The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 823.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, quickly advance! I can feel that the Rabbit, the rain is coming, if it is a wind, the rabbit, I also point to you!" Qin Shou Road.

A biscuits smiled: "You can rest assured, if I reach the level of Xuanhuang to Baobao, those demon kings, you say anyone who kills!"

Qin Shounan nodded.

At the door, the emperor's boy saw Qin Shou came out, and he immediately looked at the sky, just did not see it.

When Qin Shou went, it was found that this boy actually had this expression, it was unhappy, and he went three in front of the boy. This boy is pretending.

Can't see him!

Qin Shou waved his hand in front of the boy, and the boy still didn't look at him! Obviously, Qin Shou is not cool, do not want to give Qin Shouzi Road.

Qin Shou shook his head: "It turned out to be a blind man ..."

The boy is still ignored Qin Shou, and the heart is taking the heart: "This dead rabbit is too shameless. I don't send him out today, see how he goes out of this tightening!"

Qin Shou shook his head. After got away, I heard the boy's killing pig. The child was screaming: "Oh! My magic weapon is lost! Sad bunny, you steal me!" ..

Chapter 163 Peach Blossom?

Peach blossom?

Qin Shou hurriedly ran ... Heart laughed: "Little scorpion, dare to use the rabbit master to pack it? The rabbit is not dead!"

Today's terrain is very large, the terrain is still different from the future heighing. There is no boy with road, and I have just been able to have a hurry, Qin Shou's sad reminder discovery, he lost!

Let Qin Shou speechless is that the boy took his place is the terrace of the Tiantian. There is no heaven and the sky will handle. In fact, there is a character of the emperor, the emperor such as the emperor, no need for Tianbing Tian guard.

, there is a mountain, there is water, all kinds of singular flowers and trees, everywhere, the scenery is really ten steps, the Jingjing is different, beautiful. It is also really eyeking.

Plus here to shield the knowledge, so Qin Shou can only look at the road in the eyes, and want to distinguish between the east of the north and south.

What is the most, Qin Shou, is that there is even a maid that you can't see it!

Qin Shou left thought right, heart: "For the rabbit, I will go to the high place, I can always distinguish from the east, the road is small. If you can see your personal, you can go out."

Thinking of this, Qin Shou junction came from a mountain to go.

Heaven is heavy, flying can not, but accelerates moving, no problem. At this moment, Qin Shou had to feel emotion, Zhang Hundreds was more than the East Imminder! Future Tianship, the clouds can take any places who want to go! The speed is convenient, which is like now.

In Qin Shou Dudu, the speed is getting faster and faster, and it will pass the mountain waist and straight hill.

Just then, a song came, Qin Shou ear shook, to the sunflower road: "It seems that our luck is good, there is someone near this!"

However, the sun turned into it, and the breath is uniform, obviously this girl is asleep again!

Qin Shou smiled, which is already five or six years old! How do you feel like a baby, so your sleep!

Qin Shou hugged the sun, all the way to the direction of the song, gradually Qin Shou heard the sound of the water, and the front seems to have a waterfall. This voice is soft, but it is very strong, and it is a woman who is singing!

Qin Shou listened, the heart suddenly tickled, and he said: "Duo Mountain, Lao Lin, Mei Waterfall, Women's Songs! I have a , this is such as like this with the story, is it like a rabbit, I want to take a peach. Hey, there is a flying waterfall, there must be a Cheongdant, and there is a beautiful girl in the Cheongdam. Is it taking a bath? "

When the Qin Shou Baohai, there is a scene that spends a thousand bath, and the seven fairy taking a shower is thrown. I will appear in the spirit of taking a shower ... I think, Qin Shou's footsteps are more light, and finally simply , Like a cat touching past.

The song is getting clearer, Qin Shou is finally near, and I saw the flying water in front of the front, as long as I pulled the shrub in front of you, I can see everything!

Qin Shou reached out, gently opened a little gap, looked in the direction of the singing, Qin Shou's eyes suddenly fooled!

I saw that there was a clear spring under the waterfall, and there was a beautiful woman in Qingquan! Beauty is facing the hand, can't see the appearance, the body in the water is also floating on the water, can't see. But the shoulder shoulder, but lubricate the jade, like the master powder carving jade, very beautiful!

Qin Shou's consciousness swallowed a spit ...


"Rabbit, you are thirsty?" The sun suddenly opened.

At that moment, Qin Shouton was stiff to the original place! The heart is mourning: "Don't I fall asleep? How do you say wake up!"

The woman in the water slammed, rushed to the sky, a seven color Nihang was on the body, suddenly turned, angered: "What is gallbladder!"

Qin Shou knows that he can't hide, but it will not work so, it will not be able to take a sun, it seems to be just what is just what

Didn't watch the general way: "Yes, you are thirstying me, this truth is true, getting like the labyrinth. Even someone else, asking a road is hard ... but still, finally see people."

The voice falls, and the light is falling in front of him. Qin Shou is not pulled out!

The woman fell into the pool, and the long hair was on the transparent water chamber, and the long hair was blocked, and the half face was blocked, showed another one of them. Just with a angry in your eyes! Pressure.

Women said: "Who are you?"

Qin Shou was put by itself is the way to pass by: "I have passed! It's lost, I found someone to ask for the way." As a result, there is no bird. "

"Lost, walk to the mountain?" The suffocating heavier in the woman's eyes.

Qin Shoudao: "Tony, lost to the mountain! Standing high can you find the direction! If you see people, can you go out? If you come back, this beauty, you can

Tell us how to go out? "

The woman frowned; "What did you just see?"

Qin Shou shook his head: "I didn't look at it, I just came to this little girl, saying beauty, don't you look at me, the pressure is big."

The woman heard the words, and he looked at the sunflower in Qin Shou Hui, and his eyes were suddenly soft. Stepping on the water wave and looked at Qin Shoudao: "What are you just told me?"

"Beauty ah ..." Qin Shoudao.

The woman flashed in his eyes and smiled. Qin Shou's heart; "Drama! This woman likes others to praise her appearance!"

However, the smile flashes, the woman is in the eyes of the cold light: "You lie to me!" The speech is going to catch Qin Shou!

Qin Shou hurriedly called: "No, there is absolutely no! If it is lying, Tiangle!"

After the vows were immediately issued, the woman's hand suddenly became the original place, then laughed: "Haha ... interesting, interesting! Your rabbit really knows what is beautiful? It is actually called my beauty?"

Qin Shoudao: "Beauty, you have not seen me? So I am also a male rabbit, women are beautiful, isn't a man saying? It is to look at the eyes, that is, beautiful, Tianxian, no eye , Mei Ruo Tianxian is also as dirt! As soon as the lover, you have ........................

Chapter 164 Crazy Woman

Crazy woman

The woman suddenly laughed: "You have a big courage, do you dare to be my lover?"

Qin Shou immediately ride: "Beauty, I am playing more ..."

"Do you think about me?" The woman flashed in the eyes, and Qin Shouton had a feeling of suffocating! Qin Shou has a feeling, this woman's strength is terrible! If it is out, it is afraid that it is far more than the emperor!

Tianship, hill, forbidden, woman, super master!

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