The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 879.

Since then, Wuji Zhen is found that his amount has risen five times, while strength, and the vitality is skyrocketing. He thought that he thought that it was a good thing until the recent more than 100 years, he found some unreliable ...

Speaking of this, Wuji Zhenjun looked at Qin Shou Road: "The king, I feel very painful now. It seems to be divided into five horses, the pain is suffocated, never stopped."

Qin Shou nodded: "This is normal, the melons are ripe."

Wuji Zhen Jun just didn't listen to it, then suddenly realized what, wasazed: "The king, what do you mean?"

Qin Shou nodded: "I mean is very understandable. When you look, it looks that you eat the fruit. In fact, the fruit is eating you. The little bones you see are the last eating the fruit. People grow in the human body, give you strength is to give you water, let you thrive. You are his roots, leaves, stems, flowers! Eventually, five flesh in your body is petals, once When the petals open, when falling, it is the fruit mature.

At that time, he would take everything about you, your life, your flesh, your way, your vitality! Then fulfill himself! This is a kind of

Pringing, it is also a cultivation, he is in this way. "

Wuji Zhen Jun listened to the woolen, swallowed the videody: "Dawang, who is you listening to?"

Qin Shou smiled: "Don't look at my real world is not high enough, but my knowledge, dozens of you, tens of thousands of you may not be better than I ..

Chapter 239 Dragon

Dragon nine

You don't have to find someone else, I have some help from you. However, the final result is that your five experience disappears. You will reprogram a general monster with only one flesh. Of course, the realm may not change, maybe it will improve, this is hard to guarantee it. "

Wuji Zhen Jun heard, the face is all painful, it is true to five body, defeat is also five bodies, now let him open the five-body, he is a hundred and twenty unwilling. So I asked: "The king, there is no way to do the best?"

Qin Shou glanced a five-year-old Jedao: "No ... at least I have no. I know what you are thinking, you have to understand a truth, this thing, no one is unable to use, no one will use. In your body, there is no solution! That is the opposition of two lives, both can only live! "

Wuji Zhenjun sighed, arched: "Thank you Dawang."

Qin Shou nodded, squinted, but the heart was in a way to treat the pathogenesis to the five corks.

And the eyes of the five bilies, it became flashed, obviously his inside

The heart is not as calm like him.

Qin Shou has deeply sweeping him, and the mouth is slightly picked up. "Okay, you will help you solve it after the thing here, I will solve it again. Now, sleep ..."

None words overnight, the next day, Qin Shou made the five corks in the morning, they were sitting on the stone platform, but this guy did not intend to barbecue. He is waiting after, and since he gave him an invitation letter, he could not come. After the craftsmanship, Qin Shou thinks about the mouth.

Just then, Tai Qi real people came to the road; "You are not very reliable under the new hand."

Qin Shou did not think it was said: "How can I take it for temporary receiving?"

Too seconds: "I said that there is anti-bone after his brain, sooner or later, you have to pit you."

Qin Shouni's mouth: "You have seen, do you think I can't see it? He is not anti-bone, but the real consciousness should be awakened, when you don't have to do it."

Too two is said: "Real consciousness? Now he is not

he himself? "

Qin Shou shook his head: "Now he conscious is chaotic, it looks very ordered, in fact, his mind has become a pot of porridge. This is a poison, terrible poison. But just as you said, this There is still anti-bone in the guy, so it will still think about the use of others to meet yourself in the chaos, and then return to freedom. "

"Then you still have to pay him? I want you, I will shoot him a grandson!" Too seconds.

Qin Shou smiled: "Because he is useful, it is very useful!"

Too seconds of the truth; "Is there any use? I see him in addition to hunting, standing, there is nothing outside of the scaring."

"Don't say it, you can't say it, your old guy said so much, why don't you want you to be credible?" Qin Shou Yin was staring at Tai Quality.

Too two truth rushed: "I have to be credible! Let's not pay for it, we have seen two sides! Let me talk, I just want to turn a lot of spots, and there is no strength."

Qin Shou said: "Let you have a ghost, okay, if you don't

If you go out, you can see if there is any fat sheep. "

Too two truth, hopped, and left the sleeves.

