The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 850.

The girl heard the words and stared at Qin Shou.

Qin Shou helplessly: "I see if you are burned, you don't know, I don't know what I want to be a gift. Although you are very beautiful, the rabbit, but the rabbit is not a mess. "

The girl is suspiciously looked at Qin Shou, and then refers to the point, but still want to eat!

Qin Shudao: "If I am afraid of you, you can listen, eat it, but I will feed you! I don't want to bite my chopsticks, I don't know how to bite my chopsticks, know?"

The girl nodded and said.

Qin Shou was once again opened, put a piece of meat, and blowing the mouth and cooled down against the crystal clearing pork. Qin Shou this meat is not a general meat, but the flesh of the trip, this flesh and blood has endless law and avenue, the Tiandao law is there, the average person does not say, it will be killed by this flesh! What is the royal? Even if you don't enter Qin Shou's mental eye, in the eyes of the mortal, the emperor is also the emperor, which does not allow anyone's existence!

Qin Shou is used to cook a pot of good meat, and it is two instruments.

The degree is naturally terrible, and the scald is not unsteady. Therefore, Qin Shou is very careful, and the meat is blown cold, and I have handed over. .

Chapter 198 Wang Yue Mountain Cultural People

Wang Yue Mountain Cultural People

The young girl stared at Qin Shou, a thief, a thief.

Qin Shudao: "Don't look at me so much, the meat is cool, taste it, very good!"

Girl is still in a thief.

Qin Shou helplessly: "As so much? You are my people in my moon, you are my hand, I am your king! If I don't want to pit, I don't want to pit myself? I really have a medicine, Then I still have the face to see those demon? Is this this face not lost? "

Qin Shou wants to say, if I am willing, let you sleep, you can also refuse. But let's think about it, he is not the same person, can't do it, the two feelings are not happy, the mall is not interesting. It is easy to scare people, this did not say it.

Unfortunately, Qin Shou has been harmless, and the girl is still the color of the girl.

Qin Shou looked around; "Looking for the whole land fairy world, it is estimated that I can't find a demon king than me, I am afraid of you, see

I have a bite, prove that there is nothing to show you, is it good? "

After that, Qin Shou put the meat in his mouth and biting a small piece ... just right, prove it.

As a result, there was a black shadow in front of him, holding him, directly swallowing the remaining meat, then the other's small ZUI and Qin Shou have encountered together!

Qin Shou only felt that the other's mouth village soft ruan is cold, especially comfortable, there is a feeling of electric shock, cool!


The familiar voice sounded, and Qinshou brain was suddenly covered with a black line, and he swept his chopsticks, and it was bite it off!

The girl seems to be more than a piece of chopsticks in the mouth, and the eyes are bitten, and the eyes are slightly smashed, and the is intoxicated. As for the things that we wn, she seems to be more unfinished, maybe, she doesn't know that it is awkward ...

Qin Shou looked, he was a heart, an estimate of this girl and crispling the chopsticks, and eating red burning meat is eating red ribs, mostly I thought I earned it. But the rabbit, I earn a stable, it should be the big head earned.

Bar ...

Although I think so, Qin Shou is still a decisive to throw chopsticks, otherwise they will eat two mouths, this chopsticks have been eaten by girls.

Qin Shou saw that she was so happy, joking said: "This dish is called braised meat, I see you happiness, it is better to be braised."

The girl's nose is wrinkled, it is obviously very dissatisfied with this name.

Qin Shoudao: "Is it meat?"

The girl immediately shook his head.

Qin Shudao: "Red, Red?"

The girl is thinking about this name, at this time, the girl waves, a rainbow rises in the air.

Qin Shou Road; "Rainbow? Are you called Rainbow?"

The girl clapping, smiling very happy.

Qin Shoudao: "Rainbow is really good, but have you have a surname?"

The girl immediately shook his head, obviously, he is not ready to surname.

Qin Shoudao; "Get, you don't like it, don't be good. Well, you

Is it called Rainbow Fairy? "

The girl claps, then pointing the pot. Qin Shoudao: "Rainbow, this dish is not completely good, you don't worry. I believe me, I will eat more delicious."

When a girl smashed his head, I thought about it, nodded, sitting on it.

Just then, the sun was coming, with a large group of small monsters, Zhengtai, Luoli a lot. I saw Qin Shou, just said: "Rabbit, we are coming! Don't you let me take firecrackers and small fireworks? Is there a small lantern?"

Qin Shou thinks, I will forget this little ancestor, a waving, a small firecracker, one waving, a small lantern, what horses, lamb light, various cute animals When a small demon is toned, I will be grateful to Qin Shou, the king of Qin Shou.

Qin Shou waved; "Okay, these little guys have rampant quickly, don't bother me to cook."

A small ghost quickly went to lead the firecrackers, and the small fireworks also had a lantern, then set to a row, as a sunflower shouted, all the way with fireworks, throwing

Firecrackers, the rushed away.

Waiting for these small demon weird, Qin Shou has found that the rainbow is gone!

Qin Shou scratched his head and slammed; "It seems that this gimmick is also playing, this is good, the rabbit, I can finally be quiet. The next dish, Dongpo elbow!"

However, Qin Shou has done this dish, it is too lazy, and a person is boring. Simply changed a few differentiates, let them do, he will carry hands to inspect all the mountains and find fun.

As the saying, all the festivals have a day to relax, so these monsters have no feelings for the New Year, but if there is still activities in the New Year, there is welfare, then they are still.

With the order of Qin Shou, the whole Wang Yue Mountain is busy, returning to the link, hanging lanterns, still running, old laugh, hot, watching Qin Shou walking together mouth.

Happiness is infected, when everyone is happy, you don't want to be unhappy.

Just when Qin Shou turned, a bunch of men and women in front have caused Qin Shou.


The pair of men and women painted makeup, but also used magical changes, but Qin Shou's eyes can see their respect, this is a clear dragon!

Only two people in front of me, didn't find Qin Shou's trouble.

Instead, it is rotated around the pair of tables, and the pair of demon is written by the moon. I read the book to know the word, and it is a show in the monster. The couplets written are also mixed, and Qin Shou does not expect it to go to work, as long as Geely, it is good.

This little demon is also ramping the brain, can't write, and a copy of the above. Anyway, many monsters don't know, you gave him a grave grass, squat, he also couldn't understand, just figure a lot, go back to the hole, or on the door.

Just then, I can't see it. I pushed the little demon: "What is your writing? If you are difficult to see, this is even more lip.

The little demon is not happy: "Hey! I still know the word, don't worry about what I wrote, I wrote it, I don't accept the gas, you come

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