The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 826.

Qin Shoudao: "I don't care, but I have heard that it is forbidden. You said that the owner of this here found that you ran up, will consequences?"

"For you!" Dao Xiao said, turned to go down, Qin Shou hurriedly kept.

The little girl is actually very clear, no matter whether the rabbit still doesn't return him, he has to take the way, otherwise it is to violate the will of the emperor. Therefore, Dajing just just scared Qin Shou, the result is that this guy is not in, the gang is like a ghost, and it is no deceived.

Daojing can only be depressed in his heart ...

Lowering the ban on the Grove, Dao Tong is going away, but it is not a saying that Qin Shou said.

Qin Shou also doesn't matter, while walking as a side, walking, walking: "Small Taoism, I don't want to go to Nan Tianmen, I want to go to Qinyuan's palace, do you know how to go?"

"I only send you to Nantianmen, as for how to go, you should ponder it." Daoxing scold.

Qin Shou Bar, the mouth: "What are you? You talk about it, you have been with the emperor's uncle, how can I have no big uncle's uncle? I have taught the emperor Uncle's glazed, I didn't see him so little family Your

The magic weapon is not a rare thing, and you will give you distress. "

Taoism is surprised: "You took the emperor's grandfather's glass of glazes? You ... Why are you stealing!"

Qin Shou looked around: "I am not stealing, I am taking! Dijigu's uncle's eyes, how much magical is to steal, can I stole your hand? I am a bright and big! And you Don't look at me, when I come out, you don't care about me, I know how come it? I am not cool, of course I want to teach you! I still blindly, I don't believe me to find the emperor Uncle, stir-fry your squid. Let you go out as a Tianbing Tianda, do you have a bureau? "

At this time, the little girl was shocked, and he thought of it. This rabbit is the red man around him. He is really not good!

Daoxiao's two sounds: "For you!"

Finished, the Tao Tong said the direction.

Qin Shou immediately asked: "Where is this?"

"Qinyuan Palace, are you not going to see the demon god?" Daoxiao is very uncomfortable.

Qin Shou smiled, no longer talking, watching the scenery along the way, occasionally see some of the gods, this goods are not recognized, the old and far waved. The other party does not know Qin Shou, but the Dajun's Daily knows! The status of the road in this era is equivalent to the earth Huaxia

The driver of the leader is generally, go to the leadership, as if he is up! No one dares to provoke, after all, the people around the emperor, if you blow the evil wind, no one can stand.

At this moment, this child gave Qin Shouzi Road, and everyone dared to neglect, and they were also rude.

Just wait for Qin Shou to go far, this is scratched: "Who is this rabbit?"

"Those God know?" Asked in a curious.

Qin Shou shook his head; "Ghosts know them."

"Don't know you with them?" Daoxiao was stunned.

Qin Shoudao: "When you have a born, you can go to their home three times to see if there is a good thing ... Cough, talk about what is often."

Daoxiao full head black line, too lazy to take care of this no bunny! I have seen shameless, I have never seen such shameless, he will not pass, the emperor is so windy, how can I have a shameless rabbit with mega.

Soon, Daoxiao came to Qin Shou to the demon temple area, and a big temple in front of himself: ", that is, the palace of Qinyuan demon". The mission is completed, I am gone! " And the little girl turned.

Qin Shou hurriedly called: "What are you eager? Baby is not?"

"Want!" Said that the little girl was tense.

Qin Shou waved, from the Tong Dynasty, and threw it back, and the little girl came to see, and suddenly smiled.

Qin Shoudao: "Okay, don't be so be so be careful next time, otherwise the rabbit is unhappy, don't give you."

" ..." Daoshu smiled and turned and ran. .

Chapter 167 Size

Size beauty

Kwai Road: "Bunny, I am hungry."

"Waiting, I have eaten it." Qin Shou hugged the sunflower palace to the palace of Qinyuan, and the result was an acquaintance in the gate of another palace.

Qin Shou Daki drunk: "Hey! Peace, how are you here!"

The flyback of the door is shocked. It is going to break what it is. As a result, it is a rabbit, and it is uncomfortable: "Who is a dead rabbit, what?"

Qin Shou was changed, and it turned back to the appearance. I laughed: "Heart, this will only have seen it, do you forget me? How can I remember you, how, bean, sweet potato eat enough? Didn't eat enough? I am still there. Don't you go to help you?

Flying, he listened, his face was white, and since the last time I ate beans and sweet potato, after three days and three nights, he found a hidden place, and put it three days and three nights! When the place in the local circle, the birds and beasts that were smoked were all insects.

Now I think of beans, sweet potatoes, and flying clothes are hair, nausea

Flying also recognized Qin Shou, the eyes were scared, and then the stiff face was laughed, smiled: "Your child, who is the wrong person? Next time you don't mess, it is misunderstood It is not good. "

After saying, flying off will go. Eating beans, farting things he hide well, there is no one to know so far, he doesn't want to expose yourself.

As a result, it is not far away, and Qin Shou called: "The old brother, I should have not admitted it. I still have a shadow!"


Flying suddenly accelerates, directly disappearing at the end of the street.

Qin Shou flattened mouth: "If this is the interest, I still have a blind man, oh ... ? This is, Shangyang Palace?"

"How, you come here, I don't know what this is my palace?" At this time, an icy voice came from above the palace.

Qin Shou looked up, I saw that the business sheep looked on a pillar, holding the shirt, and looking at him.

Qin Shou smiled: "How can I, just didn't think so soon?

Arrived. Why, don't you come up? "

"You want to come up, don't want to come, even if you are. Qinyuan's palace is right, you look at it. ? Your little girl in your arms, what is you trapped? I thought you only Interested in adult women. "The mall and sheep faceless.

Qin Shou listened, the brain was covered with a black line.

Kwai is a small fist with the drums: "How do you talk ?!"

Qin Shou followed him: "Just! Will you talk? Is that the same person?"

Kwai is the road: "The little girl is okay, the little girl can't be liked, is interested?"

When Qin Shouton, I was launched in the original place. When I said a good child, I helped him talk, get rid of the dry system? The tone of this conversation is not strong, how is it like two women to be jealous?

The merchant sheep smiled: "Sure enough, you are dead rabbit, people are not very good, it is a wind fullness." After finishing, turn around and go.

Qin Shou bar, look, look at the drums, look back, a proud of the sun, Qin Shou Road: "Is there a bad style? At least some people like

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