The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 832.


"Ah!" The fire phoenix man screamed.

Qin Shou saw this shocked, then loosened, big hi: "Kwai, don't kill him! I want to pull his hair, peel the grass, hanging on the mountain! Dongfeng, give me a jealous! Rabbit master People, is he bullied? Hey! "

A small dot in the figure appeared in the figure, it was a sunflower. At this moment, the eyes of the sun have no white, a black black! After nodding Qin Shou, then the post-lost image disappeared, and the sun turned and flew.

However, the white rhinoceros can not stop, the fire phoenix is ​​still screaming, and the chest suddenly hit by the white rhinoceros!


The sound of the Bai Bamba bone break is endless!

The fire phoenix is ​​screaming in flying out!

I just used the fire phoenix man who made a Phoenix Nirvana, I didn't use Nirvana. The wolf hit on a mountain, and I stopped, wow, a blood!

The fire phoenix disperse, change back to the appearance of the madman.

The man hasn't seen anything else. I suddenly had a big rabbit in front of him. The big rabbit smiled at him, the next moment, a punch!


The man is dark, and I don't know anything.

Qin Shouyi felt the fire phoenix man, and then raised it back.

Only, Dongfeng : "The king is a small incompetence, let the king worry."

Qin Shou waved: "Okay, get up, this is no wonder you. Looking back in the rabbit, you will pass on you. After encountering this kind of pheasant, you gave me a chance to come back."

Qin Shou's loss is not enough, but the quantity and quality of the magics, Qin Shou can be crushed many big families! So this is no blowing.

Dongfeng Wen said, even if he is busy, he is not worried that Qin Shou can't get a powerful god, there is a uncle like an emperor, still angry?

So Dongfeng smiled; "How to deal with this fire phoen? This guy is a representative of the fire phoenix family to find you negotiation. At that time, I was in turn, I shouted, you didn't have the sound, it handled it. The place…"

"Ok, you have done it." Qin Shoudao.

When Dongfeng listened, I thought Qin Shou was blaming him, and she couldn't laugh. Hurred: "The little next time is absolutely not unauthorized, please punish the king."

"Let's get up, this kind of installed goods will come again, you just give me a lot of money! The rabbit, I am not used to these grandson's problems! If you don't get it, you will do it!" Qin Shou Dynasty said, he also wants to stand, want to stand Stable, light against the mountain is still not enough. Your strength is everything, let alone, there are several old guys waiting for him to clean up. The old guys, he couldn't rely on the mountain.

The only way to enhance strength is to swallow!

Dongfeng heard the words, suddenly ecstatic! When the monster, which doesn't like it, the living wind is light, an angry and killing pleasure? That's alive!

Dongfeng Road: "The king, the phoenix?"

Qin Shou cold smiled: "When is the rabbit? Is it playing? Pulling, peeling, hanging on the top of the mountain, take the effect! No matter who, provoke me, this is this! I am curious, I am on the moon, one How many skin can be hanging after year! "

At this time, Dongfeng was shocked, although he also didn't see the act of Fenghuang men, but did this ...

Dongfeng Road: "The king, if you do this, you can really turn your face with the fire phoenix family."

Qin Shoudao: "When you turn your face! Dare to come to my site, shouting, shouting, you have to get something, really getting your problem! Others are used to them, I am not used to! OK, don't talk nonsense, roll to hear "

Qin Shou finished, holding a sun, flying over the air, and flying in the moon mountain. On the road, Qin Shou's little butt of Kwai is a slap: "You this little girl, who makes you shot? I haven't booked it yet, so a wild chicken, but also to make my own woman."

Sunflower Zui said: "Who let him get you unhappy

of? "

Qin Shou, I laughed: "Okay, I know that Kwai is good to me, but in the future, you don't do it. You, follow me, you have to eat a spicy, you want to play!" Happy, don't you understand? "

"Don't! Rabbit, I want to help you to beat! Who is provoked you, I will help you!" The sun waved his little fist, and then he bitterly said: "Unfortunately, I will only have such a magical power. "

Qin Shou smiled: "Do you want to learn God? Is it not easy? Go back to teach you!"

"Really? Is your magical power?" The sun is excited, a pair of big eyes are full of embarrassment and hope.

Qin Shou is so embarrassed to fight this little girl, patted his chest pu: "The rabbit, I shot, nature is good!"

When Kwai Ton, smiled, a pair of big eyes fell on the fire phoenix man: "Do you really have to pull this wilder?"

Qin Shoudao: "Yes, some people, you are not good. Especially in this tale, people who don't accept the people.

What about it. Before I got a good job, this wild chicken is just right, just can be used up! "

"That Phoenix?" Kwai asked.

Qin Shoudao: "Let's have a stew, come two to cook a pot!"

Kwai Ton smiled: "Then I want to eat wings!"

"Row! Wings give you!" Qin Shoudao.

The two people chatted, and they did not find that the fire phoenix men had woke up, listened to the dialogue between Qin Shou and Kwai, scared to have no blood, and desperately resumed the injury, think about how to escape. The result didn't wait until he wanted to understand that his head is a sudden sound, and it has dizzy again.

Qin Shou said: "Dominant, you think you wake up, let you listen, scare you frightened you, now I am old and old."

On the moon mountain, Qin Shou thrown the man on the ground, refined a bomb, a water sprinkled on the face of the fire phoenix man.

When the man woke up, he saw Qin Shou in the wrist.

I looked at him in a face!

And the sun is sitting in the distance, sitting on a chair, what is delicious, didn't look at this side at all.

The fire phoenix man is afraid of the sun, but he is not afraid of Qin Shou, the eyes are turned, "they didn't seal me, the opportunity came!".

Chapter 175 Dragon Phoenix

Dragon and phoenix

Think of this, the fire phoenix man suddenly drunk, violent, culling to Qin Shou! His abacus is very good, caught this rabbit, let the opponent's mugger! If you caught the rabbit back to the Phoenix, you are a big job!

Qin Shou saw this, a little laughed: "I really thought that the rabbit is the realm of the king, is the soft persimmon?"

Qin Shou took out the golden bell and threw it out; "Pub, suppress him!"

"Hey!" The sound sounded, the fire phoenix man only felt a loud noise in the mind, then the whole body's law bombarded!

Then the golden bell falls from the sky, and the squat is not allowed to move the fire phoenix. The fire phoenix is ​​incredible: "Xuanhuang to treasure? The king is raising!"

"You know too much!" Qin Shou moved slightly, took out to death, and slammed it! The fire phoenix man screamed, the cerebrose crane!

A Yuan god squatted out, Qin Shou was waiting for it, and the big mouth is directly swallowed!

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