The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 880.

Qin Shou nodded: "It turns out, but how do I feel that this Dagan king is a scorpion of racial breeding, is the purpose of doing lossless dragon?"

When you come out, the other party may not dare to tend, this is easy to live. Of course, this rabbit is an exception ...

"Which rabbit is so mad, dare to accuse the father ?!" The sky has a roaring, followed by a carriage, walking out of one person, eyes are stunned, the whole body is covered with gold armor, holding Fang Tianchen, face cold In the past, there is an invincible momentum, the whole person is like a sword of the sheath, the sharp sharp!

Qin Shou saw this, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: "Dragon is the dragon, the same is proud, this guy can be proud of the characteristics, very type! Don't be like Fun Yun, the cattle It's a championship! "

Qin Shou smiled, sitting on the carrot, flying to the air, laughing; "Your child, there is nothing wrong, listening to it, here, no one can say your bad words."

Qin Shou is not a fool, there is no need to trouble, he is too lazy to provoke.

I looked at Qin Shou and squinted: "Rabbit ... Are you a nephew?"

Qin Shou nodded: "Kiss your brother, should not be as good as you first meet, I am embarrassed."

When the expression of the kiss suddenly stiff, the dragon family is proud, and the kiss is nature is no exception. But the dragon is not a stupid, and it is too much to face anyone, it must be too loose, and it is tight.

After the kiss of Qin Shou, the frost on the face was also opened, laughed: "Your rabbit is really interesting. Rabbit, I know the dragon and you have some Liangzi, but that is the dragon and you Liang Zi, I didn't matter to me. I am still spacious, sit down and talk together? "

Qin Shouwan did not expect that this was considered to be proud of the famous words, arrogant, and the self-contained kisses would actually say this! Qin Shou also thought that this guy continued to be proud, then declared war!

Reaching out, don't smash, so Qin Shoudao: "Your car is too expensive, I will not go in. You have to talk, go to my site to talk, just account for a good location." Finished, Qin Shou Platform at the place.

After kissing, I laughed: "Qin Daoyou shot is fast, I can't compare, this time I come in advance, it is really rushing it. Today, the mountains are destroyed, the mountain ancestors are unknown, it is estimated that he also I don't dare to come to the nine Xuanshan show. Today, this place is also an unordered place ... Unfortunately, it is still a step. Since Qin brother occupies, I don't fight, just fall in the side. "

This is said that it is very kind. If the average person is listening, absolute gratitude is incomparable.

Unfortunately, in Qin Shou ear, Qin Shou couldn't help it in his heart: "fart!"

The strength of the kiss is indeed strong, the master of Azun nine heavens! But is there a lack of the master? Don't say anything else, the five strikes are the Siam of the nine heavens. If the five-year-old self-qualified qualification determines the same level, but then, then, ? The guy is also a nine heavens, if it is out, I am afraid that I can't take any cheap, even if I have to eat big losses!

After all, is the big witch, in the same level, the big witch is the king of fighting, unless there is a powerful magic treasure suppression, it will be difficult to win.

In addition, in addition to the especially, if it is coming, I want to sit in the platform. He is not a fool, he naturally understands this truth. If you don't want to be faced, the best way is not to fight for this place.

PS: How did this review area have been collapsed today, it is difficult to have time to reply, do not work, egg pain. .

Chapter 241 Wang Ba Tang

Wang Ba Tang

So the words that kiss look like the face of Qin Shou, in fact, it is also a step of himself.

Of course, there is no performance on Qin Shou face, huh, laugh: "I have to thank you, I don't grab, haha ​​... come, sit down, um ... My servant has played the prey, just could make a meal. "

Qin Shou said, look at the five-bit true king of a boulder.

I didn't care about it, but I took a look at the expression after I got an eye. He is strong enough, stronger than Qin Shou. So he has a species from the beginning, he is the feeling of the rites of the Qixian! Although the reputation of the performance is also always composed of Qin Shouzhi, the divide represents the sky!

Today, suddenly see, a strength and his class, the combat power seems to be too many masters, it is when the servant of the rabbit rabbit, suddenly there is a luxury hotel, eat delicious food, blowing the cattle Forced, after the self-portrait showing it, I found out that photos

There is a feeling in the vegetables!

I can't laugh when I am sudden.

However, Qin Shou smiled and fucked, pointed to the boulder beast below, said: "It seems that our luck is not bad, this boulder beast is all stone, but the meat in the inside is very delicious! Knig, you, the dragon, the rack of the wolf, I want to have a chef with you? Come, don't hide, let him do it, the rabbit, I have been waiting, I have been waiting. I want to have meals. "

I heard the words, my heart is bitter, he is coming to the Bai people, it is not coming to vacation, with silver tootholi, Longlong, which is to show his status, show off. How can I carry a cook with my? But by Qin Shou's words, he was here. If he didn't have a kitchen, it was estimated that this face lost half.

