The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 950.


When Qin Shou said this, it was already done, and it was prepared in the evening. However, he is a dead pig, not afraid of boiling water, no thick face, but also bubble a fart!

If you think about Qin Shou, half of it, suddenly laughed: "I understand that it is no wonder that the dragon people will find the door, say that I have been to Jiu Xuan Mountain. It seems that I am really going. After that, the body is the body is the middle of the sister. Well, huh ... I didn't expect that for so many years, my sister actually found the other half ... huh ... "

Qin Shou Dark is a thumbs up, this hoe is on the road! However, my goal is not your sister, but you! Forget it, this is a curve to save the country ...

Qin Shou also did not admit that it did not explain, and it will be naturally!

With the rendering of this layer, Qin Shou once again increased the status and trust in the heart.

: "My sister is not so chased, how did you catch it?"

Qin Shouton stunned, this ... how to catch up? Qin Shou is good

It is better to edit the story, but I can't make it out for a while. "That, I said that your sister will kill me. So you know ... , I have negotiated your sister, you are now The situation is not safe. The dragon is willing not to give up, for the seven treasure dragon balls, they will definitely find the door. Moreover, there are other dangers, so ... we decided to move! "

"Moving?" Hey, how can I wake up?

Qin Shoudao: "Yes, you think, since the dragon is for you, can you save your strength? Of course, Kaoyong can help you, but they are not living in the Spring of the Moon, you There is difficult, they can't do anything else, and they can't do it. So, for your safety, go there is the best. "

: "But ..."

"I know, you are worried that I don't worry about you, this point you don't have to worry, your sister is too much, you can give me a guarantee after you have turned around. Yes, this is the big piece of the big piece, no longer The demon emperor is a little character? There is also ancestral, female scent, and then the mysteria, you can give me a guarantee, in short, you follow me.

Go, absolutely safe! "Qin Shouci is like the guarantee of guns, he doesn't matter if these people are really willing to give him a guarantee, anyway, the sky is big, first put !

I listened to Qin Shou's series of words, I was crying: "I don't doubt your character, and then the big brother's feathers are not to give, my sister will not see the wrong person. I just think, suddenly left It is very uncomfortable here. Better look, here is the Moon Spring, I am here, I am used to ... "

Qin Shoudao: "This is not a problem, I will dig out the entire Silver Bo Lake, anti-walking. When you choose, you said where to live, what?"

, then smirk: "It seems that everything you have help me think, I said more, but more. Why are you so good?"

Qin Shou immediately made a good leg, and he looked very serious, and then he said to the middle of the dream, the words of the dream said.

He listened, smashed his head, frowning: "But I have never dreamed this dream ..."

Qin Shoudao: "I will not be clear here."

"Well, you answer me a few questions, if you answer, I believe you!"

Qin Shouton came to the spirit! There are not a few people under this day, more people know more than him, go up to three, what is the color of underwear, he is a clear! Although I have never seen it, it is that he Qin Shou! Qin Shoudao: "Ask, just, I also want to know if it is true in my dream ..."

Hey, he glanced, Qin Shou immediately said: "There is a house below, let us go to talk. At the time, I will reort it, and I can't hear anything."

, she asked, although it is not a shame, but it is the secret of her daughter's home, so she doesn't want others to know.

So, he followed Qin Shou to go to the mountain, and the tribe of the father was on the mountainside. Although the five majors were rough, the house was unique, full of rough beauty, not dirty. Qin Shou directly selected a largest house, pushed the door and went in, then arranged for ban, two people re-sit down, face to face.

At this moment, Chengdu contains Tianshan, a large group of people call a sound

All climbed up, then a thief's eye of the eye of the eye, looking down at the mountain.

Inside the house, you have a mouth and just want to open.

Qin Shou immediately expressed the ban! Then move on the side of the house, slammed the door!


More than a dozen people came in from the door, and there were too many people, and they directly card at the door ... I don't know which mix is ​​in the door ...



The door frame is broken, and the dust is four ...

Qin Shou looked at a group of blinking in the ground, I was so embarrassed the big eyes, and I regretted. He just fell a sound insulation ban. Today, this seems to be a warning, the ban on defense !

Just then, a cold snorted: "You have run over, you have to face it. Do you want to face me!"

During the speech, the fun came, and the people who opened the door left out! Then a face of Qinshi Road: "Rabbit, you can rest assured,

I look at you this door to ensure that one is not, absolutely safe! "

Qin Shou nodded, one waved, creating a door to block the door, then arranged in the inside, the realm ban, the defense ban, this only patted the hand: "This should be no problem, these turtles, the rabbit master I am just a test of identity, how to make troubles ... "

When you come out, you will be red, and you have a good look at Qin Shou. "Can you start?".

Chapter 348, Exam

Qin Shoudao: "Of course ... these bastards, there is still endless ?!"

The words have not yet fallen, the realm is crazy, and it is the gate, the window, the roof of the room, came in the same time! Qin Shou waved, opened the door, the window, opened the roof! The result is all people! A pair of eyes, full of bodies!

The karafather at the door is even more than a butt, steals!

After being discovered, this guy old face is red, clear the voice, roaring; "What are you doing? Can't come down! Everything is!

"Roll out!" Qin Shou was in the past, and he went away along with Khan Father.

Qin Shou simply did not in the room, just sit in the square, then arranged a variety of prohibitions, let them see, can't hear it, but Qin Shou can see them! Plus a group of branches, Qin Shou and finally got a little private space.

Qin Shou looked at the guys who did not change it around, and the good luck and funny said: "These guys are three thousand three thousand three, how to have a middle-aged woman, so in the gossip."

: "Kaifu family, in addition to some inherent secrets, there is no secret between each other. It is because there is no secret, so they are very curious about secrets ..."

Qin Shoudao: "Curious can not be obsessed, these guys, what qualities. Say, , can you follow them a neighbor, this is also curious, you are also curious, you said that you will also take a shower, they will not also Curious. "

The pretty face is red, and I'm angry: "Don't say, they don't have you said so bad. Ok, we are still right, I ask you, don't play slides!"

Qin Shou Chickens nodded: "It's absolutely not to play! I am so honest and brave people, how can I play a slider, and I'm really true."

"That's good, I ask you, what I usually love?" I asked in a smile, this is a very simple question, but also

Only those who are familiar with her!

Qin Shou smiled: "If you are not familiar with you, you will definitely say what the cinnamon cake, but I know, you like to eat meat!"

: "You ... how do you know?"

Qin Shou haha ​​smiled: "I said, I live in my dreams for many years. Of course, if you admire you! You don't like to eat meat, you still like to bring your meat, it is best Grilled, taste! Of course, although you like to eat meat, it is a taste. More times, like to eat green vegetables, you only like to eat leaves. "

If you were shocked, it was sitting in the ground, and I looked at Qin Shou, and I was incredible: "How do you know?"

Qin Shudao: "No matter what you believe, anyway ... you know."

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