The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 881.

The safest enemy is the dead! Therefore, Qin Shou has pulled this young person, and she pulled her own death. No matter what you hate me, you die, I am relieved.

After the Phoenix family came, a Golden Tiema came, then hundreds of dragons flew from the horizontal, headed by people, riding a maximum, foot, with four meters high! A silver armor, holding a long gun in his hand! Qin Shou is eye-catching, I thought I crushed into the three countries, I met Zhao Yun!

Looking at it carefully, I saw the mark of the gold-winged Dapeng family of the man's chest. Subsequently, now the golden-winged big Peng family has the influence of the demon teacher, and the footsteps of the fairy are more stable than the dragon and phoenix. Even more than the dragon and phoenix family!

Otherwise, the Golden Peak will not be so overbearing, just because the Win Forest is going to retreat, it will be killed, and it is at all regardless of the Phoenix.

The rumble horseshoes are getting closer, just at this time, a black shadow whizzed, those who were not afraid of the dragon, suddenly, as if they saw what horror, they were so homoked,

A messy jumped, put the above knights all over! The original momentum of appearance, suddenly became a pot of porridge, became a laugh!

The man headed, I saw this, roaring: "Who? I dare to attack my gold-winged Dapeng's iron ride!"

"Jin-winged Dapeng is a good fan! How, this king passed, disturb you, do you have to fight with this king?" A man descended from the sky, wearing red emperor, head wearing a dragon crown, a head wearing gold Yunlong, after standing back, a face of cold and arrogant!

At this time, the golden-winged Dapeng's silver armor was shocked. After the busy retreat, the ghouk: "It turned out to be the predecessors of the chaotic chaotic in today, I don't know if the predecessors of chaotic are coming, I am changing."

"Since you know the rude, why just apologize?" Chaos asked indifferently.

Qin Shou heard, the heart trembled, this chaotic is good! From the head to the tail, the only mistake of the silver armor is the way is too much! And this chaotic will hide the tilney man's iron ride army, people just smashed a scorpion, this guy seems to want to live!

Silk A man heard the words, but also shocked, biting his teeth, pulling a token from his arms, respectfully handed over: "Seniors you can see if you can see if you can see it in the face of the teacher, this time Is this calculated? "

The chaos did not pick up the card, but after a faint glance, I smiled and said: "It turned out to be a disciple of the Pengpeng Taoyou, stop today, but those who are too noisy, I don't want!"

Silk armored man heard the words, slammed the feet, and opened a pair of silver wings, wings, wireless became big, like two blade generals generally sweep away, just the wind, the dragon, the moment, all being Two paragraphs!

Qin Shou seemed to know, when the dragon is dead, the face of the silver armor is a distressed! It can be seen that this dragon is not a general goods color, even if the gold-winged Dapeng is also lost!

The chaotic is satisfied with nodding, a sleeve, turn around. In the three steps, it has been coming to the Jiu Xuan Mountain!

Then Qin Shou saw that it was originally lively, crowded with the top of the nine Xuanshan Mountain, as if the ant nest of the big water is like, all people call, all run! When I ran into the middle of the mountain, I didn't have one person.

Dare to stay on the top of Jiu Xuanshan!

Of course, there are exceptions, such as a rabbit!

Everyone ran, and Qin Shou still sat on the stone platform and looked with carrots. Looking at the silver armor, the silver armor is gone in the eyes of Qin Shou, and the people will go to the mountains.

Chaos sweeping Qin Shouyi, poured slightly, said: "Rabbit, you are not afraid of me?"

Qin Shou two eyes said: "I don't know who you are, I am afraid of a fart."

"Just just the people of the gold-winged Dapeng, they are all afraid of me, you are not afraid of me?" Chaos asked.

Qin Shou shook his head: "If I shot, they are also afraid. Just nothing is so beautiful ... Hey, my meat is faster, don't tell you." After that, Qin Shou hurriedly climbed Get up, hang the flesh of the five cents, hanging on the grill, so a little god, it is so vague!

Chaos look at Qin Shou's back, and it flashes a touch of color, but there is no meaning of killing. It is just chose a big stone to sit down, sitting there soon, soon I will enter.

