The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 902


The black man was sprayed, and the coffin was reddish. Then the coffin as if it was awakened, the scorpion of the nature, the strange texture of the blood, the texture is like living, climbing the black man! As if you want to swallow your black people!

At this moment, Qin Shou took the black man and dragged it out!

The black man has not responded yet, and the mountain is set off!


The black man was dizzy!


The golden bell is falling, and the black man is covered inside, and it is collected. Qin Shou made a trick, the mountain print was returned, and the eternal talents reopened. After the blood color texture in the eternal, after the hostile goal, he disappeared.

In this regard, Qin Shou has never blamed, he is not the first time I saw this texture, this coffin is terrible, Qin Shou knows that this is not a good thing. But he is clearer, this stuff is really throwing

, I am afraid that there is more trouble! So, or carry ... Even if it seems to be a timed bomb.

All all received, Qin Shou took out the golden bell, and the people inside the clock, said: "A cake put the black mask gave me a brief, I just see, what is this murderer! "

"Okay, boss!" The biscuit should pick up the mask immediately. Qin Shouton suddenly stunned, flashing in an incredible look, as if I saw something extremely shocking!

Deep suck one breath, closed your eyes, didn't talk for a long time.

One cake seems to be scared, asking for trembling: "Boss, this ... What should I do?"

Qin Shoudao: "Take the mask to him, remember, I didn't catch anyone, the murderer ran!"

A bisot: "Boss, you tell me this dry? I am a magic weapon, who will run to ask me."

Qin Shou glanced a biscuit: "I said, you should, where to so much nonsense!" At this moment, Qin Shou's mood is very bad! Some things he never want to see, still happened!

One is also known that Qin Shou is not cool, I don't dare to scream, my honest

It is done.

Qin Shou wants to think, or give the black man underbidden, although his strength is better than the black man, but integrates the power of the mountain, the strength of the Golden Bell, is sealed by the means of Tongtai, and the seal is a coma. There are still no problems with no resistance.

Solved the problem of black people, Qin Shou immediately went out, he was attacked here, others there were certainly not good.

The black man has gone awareness, and the array will naturally disappear.

From the array of law, I saw a quiet serenity of the whole Jiupo Mountain. Sure enough, if the black people said, Qin Shou didn't use it, and that, the law didn't overbearing!

Qin Shou sighed: "This is really a strange, but you can also play with this. Do you have a very lively, hurry to see it ..."

Qin Shou did not hurry to see a few giants, but go straight to the camp. The calm inner ring is he, Yan You, kiss and firewood. .

Chapter 273 Hehe


In addition, two, death, Qin Shou, did not care, but ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

However, Qin Shou's concerns are obvious, when Qin Shou feels that Yu Ying, I saw that Yu Yu is outside, blowing a group of monsters!

Qin Shou saw this two eyes, and his heart was bitter: "Sure enough, I am stupid, and a person has fallen, it is aimed."

I saw Qin Shou, obviously, this guy is just a gang, still alert. : "Rabbit, have you okay? I have time to run to me."

Qin Shou smiled: "It's because there is something, so you will come to you, see if your bull is still there."

, first, then laughed: "Don't tease, if you have something, I will not know?"

Qin Shou face is right: "You really don't know ... those guys are far more savvy than you think. The outside method is not only used to sleep,

It can also block the formulation area, the inside is over, and people outside are not known. "

Qin Shoudao: "Strap, OK, you will leave, you have to go to others to see it," By the way, this news passed. "

; "Also, I still stay here, so as not to let them drill the empty."

Qin Shou knew that he had a heart to him, no way, the black people are proficient in change, no one knows that they face, is it the person I think! If not? Not everyone, can wear other people's essence like Qin Shuna.

That's right, the soul of the soul changed, the flaws were heavy in Qin Shou Eye, only looked at both eyes, although the heavy thoughts did not see his changes, but Kukko's head has analyzed all its little movements. And got the craftsmanship, fake conclusions! Therefore, Qin Shoucai can prevent the sudden attack of the soul.

You can not have this matter, so he chose to change it,

No matter who came, he said, he didn't leave his own defensive position. If you play, he will play, if you go, he does not stop.

Say goodbye, Qin Shou wants to think about watching a kiss and fire style, the two guys and , all are in the crowd, there are still many hands in the world, and it is very happy.

Qin Shou scratched his head, he wondered, did you have four guys, only the soul of the soul shot? What other three people do?

Qin Shou doubts, move towards the central area, the neighborhood, and there is no in the crowd, but living in two temporary buildings. The neighborhood is behind, the housing is behind.

Qin Shouyi, I felt a familiar atmosphere, that is the breath of the array!

Qin Shou is shocked. If you don't say it, you don't say it directly, the goal is the house where you are in the house!


Qin Shou opened the door to open the door. The result is the array of laws, and Qin Shou is bounced.

The array is invisible, but the internal scene is perfectly hidden. Qin Shou can only see a calm in the room, what happened inside

I don't know at all!

"Damn, what is the three long two shorts, I destroy you nine people!" Qin Shou looked down, directly took out the eternal talents, got it in the law! " Yes, this is the law of Qin Shou! Eternal Tiandang, out of Qin Shou, others, who touches who, energy, life, and At the same time, there will be no restrictions on it! I almost crushed the fire cloud in the same year, now breaking one array, naturally more than enough!

Sure enough, after a crisp, the array of flakes broke into the sky, then the four powerful strengths were rushed to the sky, the housing was blocked! Even the whole Jiupo Mountain is rolled in by the four storms!

In the vicinity of the demon races, it is going to be crushed!

At this moment, a big flag called a lot, and the whole Jiu Xuan Mountain will be covered! All attacks are all invisible!

The people inside are thrown directly from the flames of the flag to the air, outside the daily scope!

In the sky, the four people rolled up the original shape, which is another three black people and the gaze!

Qin Shou saw this, the eyes flashed a crazy color! Here is

How many people in the room have, but have not? ! Qin Shou screamed, rushed into the air, called; "What about it?"

After the gaze, the gaze is a sudden and laughing, "Rabbit, what is your rush? Hey, I will know that they will start, so I change the room in advance. Sure enough, they all come. "

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