The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 903

Qin Shou listened, suddenly turned back, and suddenly saw the housing that was blown up by the storm, it was standing, and there was an angry, and it was obvious that the woman's behavior was already angry! And very angry!

Qin Shou saw a good thing, this only relieved, turned it, looked at the three black people in the gazing of the galaxy, said: "The Uncle Uncle, what need to help?"

The star Huang Yi sleeve fly, the three people are blocked outside, and all kinds of magical layers are endless. The light on the nine days is constantly falling, turned into a variety of epithelial law, with an enemy three acts as not falling!

The gaze of the gaze: "It does need help, watch them, don't let them run again!"

Qin Shou has been busy, flying over the air, step on the mountain,

The head is on the top of the golden clock, and it is around you, looks at the three. However, Qin Shou also understands that he wants to watch these three people alone ...

Ok, others have also rushed over, and Kong Qiu's first arrived. The first time attracted the strength of the river, and turned into a sword.

Qin Shou saw this, immediately launched an attack on the gray ash.

In this way, peeling a person faced the emperor, immediately called the tragic, and the inarti is a bit difficult! .

Chapter 274, the black hand after the battle


At the same time, the chaos, the world, the river, and the four people also rushed over and formed a thoroughhe for the three people! Three people saw this, knowing dangerous, peeled quickly playing with retreat, Nai 3 people are unable to get out of death.

Just then, a cold snorted: "Waste, this is not good!"

Then there is a big hand in the air, the big hand is like the arm of the day, sweep the sky! Put the pair of the gaze! Xinghuang is dull and fly!

Then, the big hand is back, and the sound of Kong Qi wow, blood donation is mad!

"Who? In this goddess? Give it to me!" The chaos started from the sky, and it turned into hundreds of thousands of feet, and a punch has smashed! That big hand is also the same as a fist, and chaos hits it in the air!


Everyone is shocked, chaos actually retreats after being played.

Ten steps are standing! Chaos shocked very shocked: "Yadheng!"

"Let's go together!" The river shouted. He opened a pair of huge white bat wings behind him. The corner of his mouth hanged, and the eyebrow appeared a strange rune. Directly turned into a silver-colored stream to kill the big hand. !

After the bow, the bow is archery, and the power is drunk, and the power of the endless, open the simple long bow, the arrow is simple, there is no brilliant, but the terrorist murderous, the Qin Shou head, is numb! At this moment, Qin Shou finally believed that after the strength of respect, killing the Sheng Sheng!

Because the big hand is once the first time, it will block the attack on the river. Generally, it is generally guarding the bows and arrows of the post, and I don't dare to give a slight flaw!

Chaos and Jione once again shot, a huge thing, a guidance at the same time and killing at the same time!

That big hand finally can't live ...

The world did not shoot, his situation did not start the last hand, he won't die ... did not desperate, this level of fighting, he is unable to plug


On the other side, , kiss, fire style, Qin Shou, Tiezun, Jin Zun and others are siege peeling, bone, and gray.

As a result, the balance of the situation is slowly tilted toward Qin Shou.

At this time, there was a big sound in the sky, and another big hand appeared! At the same time, the two big hands were shocked, and everyone's attack was swept away. The only Yadheng Chaos Every attack, they will be taken care of, the other person's magical flies, it seems to be specially cultivated to restrain the chaotic cultivation! If the chaotic chaotic gas is turned, it is transferred, and the big array behind him is more and more powerful. The two big hands are getting more and more fierce!

However, everyone also saw it. These two big hands are so powerful, and he can't be so crazy to attack forever! Even if I am Sheng, it is impossible to pick a group of San, so many worlds of heaven!

Qin Shou has been attacking ash, and also staring at the battle in the sky. By this time, this time, it is not that you don't have to win, but the battle in the sky! Once the victory is victorious, it's really victorious!

Two big hands seem to lose patience, suddenly hands in the air, then a strange light lit! At that moment, everyone has a kind of illusion, time and space is messy! The time and real time you see are asymmetrical!

Qin Shou Mingming saw that Yangshi standing in front of his eyes, a punch, the result is empty! And the real gust is already around Qin Shou, launched the attack!

This kind of thing is also staged in front of everyone, this time is not symmetrical, and people are almost born with rabbit blood! What you see, hit, is always the residual shadow of the enemy before a few seconds! How do you play this?


The gaze is flying!


Chaos is repeated!


The river flew out!


After finally shot, the arrow broke the void, shot to the air!

"Useless, that is fake!" Chaos called.

However, it is extremely firm to say: "My arrow, my way, Ignore all illusions, don't say that it is time and space, even if I really separated two time, as long as I can feel, I can hit!"


As if to verify, the two big hands in the air are really running! Leaking out two huge blood caves, asking from the air from the air, the time and space confusing Mongtong is also broken soon!

"Walk!" The owner of the big hand called, peeled, bleil, and gray three people immediately retreat!

Jin Zun suddenly violently, attacking a void!

Qin Shou almost simultaneously attacking there, two people's attack hit together in the air, fried into a casual, shock wave swept!

Just then, the time and space was disabled, and the two people saw that the gray was in the shock wave.

Jin Zun angered: "What are you doing? You don't shoot, I can leave him!"

Qin Shou said: "What is it? You don't shoot, I can leave him too!"

"You ..." Jin Zun glanced greatly, stared at Qin Shou, and he could say nothing. Two people are almost at the same time, who is reasonable, no one can be unclear. Under the helplessness, Jin Zun can only give up the debate, go back to the world: "Big brother, they all run."

The world is slightly nodd, and it is very deeply glanced after Qin Shou. It is true that the Rivers and Taoists, it seems that it is true that the person who attacked us this year. The few people. The owner of the two big hands should be the person you have seen by the peeled, bone, busty, and soul of the soul. But I don't understand, peeling, bone, Yang Gray is here, where is the soul? "

, ,, . . ,..,.............................. But from the time point of the Star Emperor, it is only a soul of Qin Shou.

! But I didn't say anything, just watching quietly.

Qin Shou knows that some things must be concealed, and then he has not planned to conceal. .

Chapter 275 is forced?


So said: "Soul will hit me, but it is a pity, the rabbit, I am brave and invincible. Three boxes ran away. The guy is estimated to find a place to seriously, the world, still have questions? "

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