The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 831.

The swallowed people looked at Qin Shou and said: "You will be afraid of these little scorpions?"

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Mom has a egg, discuss my own problem with you, really worry! Although there is a feeling of self-deception, you gave me a good reason!"

After that, Qin Shou turned to go to the outside: "I will find a place to mix, the rabbit, I want to kill the ring!"

I saw the swallowing people again, but the father of Qinshou did not help but think of his time and space, the expression of women. The previous thing, a scene of the scene in the mind, the strong thinking home sentiment, let his mood are very blocked! The rest is anger! Unparalleled anger!

For those saints, the anger of Western Di Sheng! If it is not them, Qin Shou has now takes women to the gods! Because of them, Qin Shou has had to go far away! Time and space separation!

Going out of the palace, the four weeks also feel the uncomfortable Qin Shouxin

The emotions, one or two scared dare to go forward.

At this moment, Qinshou pants were pulled, looking down, I saw the sun, looking at him. Kwai Road: "Rabbit, you are angry? Is it because I have a criticism with a business mall? If this is the case, it is not a noisy with her in the future ... I am big, she is small, let her point."

Seeing the cute smile in the sun, Qin Shou put the anger in his heart, hugging the sun, curiously asked: "Shangmei is very tens of thousands, people who are hundreds of people, you guess Three five years old, how did you become a bigger? "

As a result, the sun is flat, a Dao: "I am talking about the status, not age."

Qin Shou listened, suddenly crying ... Is this a big ghost?

Just then, there was a loud noise outside!


A flame in the sky blows open, reddish red!

Qin Shou's eyebrows were picking up, and the anger that was just pressed in my heart once again burned. However, someone is more angry than Qin Shou! That is the sun! .

Chapter 173 of Kwai's Ferry

Kwai's fierce

Qin Shou, Qin Shou, who is not easy to marry, even people dare to provoke Qin Shou unhappy, , !

Qin Shou saw this shocked, the strength of the sun, in the heart of Qin Shou, still a little girl! Besides, the breath of the battle is clear, and it is necessary to look at the breath of the moon. The strength of Dongfeng will never be weak than the ghost.

Kwats will be afraid to be dangerous!

Qin Shou immediately rushed out!

I heard the outside, some people said: "Wang Moon demon king, you don't know what you want! Do you know that you are helping?"

"You don't have a pheasant, you know a fart! I am voluntarily give to the king as a mount, the king's prestige is also you can smear? You dare to say that the king is not, I will kill you today!" Roaring, there is a round moon behind it, directly kill the other party!

Qin Shou Dadi is far from seeing, and Hao Moon Demon King is confronted by a Phoenix! Phoenix has changed back to the original shape, flames, the bear

The moon hit the moon in the moon, and the moon of the moon was turned down by the phoenix!

However, the Phoenix is ​​also shaken into the sky!

"Wang Yue Demon King, you have been broken by me, what do you fight? Nirvana rebirth!" The voice of the person sounded again, the flame of the sky suddenly gathered, the fire phoenix reborn!

The fire phoenion after rebirth is still very strong, as if not suffering any injuries, the strength is still the peak state!

And the face of the moon, the face of Dongfeng is slightly pale, but Dongfeng has no irrocesses, and there is a white horn, which is the mission of his horn!

Dongfeng Road: "The Phoenix family is a Phoenix family, the strength is really not normal. But you want to defeat me like this, there is no minor look at me!"

The fire phoenix is ​​again gathered, and the man is wearing red, the face is indifferent, and smiled. "A mountain monster king also fights with me? It's a ridiculous! Tell you a demon king, you really think Are you a demon king? It seems that in the Wanchao Mountain for a long time, vanity has let you forget what is called a demon, what is the beast! Today, kill you, then catch it again

Rabbit, go back to my family to treasure! "

Dongfeng eyes are often popular, roaring: "Looking for death!"

"Ignorant things, go to death!" The fire phoenix man screamed, once again changed, become a fire phoenix form!

Qinshou looks really, this fire phoenic does not have a magic weapon, but his flesh is extremely terrible, the claw sharp is incomparable, the speed is fast, you don't want to know, this Phoenix's melee capabilities!

Dongfeng seems to understand this truth, do not fight with the fire phoenix man, but continue to dodge in the distance, and simultaneously take out the walker magic treasure, the horn is flying out of half an air into a huge white rhinoceros, roaring, run wild Hit the fire phoenix!

The fire phoenix laughed: "A small bull is thick, it is really looking for death!"

During the speech, the fire phoenix man danced, let the white rhinoceros are like a collision, but always can't touch him, and each time it is wiping, and the result is caught by the phoenix's paws. Two pieces of blood!

The white rhinoceros roared, and Dongfeng is also anxious. This white rhinoceros looks illusory, but the injury is true! Injury is not white rhinoceros

Cow limbs, but the Dongfeng body!

The fire phoenix is ​​extremely fast, and it is constantly using various techniques to turn the grouse of the white rhinoceros.

Dongfeng roared; "Fire Phoenix, thank you for the beast, there is a book and I am fighting on the battle! I'm running and my chicken, you don't think it is shameful ?!"

The fire phoenix man listens, suddenly moves in the direction, slightly pauses: "Wang Yue, you are really want to die! Dare to insult my Phoenix, who will not save you today!"

After that, the fire phoenix has become more and more big, and the arrogant head is raised: "Today, let you know that the gap between racial talent, there is no inheritance, I want to fight with the inheritance, who give you courage?"

It's a huge and incomparable phoenix, this time, it doesn't flash, you can't avoid it.

Dongfeng saw this, a bit bite anger: "How is the demon? Kill you!"

White rhinoceros, rush, hit the fire phoenix!

Qin Shou saw this, shook his head slightly. Most people think that the fire phoenix is

Beardon, long-distance manipulating spell, I can't do it. But I have been in contact with the phoenix. Qin Shou, who has eaten too many phoenixs, but understands that the Phoenix is ​​a beast, saying that the flesh is not strong, it is relative to other gods! And other monsters, Phoenix's flesh will become a deadly weapon!

Even the same is the Dragon, Dapeng, Dapeng to Shangfeng, and I don't see how much it is. What's more, the Phoenix family is also good at Nirvana, and fighting a flesh to fight the enemy halfway! Then resurrect rebirth, then once, even if the dragon, Dapeng is also retreat.

At this moment, Qin Shou saw a light spot that exuded a strange ray, and even went straight to the phoenix! Qin Shou hurriedly shot, but he didn't go to the fire phoenix, but to stop the sun! Qin Shou is really afraid of the hurt by the sun!

I don't know that this little girl has begun to involve Qin Shou's heart.

However, the speed of the sun suddenly accelerated, Qin Shou did not catch up!

The fire phoenix man also saw the sun, laughed: "Where is the little

The head is dare to cover the moon king? Since I want to die, let's die together! "

Qin Shou is angry; "You dare to hurt him, the rabbit, I am pulling your hair, peeling your skin, hanging on the moon!"

"Haha ... Are you the rabbit? But the king level, you will dare to threaten me?" The fire phoenix man is laughing, a paw catchs the sun!

At this time, the eyes of the sun suddenly flashed a strange light, then the fire phoenix was shocked; "What ?!"

Only the sunflower suddenly appeared a strange figure, the figure didn't have a nose, only a pair of cold and unparalleled eyes, in his hand, a very huge blade! The blade is high! Then, the paw of the fire phoenix is ​​chopped by the virtuous shadow! .

Chapter 174 Wings

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