The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 824.

The various factors are added together, and Qin Shou is discovered, he doesn't know who this woman is! Qin Shou suspected that this woman is a wife of the emperor, and the emperor, the Emperor is too gestated in the sun star!

However, this thought is now being dismissed by Qin Shou, and he lives in the Sun Palace all the year. How can it be blended in heaven? What's more, the Hehe is the wife of the emperor, the emperor's wind, how can I find such a mad woman?

The problem is coming, this mad woman seems to be with him! In the face of this crazy woman, Qin Shou actually didn't know how to answer it. Don't you disappear? It is estimated that the woman directly puts a picture, and he will push him! Although it is a rabbit, this woman does not seem to be a problem!

To be discarded, it is estimated that this crazy woman came over directly, Qin Shou should consider the next reincarnation.

Qin Shou used a mouth, Zhang Zhangzhu, did not make a sound.

Just then, the sun is open: "Big sister, you are so beautiful, how can the rabbit will disappear? Just, the rabbit was scared by you."

"Scared? Gone ... Are you afraid of me?" The woman asked a few points.

Kwats gain smiled: "Why are we afraid of your big sister?"

The woman is slight, then pointing to himself: "Are you not afraid of me?"

Kwai climbed from Qin Shou Hua to Qin Shou's shoulders, licking Qin Shou's neck, smiled: "Of course, not afraid, my sister is not a bad person."

Qin Shou's eyes seemed to have the meaning of appease, and quickly nodded: "It is of course not afraid, such a beautiful woman, is not a bad person, there is fearful. Beauty, how do you have a person in this mountain? call?"

The woman stared at Qin Shou and Kwai. After laughing and smiled, shook his head: "Do you want to know? You know, you know my secret, you must stay here forever, you still want to know now?"

Qin Shouton is dumbfounded, staying here, then he is not a mad? Hurry and shake the head: "It's almost, although you are very beautiful, but this place is not suitable for me. If you come back, this is a big beauty, you are trapped in such a broken mountain, whoever gets such a hand."

Qin Shou voice fell, the woman suddenly appeared in front of Qin Shou!

The face of the two people is posted, the nose and the nose are only less than one centimeter, and Qin Shou even feels the other party.

Lan breathing!

Women said: "To tell the truth, do you really feel my beauty?"

Qin Shou took a head: "Of course, this is not a general beauty, it is beautiful!"

"Very good, then you marry me!" The woman immediately said.

Qin Shou said in the same place, scratched his head: "Beauty, you are sure you are not teasing? I am a rabbit ..."

The woman smiled: "What happened to the rabbit? Emperor and emperor are just a three-feet golden! The monster who can call the name under the day, which body is not a rare weird! How to, the rabbit, you discerned me?"

Qin Shou felt the cold air of the cold, hurriedly said: "Don't be excited first, haven't arrived in summer, the air conditioner is not open, save it."

The woman is frowned; "What are you talking about? Answer me, you are still not!"

Qin Shou looked at a glasmate, Kwai dug with a small mouth, then the face hanged a smile: "You like it, I think the big sister is very good.

of. "

Qin Shou smiled: "The problem is, I have a woman! Several!"

The woman did not think about it: "I don't care how many women, the focus is, you are willing to be my man! I will answer me, I am willing to still be willing!"

In the history of Qin Shou, the first time was chasing it by a woman, or so overbearing! Qin Shou once again felt the importance of strength! This is a beautiful woman. If you come to a dinosaur to him, Qin Shou thinks that you are creepy.

However, Qin Shou is still very serious about the feelings, can you be a beautiful woman? Most importantly, this woman is trapped in the storm! Obviously, the problem of problems, Qin Shou is married, it is estimated that it is not a beautiful woman, it is a lot of trouble!

Qin Shou is wondering, this is a great place for emperors, so long, how does the emperor do not respond?

The woman's eyes have begun to appear anger, Qin Shou

Ask: "Willing to look, don't you want?"

Women said: "Willing, I am your wife, don't want ... I will kill you!"

Qin Shouton is not cool, and the temper is also coming. How can I bully people! I actually used it, scare him! Have a trip to seduce him! Qin Shou is so saying, after the back, there is a laughter: "Rabbit, she looks at you, you marry him."

Qin Shou looked back, I saw that Emperor didn't know when he came to him. Take a look at the smile, then look at the woman like black widow, and then think about the previous various experiences, go out of the boy does not send, walking lost people ...

Qin Shou took a cryop: "Uncle, you are a circle, and the rabbit is awkward!"

Emperor Haha smiled: "I didn't give you the lower circle, I didn't plan to set your rabbit. You see, from the head to the end, you are running, even you stole my boy, I haven't Show, what do you want? "

"Emperor! What did you do?" The woman angered!

Dijun quickly waved: "I pass, pass, you continue."

"Roll!" The woman roaring.

When the emperor suddenly had some wolf, it quickly flashed to the distance.

Qin Shouzhen, what is this, this woman is so fierce? Even the emperor said that he said. .

Chapter 165 is another token

Another piece of token

The woman is staring again in Qinshi Road: "I will answer me, I am willing or not!"

Qin Shou took a breath, and the emperor shouted: "Promise him, otherwise you die, don't blame me!"

"Roll!" Qin Shou and the woman roaring at the same time!

The emperor wiped the nose: "This man is a woman, crazy." After finishing, the emperor really flashed.

Qin Shou looked at this woman, sigh: "Although I don't know what you have experienced, I want to say that the rabbit master is really unsuspeted! In fact, you don't have to force me so much, you Beautiful, just need to put two beautiful shapes, gentle, good explanation, the rabbit, I will catch you directly ... "

Qin Shou said that it is very affectionate, the eyes blur ... Qin Shou believes, any woman will be a little touched! For women who are seriously lack of love, it should be killed!



A woman was soaring that a big tree after Qinshou was smashed, and Qin Shou was discovered, he was treated!

The woman is lowered by the body and said: "You are free to be gentle enough, not enough to understand people, is it beautiful?"

Qin Shou two eyes, the woman's heart, it is the sea floor needle! Especially this kind of spirit is a little awkward woman, which is the nano needle of the sea. I can't find it. I can't use the common people's mentality!

Qin Shou played a reflection, back pressure back!

When a woman is a woman, in the face of Qinshou mouth to the mouth of the mouth, the next consciousness is hiding, Qin Shou counters the women's wall on the stone, said: "I am willing!"

"You ... you ... what do you say?" The woman is full, and it is unbelievable.

Qin Shou gently picked up the hair of the woman's half face, and then stupid!

Another face of the woman, even if the ghost character is generally filled with a weird texture, so that the original beauty of the fairy is very killing Matt! It seems that a beautiful woman draws a tattoo on another half of his face! Extreme weird, unhappy!

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