Under the helplessness, I looked back and looked at it. As a result, the discovery of sad reminder, in order to highlight the strength, the belonging is the battle type talent, the only civilian, or a king eight, this king is good, but cooking, It is estimated that you can die ...

The most important thing is that the strength is in this point, whoever uses to eat

Rice? They are all drinking spring breeze, leading to the road, sucking the essence of the earth, and the energy of Wanxing. At the same time, he also knows that he can't drag it again, find a personal top tank.

Thinking of this, kissing your eyes, just finger, then ...

Everyone's eyes have fallen in the Wen Wennan. Turtle Wen Shi is crying, refers to himself, and then refers to the big grill below, swallow the videody: "His Royal Highness, you are sure you want to let me on?"

I didn't open the mouth, Qin Shou opened: "This turtle is quite big, live in some years?"

Turtle Wen Shi's hand: "Little born, until this year, a total of 1003,900 collar seven years."

Qin Shou, listened, one shot, smiled: "This is good, kiss brother, you can be very polite, I will give me a cook, you have sent it. That, five tolls, do it, this I have to stew the soup, the old turtle for more than 100,000 years, the absolute lever! "

At this time, the Turtle Winn is scared to plant it from the clouds, and then see the five corksfirt, it is necessary to come over, and the Wen Wen wolf cried the ghost called: "His Royal Highness, save me!"

Kissing this time, it is very useful, otherwise it will not be a text in Wan Wu, he is still so dead. Again, if the Wen Wen is really so stewed, his prestige, the famous head is still in the end.

Kiss and hurry: "Qin brother ..."

"Cross? Kiss brother, do you say that he is a murderer? Oh ... My God! Five-cart tube, kill him! Emperor!" Qin Shou didn't wait until the kiss, a big shout, five corks Hand, Qin Shou has already passed the golden bell!

The ozzans, the Wen Shi was smashed into a meat, the income clock.

Qin Shou saw this old face, turned to God, he saw the color of the kiss! Qin Shou dry cough and said: "That is awkward, I am sorry, you say that you are escrow, I am anxious. This is an incisive, it is too powerful, the murderer is killed, the murderer is killed Destroy ... that, you see, or I will sweep it with you, send it? "

I kissed the iron blue, glaring in Qin Shou, he would like to know that this guy is deliberate, or it is really a mistake! Unfortunately, face Qin

Shou this strength sent a movie emperor, and finally kissed anything, I didn't see it, I took a deep breath, pressed anger to Qin Shou Road: "Qin Daoyou, I just misunderstood ... Oh, you are also good, I don't blame you. Today, this meal, I am afraid that I can't eat it for the time being. I still have something, first left. "

After that, the kiss turned and left, but the scenery was unlimited. When walking, it would be a bit gray face.

Looking at the back of the kiss, Qin Shou's heart is soaked: "Bring so many martial arts, only one of the sergems came here, I am afraid that this instructor is the heavy weight? Hey, the rabbit master, can you make a mistake? A cake, how? "

One cake immediately replied: "Catch it, live, guarantee fresh! Boss, do you want to steam, or boiled?"

"You gave me in the hour, I want to know the purpose of kissing here, his role! Remembering a word, don't fall!" Qin Shoudao.

"Don't worry, this guy is crisp, and I am scared." A cake smiled.

Qin Shounan nodded, this is falling, sitting on the platform,

A unfortunately said: "Unfortunately, I have a little bit to see it, but I have a misunderstanding, I am really a pity, I can't drink soup together, eat meat."

Everyone saw this, each other, although they think, this dead rabbit may be deliberate. But seeing him, this sad look, how to see it is a fake. One of them is full of confusedness.

Looking at Qin Shou, unfortunately, Qin Shou's acting skills have been in the hot, plus his body disorders, no one can count, can't see his thoughts, and finally the five corks also go to the side The boulder beast is going. .

Chapter 242

Four fierce

People are scattered, but the two are not coming back, Qin Shou will not be urgent to recruit him. The old family is like a ghost, and there is a mask, plus unsatisfied, and there will be no danger at all. As for him, he will not run, Qin Shou is basically this, and then caught it back. If you don't run, you will come back sooner or later. The old man is refined, and it is definitely what is fun.

Qin Shou was in a daze here, and there is not long, the Phoenix people come, but the Phoenix family seems to have sent people to the Jiu Xuan Mountain. Announced people in the previous period, then said what, I still want to try the Phoenix people who have this platform, suddenly rotate, go to Qin Shou.

However, Qin Shou still saw that the eyes of a young man in the Phoenix family twenty-six people were incomparable, and it seems that Qin Shou has a great hatred. However, he once in one fell swoop, it was restricted by other Fenghuang people, and did not run Qin Shou's trouble. Even so, Qin Shou also secretly recorded in the heart, the enemy is not strong, ants are provoked, and the dam can be made.

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