Qin Shou looked easily, in fact, the heart is also secretly squeezed and sweating! At this time, Qin Shou finally found the information about chaos from his smuggling memory knowledge base!

Chaos, and poor, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, However, they don't think they are a fierce beast, but they claim to be four sins.

However, the martial arts of the martial arts in the field is still the four fierce, because these four people's temper are extremely quirky, and they will be destroyed in the nine families, and they are angry and sorrowful, and they don't ask for it! .

Chaos 243 Chaos, Hou, Jiang

Chaos, then ,

Therefore, the enemy's enemy can speak all over the place, but the strength of the four fierce, but people are very bad! It is said that the four people are respecting the nine heavenly peaks!

But some people say that the four priests may enter the Sheng Sheng!

The Sheng Sheng itself is not divided into nine heavens, so the strength of Yadheng is very vague. At least Qin Shou does not know whether there is other little realm in the realm of Yadheng.

So, once you step into Yadheng, it is a famous surname between the heavens and the earth, and there is a fidile person who has a font size. No one dares to provoke.

And the four fuse, the four people are really a Sheng Sheng, in the fairy world, the saint does not shoot, absolutely can be left.

This is the introduction of the four fuse from the memories of those who swallowed by him. Qin Shou does not believe in these introductions, some things, not in person with themselves, who said, can not believe, otherwise, I don't know how to die!

Qin Shou sat here, continuing to barbecue, as for the five-tube, followed by

Mountain. It can be seen that the monetary name of chaos is more terrible. When Qin Shou is coming, everyone is just not provoking, and the chaos did not do anything, and those people did the birds and beasts.

Qin Shou Head feels: "Be a person, as chaos! This is a hanging day!"

Not long after, the meat is floating, and Qin Shou sighed; "The taste is still a bit."

"Salt is more." Just then, a familiar voice came from the front, Qin Shou looked up, laughed: "The big brother, you can come! No, this ingredient is wasted!" Oh, this taste is always alive. "

The people are behind!

After you smile: "Your salt is much, although it is just a little bit, but the effect of taste the meat is much worse. You bake a bit, I will teach you slowly."

Qin Shou should have a sound, squatting on the burning.

Then, he looked up while looked up at the distant chaos while looked up at Qin Shou Bar.

At this moment, chaos has also been awake, and it is open a bilateral scarlet.

Eyes look at this. After seeing the latter, slightly touched: "After you, you can't fall to a rabbit?"

After the way: "The world is born, in my opinion, it is almost the same, where is the high and low expensive. Chaos, so many years, you still have not seen these things ..."

Chaos smiled; "What you said is not related to the sky! If the heavens and the earth are really equal, how can they have a strong beast, big witch, murder beast, and weak awareness, there is no chance, there is no mountain tree? The rules of the world It is a weak meat, there is no fairness! You have the ability, you are on, you have no ability, you will die. This is! After you can't understand this, you are destined to become Yadi. "

Then the faint road: "Is it so important? Yadheng ... I am not killed."

At this time, Qin Shou was shocked, and it was almost throwing the meat! After that, I actually said Yadian! With the strength of respect, kill Yadheng!

The gap between the San Sheng and Zun, that is the absolute gap between heaven and earth! Then, it spans the distance between the heavens and the earth, and it has achieved a few impossible things in killing fairy?

The opposite chaos immediately answered Qin Shou's question, slightly

"So I will talk to you, otherwise you are dead."

After the lack of smile: "Because you didn't shoot, you are still alive."

The two people's gunpowder has become more and more strong, just at this time, a white figure is just around, the way: "Chaos, I haven't seen you for a long time." The people who are white, the clouds are lightweight, is Jiangzhi !

Qin Shou hurriedly said hello; "Jiang Zhi Uncle? You come together to play? This is not as your character."

Jiang Yao said: "There is no way, invitation is received, not good." After that, Jiang was sitting on the side of Qinshou.

Chaos look at Jiang Zhi, then look at the back and Qin Shou, some incredible: "Do you know this rabbit? This rabbit is not emperor, and you have a gap between heaven and earth ..."

Jiang Lu: "The gap is not in the heart,"

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