The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 920.

Tianshi, let the nest to find you trouble. Hey ... this is going to escape my palm! Haha ... "

In the laughter, the Shenfanta hurriedly left.

Qin Shou naturally didn't know these things. At this moment, he has come to Penglai Island.

Come to Penglai Island again, Qin Shou is quite emotional, and there is a feeling of people. I wanted to come here for the first time, I saw three sideware. I thought of the sound of the three ladies, and Qin Shouxin said: "Unfortunately, the beautiful people are still, otherwise it is also beautiful. Um ... Jinling is also good ... ... ..."

The Milley of the Jinling has always felt weird. It can be very small in Penglai Island. It can be the number, but she feels that this rabbit seems to be familiar with Penglai Island. It is not curious in the eyes. It is very smooth, it seems to know Which is like. .

Chapter 303 Feng Mang Bi Lu Tianshi Lord

Feng Mang Bi Lou Tianshi

In the end, Jin Ling did not hold back, asked: "Qin Daoyou, how have you been to Penglai Island?"

Qin Shou certainly could not admit it, hit Hao: "I want to come, I have been a long time, but unfortunately, I have no chance."

Jinlingox is suspicious to look at Qin Shou. Qin Shou knows that it can't be casual, and it is easy to expose something under the eyes of the saints. If he exposed his way, he can be ignorant!

Jin Ling took a few wrong roads, but he saw that Qin Shou was still smooth, but he did not feel like it was a little reduced. Wrapped around, Jinling finally took Qin Shou to the place where the Tongtian's Lord was. Looking up at the sky, Qin Shou knows that Tongtian's teacher should be on.

At this moment, one person came, it was a man with a desperate man, and the face is relaxed. This person wears a white robe, from the head to the foot, the magic will not see, as if it is not a monk.

"Master, are you coming to pick up Qin You?" Jin Ling saw a man, immediately opened.

Qin Shou listened, suddenly knew that the identity of this person was, it was famous for the future, but did not see people, unidentified multi-treasures!

The multi-treasure people won the smile: "Master, Master Let me take him, I just have to look at it, this will be a small hero who is jumping in the fairy border."

Qin Shou wondered, smiled; "I am afraid that you will be disappointed, my own people know that they are home, the hero is not enough, and the stick is still mixed."

At this time, Jin Ling smiled and smiled. Duobao people didn't laugh, but they had a thumb of Qin Shou; "Since ancient times, there is countless, it can see yourself, there are very few. No wonder the teacher See you, there is indeed the extraordinary. In the next time, I have seen Qin Daoyou. "

Qin Shou also gods, he just said his own heart, don't look at him in the fairy king, in fact, he is a stirring stick! A unfatiable stir stick, not being controlled by the parties. If you want to jump out, you don't want to be a saint. Qin Shou has not arrived yet, thinking that he has been completely free, not affected by anyone.

Qin Shou immediately went back to God: "Taoism is praised."

"Let's go, the master is waiting." Duobao people relaxed, not the guest, turn it.

Qin Shou immediately followed it, or the road that the past, or the process of continuous rise, but this time, Qin Shou is not alone.

Duobao Human: "The cloud outside is a heavy day, and the heavens and the earth are divided into six borders.

There are six days in the first world, Taihuang Huang Zeng Tian, ​​Taiming Yu every day, Qingming He Tongtian, Xuan Feta Ports, Yuan Ming Wen, Seven Wan Mo Tian.

The second world has an 18th day, and it is no more oil, Tai Chi Meng Tian, ​​Ningming and Yangtian, Mixing Zonghua Tian, ​​Yao Mingzong floating, , , Jingtian, Mixing, celebrates the sky, Tai Guan Yao Tian, ​​Yuan Yao holes, Tai'an Huayi Tian, ​​the elevation of the wind, the beginning Yellow fillet sky, Taishun Zhong Tian, ​​no thinking, no thought, Shangyu Lotte, no swearing.

There are four days in the third world, and the Ting is a day, and the Yuan Dongdong Tian, ​​the panorama of the day, and the show is banned.

The fourth world is the four-Brahman, there is no normal melting day, Yu Long Teng Shengtian, Dragon Tremere, Pinggui Tian Tian;

The fifth world is three Qing days, namely Yu Qingtian, Shang Qing Tian, ​​too Qing Tian;

The highest realm is the sixth world.

