The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit. 921

Tongtian teaches the main point, brought it, let me see.

Qin Shou directly took the eternal talents and handed over. This coffin is always his heart, unknown, will always be unhappy! Nowadays, a saint will help him solve this problem, Qin Shou is naturally a hundred and twenty fun. As for the matter about Qin Wei, Tongtian's teacher does not want to say, Qin Shou has no way, it is better to ask.

In addition, Qin Shou is also uncertain, the Qin Dao is not himself ... What do you? However, if Qin Wei is also him, where is he? Is it true from the stone?

Tongtian teacher took the eternal Tianyi. As a result, there was a bloody texture on the coffin. The texture became more and more red, and there was a touch of color in the eyes of the Tongtian, and he dare! "

Tongtian teacher's brunette, the horrible momentum is almost dying! It is good to respond quickly in Tongtian, first step to protect Qin Shou.

And the eternal seems to have been stimulated by the average,

The loud noise, Qin Shou did not see clearly, directly by the coffin plate! When he climbed up from the coffin board, he was shocked, he was hit by Penglai Island!

At this time, the Penglai Island was completely covered with a black light ball with a blood red silk, what happened, Qin Shou couldn't see it! But the spectacular scene, still scared Qin Shou! I have always known that the things in this coffin are extremely horrible, and I didn't expect it to be so horrible! Even the old Chao Bi Tour Palace, dare to surround it! Does this guy have to rebel?

Not only Qin Shou, not far from the Millennium Millennium, Duobao people are also a shocking station in the air, how much is some wolf.

At his glance, the Jinling Virgin saw Qin Shou, called: "What is the rabbit?"

Qin Shou smiled: "You ask me, who I will ask?"

"Taoist friends behind you?" Duobao people asked.

Qin Shou swayed the coffin to the two, said: "The coffin is still in the hands of the main, I have such a quick cover now."

Jinling Virgin; "What is your own coffin, you don't know?"

Qin Shou looked around: "What is my own coffin? I have to lying inside, I will definitely tell you what is there. The coffin has been got from me. Now, I have never opened it. This time is For the first time, unfortunately, I didn't see it inside. "

Duobao Human: "Perhaps, the teacher saw, let's wait."

The Dark Manta nodded slightly. The two people were not worried about the danger of Tongtian, the saint did not die, with the world, died in this kind of thing, for the saints, there is no meaning.

Qin Shou is not anxious, it is waiting outside ...

Time passed, in the ninth day, Penglai Island finally changed, black light began to shrink, getting smaller and smaller, the last Almost at the same time, the coffin cover in Qin Shou's hand flew to the black spot.

Qin Shou saw this, smirk a little; "Your uncle, you still have a soul of the soul, the saint can't pack you?"

The voice falls, and the eternal is falling from the sky, and a slap in the head of Qinshou. Qin Shou hugged his head! You must know that in Qin Shou's flesh strength, hurting this word, basically can't be used. Knot

If you have a painful Qin Shou, you have to cry!

Qin Shou looked at the ancestor to see the eternal Tiantian: "You will force! I will be angry, I will revenge, I don't believe, I am not waiting, don't you have?"

As a result, the coffin is rumored, and the two straps are also very humanized, and they are hung in Qin Shou's body! .

Chapter 305's favor

Saints favor

Qin Shou: "....."

Qin Shou was found, he was laid by this coffin, and the kind of can't get lost! Under the helplessness, smirk a little: "I am afraid of you ..."

In the distance, the Taoist Taoist Taoist people saw this. After the wrong, it was smile, they didn't know what this coffin is, but this coffin is definitely a powerful thing! Even, it may be comparable to the saints! Can be favored by the saints is undoubtedly a good thing! However, the coffin is the coffin, ominous things, they are not sure, this coffin will finally bring anything to Qin Shou.

Just then, the voice of Tongtian's label was coming; "Rabbit, you come over."

Qin Shou smiled, flew past, sat again in front of Tongtian's master, bitter: "The Lord, what is this in this coffee?"

Tongtian teaches Qin Shouyi, like laughing: "You want

know? "

Qin Shou took the lead: "Just tell me know that I am cheap, the mix will be, I want to know!"

Tongtian teaches the main road: "To tell the truth, I didn't see clear."

Qin Shou: "@ # ¥ # @% & ..." on the brain is all black lines, Tongtian's teacher kill Qin Shou, do not believe! His three-clear saints will not see? If he can't see, who else can you see this day? Do you have to go to Hong Yuguan?

Qin Shou glanced over the eyes of the Tongtian, Tongtian's teacher, I was lying, just didn't tell you the expression. I didn't touch my temper, I looked up at the heavens: "The teacher, you know, they all say that my face is thick. Today I finally saw it than my face is still thick! Gan worship the wind!"


Tongtian's teacher, there is a stick in his hand, knocked directly on Qin Shou's head, and the painful Qin Shouzhao grinned, and it is not good.

Tongtian teaches the main road: "If you don't look at the face of the things in the coffin, add your guys, if you are useful to me, I

Just sword, you are not using the stick! "

Qin Shou smiled: "This is not to complain. Do you want to be so dark ... Hey, don't do it, let's continue the topic."

Tongtian's teacher saw Qin Shou honestly, this way: "What do you think about today's world?"

Qin Shou slam, pointed to his nose, and I asked very much: "The teacher, you ask me? I know! I just eat a rabbit, sleep, I am concerned about the world. Big things! "


"Hey ... can you talk well, don't you move?" Qin Shou complained with his head.

Tongtian teaches the main road: "You can always answer my question, you can. Don't give me a story, I want to listen to your true thoughts ..."

Qin Shou has a smile: "Can you say it?"

Although Qin Shou is a shadow of the Emperor, the book of the lie, but when the saints are lie, the possibility of being detached is too big. Qin Shou also had to quantify the amount, this matter he really don't want to say, because he looks too much! This is not necessarily a good thing!

Tongtian teaches the main road: "Can't, but you said, I can help you some busy."

Qin Shou's eyes suddenly lit, there is a good thing and nothing is not a concept! Small busy, but not a small busy! If you let the Tongtian's teacher go to the Western two parstors, it is estimated that it is just a light! If it kills them?

When Qin Shou's heart suddenly became active, the results of the Tongtian teacher see what I saw, adding a way: "I just busy, I will not help you go to kill. Otherwise, let me kill the emperor, the emperor is too big. Flow, don't say that you can't do this, even if you do it, you will not succeed. "

Qin Shou's heart trembled, even the Tongtian's teacher bluntly, he killed two demon emperors, what did this explain? There are two kinds of demon guys, there is a powerful power! Who would it? Do you have a woman? Although the woman is amazing, can I have a three-clear saint?

Then there is only one answer, Hong Yucao! Hong Yucao is another name, it is the way! What is the sky, avenue, and a small road, you can't leave a way! After the old ancestors, he is a way! It is him! It is a set of some rules between heaven and earth and the maintainer.

! If he said who can't die, then you can't die, no one dares to move him!

Tongtian teacher explained: "They are now in the sky, the air is invincible, I can't violate the will of the world to kill them. So I can only help you."

Qin Shou thought later: "These two people are not bad about me, I will definitely not deal with them. If you kill other people, do you?"

Tongtian teacher shook his head: "I will not help you kill."

Qin Shou turned into a white eye: "Ok ... You don't help me kill people, then I want you to day, this day, just standing behind me, don't need you, how?"

Tongtian's teacher immediately understood the meaning of Qin Shou, haha, smiled: "Your rabbit will be drilling the empty, you can! But what you said, you have to be interested!"

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