The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 827.

Let's not have people like it. Say that the flying is nothing to turn around you at your door? "

"I want to eat swan meat. Do you say that he wants to do it?" The voice of the business sheep came out.

Qin Shou Road: "It turns out that the guy is really hungry!"

Business Sheep: "@ ¥ @ ... ¥ ..."

Qin Shou smiled, holding the sun, jumping into the palace.

Businesswood angered: "You don't go, how do you jump on the window?"

Qin Shoudao: "There is no one in the door, don't have anyone, walking, is this."

Shangyang said: "You are really ... rogue!"

Qin Shoudao: "Thank you, praise! Don't say, I have been tired of me, drink the mouth." After finishing, Qin Shou was sitting on the edge of the table and drinking it. It is oblique to the eyes to see the business sheep, that means saying, I am drinking the tea you drink.

As a result, the business sheep did not stop the meaning, sitting opposite Qin Shou, pretty face slightly, but how the heart in the eyes is hidden.

Qin Shou drunk, said: "The taste is not bad."

The business sheep point: "You should not drink it, this tea I have this cup."

"No? Do you still have a pot?" Qin Shoudao.

The merchant sheep sat down, faint: "The problem is that the flying is not there, you think that he will drink the rest of the tea, it is difficult."

Qin Shou listened, the face suddenly became an old, put the sun on the table, said, "You have two talks, I will go out."

After that, pushed the door and went away.

The merchant sheep saw this, suddenly laughed, and smug: "Sad bunny, let you feel angry, this time I was cheated?"

Business sheep didn't know, Qin Shou did not go far, just kneel behind the door!

Qin Shou bar, the mouth, heart: "I said, how can Feilian grandson left a woman in the cup? Sure enough, it is lie to me ... this girl is owed!"

In the room, Kwume saw Qin Shou, a small face, like a little adult, jumping down the table, sitting on the chair, holding the shirt, hugging the two lang legs, the eyelid lifted, a old way: " Lying, it is not a good woman. "

The business sheep slightly, then the eyebrows were picking up, staring at Kwai Road: "Don't you lying? See you, should you not be a little girl with a few years old?"

The sun lifted the eye skin, whichever: "The age does not represent everything, some people live for talle of thousands of years, the brain is still staying at the three-five-year-old level. And I am different, I am only four or five years old, but I am You can mature much. At least I know, I like what, I will chase, not to hide, I don't admit it. I don't dare to get on, I don't dare to laundry ... "

"Hey!" Shang Yang, slap in the table, anger: "What do you say? Let me kill you?".

Chapter 168 Rabbit


Kwats smiled: "You can try it, see if you have this business kill me."

After that, the sun is emitting a cold and strange breath!

Outside the door, Qin Shou is shocked. This breath actually became unparalleled, beyond the queen, this is the strength of the emperor! Even the strength of the Emperor!

Originally, Qin Shou just wants to make a move to play her sheep. I didn't expect that there is still an unexpected harvest! I have been being used as a little girl, and there is a horrible strength!

At the same time, Qin Shou has a feeling of familiar with this atmosphere, but he can't think of this atmosphere.

The merchant sheep scared: "Here is the Shangshu Palace, here, even if the emperor master, I also want to make me!" After that, the breath of the business sheep climbed! "

Qin Shou Eye saw that two women had to do it, and quickly coughed: "Cough, nausea and dead rabbit, I saw the buttons next time, killing him a grandson!"

At this time, the two women in the room thought that Qin Shou didn't know.

, Look at it, and return the power.

When Qin Shou pushed the door, I just saw it, the business sheep sat in the tea, Xiaoshun's sunflower is zoomed in a chair, like a kitten like a small cat, hands holding a cup, very cute.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shou couldn't help again sigh again: "Woman, Sure enough is the actor master! Fortunately, the rabbit master is smart, otherwise it is really lied by these two gimmicks!"

Although Qin Shou has countless doubts, Qin Shou did not reveal the care of two women, only didn't know it.

Qin Shou sat down, the sun was like a kitten, climbed over, then sat in the arms of Qinshou. Then when I didn't pay attention to Qin Shou, I made a proud of the business sheep, as if I said: This is a small benefit! Are you?

The business sheep scored: "What are you from this little ghost?"

Qin Shou Road: "Wanchao City, oh, is there a problem?"

The merchant sheep stunned and said: "Do you really go to Wan Shi City?"

Qin Shou Road; "Do you think that the rabbit is what I played? Now the rabbit is not only went to Wanmi City, but now it is already in the house."

"Are you bought in the city, or in a small hill?" Shangmei did not asked, she knows the Wan Shi City than Qin Shou, she estimated that Qin Shou's strength can be mixed It's not bad to this.

Qin Shou smiled and didn't talk.

Kwai is a look: "You are too small to look at the rabbit, the rabbit is now the king of the moon! Sit down the moon demon king Dongfeng is a exclusive mount of rabbit."

When this, the merchant, sprayed the tea in the mouth, shocked: "You sue the moon king? How is it? Wang Moon demon king can be an emperor's strength!"

Qin Shou Road: "This is a long way. I don't want to say twice, I don't want to call the original, since I want to bragging ... Cough, since I want to say stories, of course, I will listen together. "

Shangyang said: "You are afraid to be disappointed, Qin Yuan is not in the heavens. Qinyuan was called back by her master."

"Is there a master in Qinyuan?" Qin Shou asked very surprised.

Shang Yang said: "Of course! Don't you know that Qinyuan's master is one of the three-clear people?"

Qin Shou took a breath: "The master of Qinyuan is Tongtian's teacher? I am awkward, I really don't know!"

Shangyang said: "Nothing is so strange, many of the monsters have listened to the Tour Palace, I have also been. But I am not a disciple of Tongtian, but Qinyuan is the introduction disciple of Tongtian's leader. Discounters, there is no class, the famous sound of the fairy is very large, second only to the saints of the saints. Rabbits, what do you know? "

Qin Shou smiled and said: "I will live for hundreds of years, I can have this kind of strength, where to listen to these news stories. Business sheep, who is your master?"

The merchant sheep drunk a tea and faintly said: "The female saints."

Qin Shou two eyes turned: "Your Master is a saints? My God, my woman is so cow?"

"Who ... Who is your woman? Don't talk!" Shangmei glared in Qin Shou.

The sun immediately made a ghost face: "Lying, lost his face!"

"Little ghost, don't talk!" The business sheep watched again.

Qin Shou hurried to: "Okay, don't you eye, your eyes are big enough.

. "

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