The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 951

: "It is definitely a sister tells you, this is not counted! Swub next, um ... I like a color dress?"

Qin Shou smiled: "Don't know yours must say white because you always wear white clothes. But actually, you like black, because you think black can be safe. The most important thing is, that color Let you think you will be more than usual ... "

Hey again, Qin Shou not only knows her favorite color, but also know the reason she likes! At this moment, she finally doubt that Qin Shou was really a year to live in the dream.

: "Ok, you will answer you. And ask you a question, what is my hobby."

"Your hobby is to eat your own pastries, reading books, what books are good! But your favorite, or a book called" Hongshan Heroes ", right, this book is already in someone Sold, your favorite person's biography ... "Qin Shou immediately replied.

: "How do you know this ..."

Qin Shoudao: "I said, I really really live for a long time!"

: "No, these my sister, after they should know. I have to ask you, they don't know! But you don't say to others! Otherwise ... Hey, I let my sister You hang up, scratch your feet every day! "

Perhaps two people chatted a few secrets, and perhaps Qin Shouzhen is really harmless, or because that ticket guarantee, let

Trust him. At this moment, I finally revealed that the spirit of the elf, with a bit of the necrotic nephew, and the Qin Shou, who saw it, looked at Qin Shou.

Qin Shou mouth has said: "Reassured, there is absolutely not to say anyone!"

I nodded and then started to ask ...

At this moment, there is a big bunch of people waiting outside, sitting in the distance.

"The family is long, they say it? This is a ban, you can't hear it, you can itch."

"Just, long, you said that the rabbit really know the secret of the fairy? I think he is lie in the fairy."

"The fairy is so good, if it is cheated, I must go to the rabbit!"

"Pull, do you play?"

The opponent is tangled: "But it! But he hits me, he should also hurt, then I am playing him?"

When Zhan Feng suddenly felt a black line on his head, how did these people have a brain?

"Okay, your stupid, the secret of people, what are you curious

? Get up, what should I do? By the way, the keel of eating last night gave me back, and those things can still refine some good magic weapons. "."

Everyone listened, I can refine the magic weapon, and I ran a little smoking. Although the witch is not in the measures, they always believe that their flesh is the most powerful magic weapon. However, the top of the witch understands that the Witch generation is not as good as the generation. If you don't give you a wife in the future, the Witch's future is worrying. So they generally get some good magic treasures back, and use it later.

Just when everyone was busy, Qin Shou finally withdrew the ban. .

Chapter 349, lady, wife, sister

Niangzi, wife, sister

Then Qin Shou got out of the beautiful face, followed by a pretty face red, and asked it while walking: "Sad bunny, how do you know so much?"

Qin Shou is a look: "That is a must! I said, I am in my dream, you are your husband, you have a three-point place in that acre, I have been cooked in the heart!"


Qin Shou's head was knocked on, this car was blinking, and smirked. Yes, just asked a lot of questions! As a result, Qin Shou is in a stream, even if it feels like a flow!

He is very clear, she has the shelter of the saints, even if she is a saint, she can only calculate some probably, it is absolutely impossible to be so clear! So, the more you think, the more confused, seeing Qin Shou's eyes is also more complicated.

Qin Shou spanning, the heart is also smiling, if he can really want to make this lie to deceive. But the problem is, if you don't say this, he can't find a reason for the rumor. I want to persuade the ozza in a short time, it is impossible!

Anyway, the purpose of the destination in front of me is reached. His heart is also loose

A lot of ...

When I saw Qin Shou and I came out, I quickly ran over and asked how.

Qin Shou dry cough and said: "Now give you a formal introduction, this is my lady, !"

"Who is your maiden? Don't be confused!" immediately reverted.

The opposite southern, the words of Qin Shou, in the original place, there is no reaction in half a day, when the reaction is coming, it is given to the words, watching these two people, he is a bit, I don't know who is telling the truth. . However, Kufather is still a smart choice letter, smiled: "Rabbit, you still have to look. Who doesn't know how to fairy has been single, how can I have a lot of husbands."

Qin Shou two eyes closed: "I am talking about the future, can't you?"

"Future ... Haha ... Your rabbit is crazy, if the fairy will marry you, I will eat Chengdu to the Tianshan! What kind of person is the product, what kind of person is, the two are not comparable!" The father laughed.

Qin Shou dry cough and said: "Oh, the sun, the sun ..."

"Although you are not very good, it is not bad, I believe that you will have a success. That, you can't go first, I will go." Khan Father said, hurry, levely Bunny halfway knocking bamboo bar.

Look at the back of the father, and smiled at the little mouth; "Your rabbit

The child is too too much, and there is actually to bull it into this. ""

"Hey is bullied, he is called no eye, will not speak! Let's return, the lady, let's go home?" Qin Shou took the way and laughed.

"Not allowed to be called!"

Qin Shou stalls said: "There is no way, so many years, habits, sometimes I said it will be said. You let me change, I will change it in a time."

"Change but also have to change!" He didn't believe in Qin Shou!

Qin Shou Road; "I haven't discussed it?"

"I haven't discussed it!" He is very affirmative.

Qin Shoudao: "Well ... that, wife, go back when you are?"

"Wife? What is this called?" .

Qin Shou is a transcript: "In my hometown, the beauty is called my wife. Don't you want to listen to your wife, want me to call your beauty?"

Qin Shou understood the woman in this era, modest and not Zhang Yang, was called the beauty, and it will definitely be refused, because this is too kind. It does not meet the cultural atmosphere of this era.

However, Qin Shou still looked at the intelligence of , and smiled.

Qin Shoudao: "Although I don't know if you are saying, I think you are definitely inexpensive. So, you still call me beauty ... Although not very good, who makes me the first beauty of the world? , Giggling ... "said that it is more than a cute shape.

When Qin Shouton was sprouted, he swearing, in the future, he did not give him this shape. More is a naughty little lady in mature, while you are a little naughty elf's feelings! The same person, two tastes of different periods, Qin Shouton feels that I am going to die, ...

However, Qin Shou has ever seen the big wind and waves, and the beauty has seen countless, and it is still so long. Although it is sprouted, the small calculator is also broken, but Qin Shou is, as long as the kung ferrite The mentality, the performance is unpatched, a slap of the gentleman, said: "Well, then I will call you in the beautiful woman."

The mouth is slightly shaking, and the road: "For one, this is too difficult to listen."

" ?" Qin Shou tried to ask.

, just: "I am bigger than you, how do you call me my sister?"

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