The bottom line of the world is actually the next four, including heaven, belongs to the next four. Three Qing Dynasties, it is the three-clear saints to open up, and live a day. Dato is currently no longer living. This brightener is actually not in the 36th day, but the sky. Here is a change in the wind and clouds of 36 days day and night, which is unparalleled. "

Qin Shounhen, I can't help but feel it, there is a tour guide! This is coming, long-term knowledge! Last time he came, I thought that the clouds were clouds ... I didn't expect to say so much ...

During the speech, the two people have come to the peak, in front, I saw one person in front of them, a black robe, the quaint atmosphere, but Qin Shou felt the deepest or the sweepstast! Today's Tongtian Teaching is the three clear saints, and the three clear saints are also a true brother in this era. Plus, between the heavens and the earth, only the female rushed, the three Qing Shengren became the protagonist between this world! Even if the twelve ancestors are slightly in their sharp!

Tongtian's Lord is the saints of the three clear saints.

At this moment, it is his sense of enthusiasm, a grand opening, and starting to create a trip! Without the failure of the God of God, there is no loss of the brothers of the brothers, not suppressed by a group of saints! Now the Tongtian's teacher is a sharp edge, blocking my death enemy blade!

Qin Shou Head feels: "I am afraid, this is the strongest period of Tongtian! Even the future of the Tongtian, the same is the saints, but there is less sharpness, and if you have a difference."

"Master, Qin Daoyou is." Duobao Human Dao.

Tongtian's teacher nodded slightly, the body did not move, there was no movement under the feet, the whole world moved! Qin Shou shockedly saw that his world was slowly rotating, turned him to the top of Tongtian's main! That feeling, it seems that all things in the world are in the heart of Tongtian's teacher!

Tiandi Center, Tongtian's ambition is commence!

Qin Shou looked at the Tongtian Lord in front of him. He suddenly understood that the Tongtian teacher saw his purpose!

The multi-treasure people see that the two will talk, and immediately report it. For a time, there is only one of Qin Shou separately face the heaviest man between this world!

Tongtian's teacher looked at Qin Shoudao: "Are you not afraid of me?"

Qin Shou smiled: "The saints are odd, I am afraid, will I still affect the result? If the teacher wants to kill me, a thought."

Until this moment, Qin Shoucai understood that they were the dangerous danger of helping him to block a few saints attacks. Although, there were Fang Ya and female, but several people stand up, still just face death! Although the body is invincible, it can even block the holy one, but it is a hit ... If there is no change in the future, their results must die! .

Chapter 304 Can't fall

Can't fall

Qin Shou took a breath, he knew that he had to do something anyway! The Tongtian Lord in front of him, the jade, Qin Shou, must be obtained! Thinking of this, Qin Shou consciously glanced at the heart of the world, the result, let Qin Shouli is, there is no jade!

Tongtian teaches: "What are you looking for?"

Qin Shoudao: "Nothing, just see the saints in the first time, some curiosity." Qin Shou received a care of the mind, did not want to think about it, even if he had unknown power, all kinds of causal corrections, let a living can't count Everything, but the saints are the saints, no one can guarantee that there is no way to calculate the idea of ​​Qin Shou.

Tongtian's tartarn: "You are the first to see me, and not afraid of me. Even if it is the treasure of the year, it is also a battle. Even if it is now, it is just a little better."

Qin Shoudao: "Thank you for your praise."

Tongtian teacher continues to say: "Qin Ge, you know why I call you here?"

It is also called Qin Shou's name, but Qin Shou did not have courage to go, it is estimated that it should be taken away ... this is also the bottom of Tongtian's leader! He is normal, who dares to think, go to it?

Qin Shou generous sitting opposite the Tongtian teacher, shaking his head: "Don't know."

Tongtian teaches the main road: "Your body, there are many people's shadow, I can't see you. But I know your ancestors."

Qin Shou is trembled, said: "Do you know my ancestors?"

Tongtian teaches the main road: "Yes, your ancestors are called Qin Wei, the name of the person is like you, and the same bastard. No, he is more born more than you ... If not ... forget it, I don't want to do more Say."

Qin Shou immediately asked: "The master, you don't want to say, but I want to listen! I have been suspected that I am from the stone, my old man is a meal, and who is he dead?"

Tongtian teaches the main smirk: "Your old man is a gating, I also want to know. He didn't die, I didn't know, but ... that scourge should be not so easy to die, just for so many years, we have not found his shadow. ? If you, this coffin is not a million product, it is put it inside.

? "

Tongtian's teacher suddenly opened the topic.

Qin Shoudao: "I also want to know what it is, but I can't open it. Do you want to teach the owner?"

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