Qin Shou himself is sitting on the stone platform to capture the five-person truth. Qin Shou was really intended to collect him as a younger brother, but with the analysis of the five-strokes of the true king, the information received more and more, Qin Shou gave up this idea. If he encounters him early for a thousand years, Qin Shou has a way to help him. But now it is late, the five-strokes really sick, don't say Qin Shou, it is estimated that even the emperor will not play!

Of course, this is just that Qin Shou himself estimates, and the emperor has the ability, Qin Shou is not good to say too much. He is also waiting, after waiting, he will discuss the five-year-old thing. If he can solve his problems, Qin Shou will receive him as a younger brother. If you can't solve it, the five-year truth is also a experimental mice in his hand.

Similarly, Qin Shou saw the problem on his body in five strokes.

Although Qin Shou did not eat the strange fruit, the two drops of the ancestral blood in his body also gave birth! These two guys can't be digested, and now they are all kinds of flesh. The flesh is still growing, the ghost

Which day will wake up aware, then compete with Qin Shou. If they arrive alternate, Qin Shou is really crying, there is no place to cry.

Precautions is critical!

Qin Shouzheng thought about it. He came to a drum in the distance. It can easily bite the congenital magic weapon. The key is that this kind of mount is very fast, very smart, and loyal is not two. It is an excellent mount option.

The three dragons followed behind, the carriage, the carriage, the glass is low, agate forward, night pearls hanging on, very luxurious! The top, there is a big totem mark, a golden dragon roasts! It's the people of the dragon!

"Dagan Dragon King Jiugui, kissed!" One old turtle in front of it screamed.

Qin Shou listened, suddenly came to the spirit, the heart is : "Kiss? This is the dragon?"

At this moment, Qin Shou heard someone who quietly stated the kiss.

"Sure enough, it is the nine sons of this generation, and the kiss is the most high-rise. I always like to stand in a higher out of view, the temper is boy, I will be careful."

Qin Shou curious, got together, asked; "What is the dragon of this generation? Dragon is a lot of generations?"

Another person is also curious; "Yes, I am also wondering, saying that Dragon Jiuzi, the child is different, but I heard that the dragon is more than nine sons. And the generations are not the same."

The opponent's light is looking forward, didn't look back, replied directly ... ..

Chapter 240, ninth

Ninth kiss

"You know a fart! Nine is an imaginary number, you really have to say that the nine sons are only nine sons? The nine representatives are more, the dragons of the dragon, the Dagan Dragon, the Dragon King, countless children, count However, this dragon is also a strength qualifying in Dragon, can enter the first nine, and it is qualified to claim to be the dragon. Otherwise, it can only be called Dragon Dragon ...

This generation of Dragon Ninez is a long prisoner, the second child, the three sons ridicule, the four sons are prison, the five sons, the six sons, the seven sons, the Eight sons, and the nine sons kiss.

But I heard that this ranking is not comprehensive. At least, the rumor kills the nine son ranks and enters the four culvert. And no longer claimed to be self-told, arrogant, even if the dragon is all, he can't help him. What's more, there are many famous tribars in the Dragon, and there are people in the nine sons in those tributs. It is impossible to be buried. "

Speaking of this, the other party still wants to count two sentences, complaining that the people who ask questions have no culture, the result is called, just see a bunny ears.

And a smiley rabbit face. I was so swallowed that the goods were swallowed, and the words were careful: "It turned out to be in the past. The nephew is good, hehe ..."

"Hey, you have it, it is fine. OK, don't laugh, my teeth, I ask you, you said that this dragon is the son of Da Yan Dragon, is these Dragon Are all his sons? "Qin Shou was very curious, and he didn't heard what Da Yan Dragon king?

This monster is busy: "Da Yan Longwang is a dragon king in the dragon, it is not the strongest, but he understands the time of the time, the way to divination, can take advantage of the occupation of the trend of the long river. Mirror, so when I was robbed in the year, he escaped in some part. This is now lived. Now the dragon family is basically his descendants, even if it is not blood.

And Dali Dragon King can prosper again for the dragon family, so as long as the blood is pure, the qualifications are very beautiful, he will take back to the child. So the current dragon family is also divided into two, one is a pure blood dragon, a mixed blood dragon. But now the pure blood dragon is in addition to the small dragon girl, the other dragon people are caught up. The representative of the Hybrid Dragon is Dragon Jiuzi ... "

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