The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the Yutong Chapter 849.

Qin Shoudao: "Do you know what day?"

Everyone collects his head, after all, not a nun, the life of the demon is too long, it is too short a year, and there is no feeling of the New Year.

Qin Shoudao: "Hey, you are no longer! Ok, no nonsense, I announce, we start today, we hope that the New Year's holiday will be included in the holiday! I remember Every year, today, the last day of the year is the New Year! After today, it is a new year! In order to celebrate, you have lived for a year, so today we have to celebrate!

Western wind, you know the most words, go to me to write the Spring Festival couplets. Don't you understand? Ok, I have passed some memories, I will not write, you will die! "

"Dongfeng, you go to the lantern, red big lanterns, style is like this." Qin Shou waved, change a lantern. Then supplemented a word: "This is one of the lanterns. You also saw that the gambling between the dragon and phoenix hung hung a lot, the shape can be thousands of change, red is the main, the focus is to celebrate, understand?"

"It's a group, don't stay, bring all the demon to clean the garden!"

After Qin Shou, a series of orders came down, everyone honestly, and then the four scattered drove.

Shangyang said: "Rabbit, they are busy, what do we do?

? "

Qin Shoudao: "There is a lot of live, the first cooking has to do it. This year, there is also a good thing, must have a fish! This is a year, there is more than a year, the family is not panic. Second, what is it? Good things come out, I can eat the sea and drink in the day!

Those demon crafts are really unfamiliar, I believe, others, I don't care, our own is still good.

In addition, it is fireworks, this monster is also indifferent. I have to come to ... "

Kway came over; "Rabbit, then I? What do I do?"

Qin Shou took out a candy, and gave Kwai Road with a picking small lantern: "You, go to play with those little demon! Human hand a small lantern, wait for me to take. Well, I am this There will be some firecrackers, small fireworks to play. Go, organize those little scorpions ... "

Knone is listening, I am not happy; "Let me take those little demon? I don't want, they are stupid."

Qin Shou smiled: "That is not stupid, it is simple. After all, it will become fine, one is equivalent to infants and young children in humans, everything is not understanding, naturally want you to teach, take it. Bring

They play, remember, the sky is coming back to have dinner! "

Kwai heard the name of the big sister, this laughed, since she was very small, she also said that she would like to be big.

Kwai is happy, carrying a small lantern, running, there is no big group of monsters to run out, under the leader of the sun, there is a mess, a time, what is the moon mountain chicken flying dog jump, but it is also a joyful . .

Chapter 197, the strange girl

Strange girl

And Qin Shou sat in the mountain gate, changing a bunch of fireworks and firecrackers, this intended to tell the business sheep's discharge method, pay attention, but then Qin Shou found that these Earth in the 21st century has caused countless Supreme fire, wounded incident, in this time and space, it seems that there is no threat. Even with the monster group, you can't hurt any people's fur. As for the fire, there is no intensive in Qin Shou face that can destroy a mountain fire in a mountain.

So Qin Shou directly dropped a sentence, after playing, the business sheep took all the fireworks and firecrackers away and found a place to arrange the fire.

Qin Shou is planning to put it in the mountain gate, but the business sheep does not agree, tell her words, these things are equipped, in order to be the most beautiful! Just a mess, it is awkward, it is unfortunate.

In this regard, Qin Shou didn't have a pity, anyway, this is simple, and how much is it. Moreover, I really want to be beautiful, where is it better than the magical spell? Let this thing, mainly mapful

However, the merchant sheep can be so strong, from this matter to find fun, Qin Shou naturally will not disappoint her.

The merchant sheep left, Qin Shou wondered, and he cooked it.

So, this guy does not go anything else, directly in the mountain gate, changing the pot bowl, the grill, take out the various seasonings collected, oily salt jet vinegar.

Qin Shou began to kitak!

"The first-killed pig fighter is good, it is used to do a red burnt meat, one point to Dongpo meat, one point to go to the pot."

After Qin Shou, took out the pork sperm's pork belly, and then took out half of the ribs and cut into pieces. Qin Shou smiled; "This is good, the braised ribs plus red burn meat, haha ​​..."

After that, Qin Shou began to add water, ignite, no one will boil, put pork belly and ribs into it, cook the blood in it, throw some ginger, loans go to the onion. Then remove it out, pour it out of water, under oil, according to the previous memory, Qin Shou began to start his favorite dish!

After all kinds of seasonings are placed, add soup, cooking!

In the era of exhaust hood, Qin Shou felt the feeling of the fragrance. The meat is fragrant, I don't know how far, Qin Shou squinted, enjoyed, recalling.

Not long after, the meat is good, Qin Shou opened the pot, put a piece, after tasting, happiness squinted his eyes.

At this moment, a small hand stealing a pot.


Qin Shouyi chopsticks patted in that small hand, no eyes, directly reprimanded: "What is this small monster, monkey? Want to eat, wait for the dishes to do it again! Rabbit, I have a good dish!"

After that, Qin Shou looked at the eyes, I saw a black hair black and a black hair, and the small face is particularly white, and I looked at him with a pair of empty eyes.

Qin Shou slam, scratched: "Hey, where is your sister?"

Girl refers to the point of attention to the moon.

Qin Shou scratched his head: "Are you on this hill?"

Teenage girl nod.

Qin Shoudao: "Oh, it's not much people. There are too many big monsters on the mountain, spider essence, fox is a big pile, you can do it, you are so beautiful, you don't have anything. You Is it a sickness? Forget it, don't say, I will be a good person, so you can't degenerate. Well, what is your name? "

The girl frowned slightly, shook his head.

Qin Shouzhen said: "You have no name?"

Teenage girl nod.

Qin Shoudao: "Okay, look back to you give you a loud, bovine, nice name. Well, don't reach out, the dishes are not completely familiar! Cooked is delicious, now I can only calculate semi-finished products."

Qin Shou said, pulling the girl's hand back, this is not playing. This girl's skin is not like, with newborn, Qin Shou, hit the spot, everyone distressed. Going back, then the big iron stone heart ...

The girl is somewhat dissatisfied, pointing at the pot, staring at it, meaning must be eaten.

Qin Shou helplessly, the road; "OK, I am afraid of you. Just when I have hit your supper, I can tell you, this meat has not gone to the best fire."

The girl flashed in his eyes.

Qin Shou opened the pot cover, clamped a piece of meat, I haven't waited for him. The girl actually opened his mouth and bite on chopsticks!

Then listen ...

Hey, the girl is holding together, the chopsticks are folded!

Qin Shou looked at the neck of chopsticks, cut with the knife ... Suddenly there were some words, slightly shook his head, heart: "So lovely girl, the teeth are so sharp, after the day, this day? Use the mouth ... ... "Qin Shou's consciousness tighted the crotch.

At this moment, the girl wrinkled, spit the meat, and then used a small hand fan, which was obviously hot.

Qin Shou quickly got a cold water, handed over, the girl did it, with a big bowl of wine, called a refreshing!

Qin Shoudao: "You are slow, no one will grab you. Hey, hurry, boiled? Come, Zhang Wei, I will show you."

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