it is difficult. "

Qin Shou still does not matter: "It doesn't matter, Uncle can suppress half of the sky, I am afraid?"

The jab is no exception, the emperor smiles, the emperor smiles, Zheng Tao: "Bunny, you listen, you can help you. However, if you are not doing, you can compare me. Don't help you. "

Qinshou booth stalls: "Hey you said, is I doing?"

"You just shouted me!" Emperor Handsome.

Qin Shouqi cough two channels: "What is it

"You can't you have to face it?" The emperor somewhat speechless.

Qin Shou asked: "Is it expensive or light?"

Emperor thought about it: "This is going to see that you pay attention to your face. But my light is still very expensive, nine heavy Tian Lingbao glazed."

Qin Shoudao: "I don't care, the key to see that uncle, what do you think is expensive."

"If I say light?" Said the emperor curious.

Qin Shou decided to say you: "What is the face! Of course, it is expensive!"

Emperor: "@ ¥ @ ..."

Emperor Jun said: "If I said your face is more expensive?"

"I use my face to change the lights?" Qin Shou came to the thief asked.

Emperor: "@@ ... %% *"

In the end, Qin Shou still took the glass, not his face, but Qinshou lack of Jiu Tian Tian's congenital magic weapon! Only the palace of the emperor, Qin Shou immediately threw the glazed calendon to a cake, said: "A cake! The rabbit is exchanged for you, don't give me a shame! If you can't get Xuan Huang to treasure Hierarchy, I got your skin! "

"The boss, you can rest assured, and I have also swallowed so many magic treasures, only to the door, this time you have become!" Cake.

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